# epfl-ldap
Simple wrapper to query the EPFL LDAP.
/* * Public */var publicLdapContext = ; publicLdapContextusers; /* * Full */var fullLdapContext = ;fullLdapContextoptionsmodelsMapper = fullLdapContextviewModelsMappersfull; fullLdapContextusers; /* * Custom */var customLdapContext = ;var customModelsMapper = customLdapContextviewModelsMapperscustom;customModelsMapperuserSchema = displayName: key: 'displayName' emails: key: 'emails' ;customLdapContextoptionsmodelsMapper = customModelsMapper; customLdapContextusers; /* * Custom Options */var publicLdapContext = searchBase:'ou=si-idev,ou=si,o=epfl,c=ch' poolSize: 4 ;publicLdapContextusers;
⚠ Carefull with the results formats (Object or Array)
⚠ this library "try" to use ES2015 (or ES6) capabilities, don't use it with nodejs under 5.x?