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3.1.2 • Public • Published


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esbuild-jest-cli is a CLI tool to bundle Jest tests with esbuild for faster or lighter test execution, e.g.:

esbuild-jest -c jest-custom.config.js --maxWorkers=2

# ls .bundle/**
# .bundle/chunk-ZEPWVVN4.js
# .bundle/tests/first.test.js
# .bundle/tests/second.test.js

It can handle various Jest configurations and supports external modules.

  • Supported Jest versions: 27.x – 29.x
  • Supported Node.js versions: 14.x and higher

Table of Contents


To install the CLI, run:

npm install --save-dev esbuild-jest-cli

or with yarn:

yarn add --dev esbuild-jest-cli


Before you bundle your tests, make sure you can run them in Jest and that they pass.

To configure the CLI, create a config file in your project root directory. The possible file names are:

  • .esbuild-jestrc
  • .esbuild-jestrc.js
  • .esbuild-jestrc.json,

and any other filenames that follow cosmiconfig convention.

Once the config is ready, run:

npx esbuild-jest [...optional-jest-arguments]

You can pass any Jest arguments just like you're running Jest itself.

Advanced Usage

You can also use the CLI programmatically – especially useful if you are wrapping it in a custom script:

import { build } from 'esbuild-jest-cli';
import myPlugin from './my-esbuild-plugin.js';

await build({
  esbuild: {
    outdir: 'dist',
    sourcemap: true,
    plugins: [myPlugin()],
  package: {
    name: 'custom-name',


The configuration file consists of two sections: esbuild and package, e.g.:

  "esbuild": {
    "sourcemap": true,
    "platform": "node",
    "outdir": ".bundle",
    "external": ["chalk"]
  "package": {
    "name": "custom-name"

In the esbuild section, you can override any esbuild option except for a few that are critical for this project to work:

  • bundle: true – the goal of this project is to bundle so no surprise;
  • splitting: true – helps to avoid state bugs in modules;
  • metafile: true – helps to generate jest.config.json automatically;
  • outbase – current working directory is used;
  • banner – needed to inject a shim allowing the use of require() with ESM.

Any other valid esbuild configuration options are supported as expected.

In package section, you can override fields in the generated package.json, such as name, scripts, etc. It is also possible to pass a function to modify its contents, e.g.:

module.exports = {
  esbuild: {
    // ...
  package: (p) => ({
    customField: 'customValue',


This project is currently more of a proof-of-concept, and as such, there might be various issues.

Please note that the maintainer's time is limited, but feel free to report any problems you encounter via the issue tracker.


© 2023, Wix Incubator. Licensed under MIT License.




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  • yaroslavs