Load arbitrary ESLint rules from any number of directories, and use them under the lint/
$ npm install eslint-plugin-lint --save-dev
Consider a project with an .eslintrc.js
at the root, and two directories with rules files:
├── .eslintrc.js
├─┬ my-rules
│ ├── no-foo.js
│ └── no-bar.js
└─┬ their-rules
├── no-baz.js
└── no-qux.js
To make them available to ESLint, in the .eslintrc.js
const path = ; // (1) Require "eslint-plugin-lint", then call `load` with the// rules directories.; moduleexports plugins: 'lint' // (2) Add the "eslint-plugin-lint" package as a plugin. rules: 'lint/no-foo': 1 // (3) Declare the rules options with the "lint/" 'lint/no-bar': 1 // prefix, plus the rule file name without ".js". 'lint/no-baz': 1 'lint/no-qux': 1 ;
Now the rules are available like any other as lint/no-foo
, lint/no-ba
, and so on.