Sharable eslint packages and plugins for the Gametek client platform. This gives linting support for browser, node and test environments. Also some specialized packages like react, prettier etc...
For the legacy platform please use eslint-config-gfp.
How to use
Install package:
npm install -D eslint eslint-config-gametek
Add lint script in package.json
"scripts": { "lint": "eslint *.js" },
in the root of the project. -
Choose package to use
General linting rules
Common rules extends "airbnb-base/legacy" and sets environment es6
to true.
To use common rules:
"extends": "gametek"
"extends": "gametek/configs/common"
To use browser rules:
"extends": "gametek/configs/browser"
To use node JS rules:
"extends": "gametek/configs/node"
To use compat rules (lint the browser compatibility of your code):
"extends": "gametek/plugins/compat"
To use prettier rules (disables conflicting rules):
"extends": "gametek/plugins/prettier"
To use prettier-react rules (disables conflicting rules):
"extends": "gametek/plugins/prettier-react"
We use semantic versioning. That means that if you introduce a change that will break current API (the eslint rules fails) it is a MAJOR change.
If you introduce a change that only "warn"
about a new rule it is considered a MINOR change.