ESLint rule to force file names format. Create common rules for file names by folder name or regex pattern.
npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-validate-filename
"plugins": ["validate-filename"]
Create a rule in the name of ESLint. You can set multiple rules
"rules": {
"validate-filename/naming-rules": [
rules: [
case: 'pascal', // camel or pascal or snake or kebab or flat
target: "**/components/**", // target "components" folder
excludes: ['hooks'], // "hooks" folder is excluded.
case: 'camel',
target: "**/hooks/**", // target "hooks" folder
patterns: '^use', // file names begin with "use".
Only certain extensions are allowed. target
is a regular expression that identifies the folder. extensions
you want to allow for extensions.
"rules": {
"validate-filename/limit-extensions": [
rules: [
target: "**/hooks/**",
extensions: ['.ts', '.tsx'], // This cannot be created except for .ts or .tsx under the hooks folder.
See Next.js naming conventions are checked with ESLint rules article.