espoir {create, new}
- If the current working directory is relative to a espoir monorepo, create a new package inside it.
Some templates are available when you create a package. They are maintained by espoir-cli
- If the current working directory is NOT relative to a espoir monorepo, then create a new monorepo.
espoir {install, i, ins}
Add new dependency (dependencies) to the given (or all) package, or install the defined dependencies.
optional module-names
Names of dependencies, split by spaces.
It's useful to limit the version of a dependency by typing it in the shape of module_name@version_range
If this argument is not given, the command will be regarded as installing the defined dependencies in package.json
{--save, -S} (default: Add the dependencies as dependencies
When module-names
is given, --save
flag is default to be true
If the root package is included, --save
flag will lead to an error. Remember that we use the root package only to do something in the development environment, the root package should have no effects on the product. So dependencies
in the root package is not allowed. Please use --save-dev
to add the dependencies as devDependencies
, or just exclude the root package.
{--save-dev, -D} (default: Add the dependencies as devDependencies
When module-names
is given, --save-dev
flag is default to be false
--production (default: When module-names
is not given, in other word, installing the defined dependencies, enable --production
flag to do installation in production mode. This flag is default to be false
{--workspace, -w} <workspace...>
Set the package(s) in which to install the dependencies. Default to be all the packages (including the root package).
espoir install
Install all defined dependencies in all the packages (including the root package).
espoir install --production
Install all defined dependencies, exclusive of devDependencies
, in all the packages (including the root package).
espoir install -w root foo
Install all defined dependencies in package foo
and the root package.
espoir i react react-dom -w foo
Install dependencies react
, react-dom
in package foo
and append them to the dependencies
of foo
espoir i --save-dev @types/react @types/react-dom -w root foo
Install dependencies @types/react
, @types/react-dom
in both package foo
and the root package, and append them to the devDependencies
of the two packages.
espoir install -h
Show help info.
espoir {run-script, run, r}
Execute a defined script.
For each package, executable scripts includes
defined inpackage.json
. -
JS file in the
directory. -
JS file in the
optional command
Name of the script.
It's useful to call a script in one package like package_name.script_name
When package_name
is not given, it will use the directory of the closest package.json
as the current working directory.
optional args
Arguments for the script.
--list (default: When command
is not given, activate --list
flag to get all available scripts.
espoir run-scripts
Execute script build
defined in package.json
in package foo
espoir run-scripts --list
Show all available scripts.
(/packages/foo/src/utils/) espoir run dev
Execute script dev
defined in package.json
in package foo
(/packages/) espoir run bootstrap
Execute script bootstrap
defined in package.json
in the root package.
espoir run -h
Show help info.
espoir {contribute, contr, cont, c, commit}
Commit the changes.
espoir contribute
Start commit interaction.
It contains these steps:
Check git state. If some changes are not staged yet, it will send warnings, and allow you to 1) include automatically 2) retry after operation 3) abort this commit task 4) ignore the warnings and continue to commit。
Requires for several questions to generate the changelog and the commit message.
Do git commit.
Do git push if necessary.
espoir contribute -h
Show help info.
espoir {uninstall, uni, u, del, remove}
Remove dependencies from the package(s).
If one dependency does not actually exist, it will be skipped.
While uninstalling, modules which is not depended on (by other packages or modules) any more will be cleaned.
If one dependency depended on by other packages or modules is to be uninstalled from one package, it will be removed only from the configuration of the package, but not physically removed.
Names of the modules that is to uninstalled.
--here (default: Set the package from which should the dependencies be removed to the current working package.
Use --here
flag only when you're sure about your current working directory, and do not use --workspace
at the same time.
{--workspace, -w} <...workspace>
Set the packages from which should the dependencies be removed.
Unable to use when --here
flag is enabled. Otherwise, this option is necessary.
espoir uninstall axios jquery -w foo
Uninstall dependencies axios
and jquery
from package foo
(/packages/foo/src/utils/) espoir del axios --here
Uninstall dependency axios
from package foo
espoir uni -h
Show help info.
espoir {use-static, use, static, export}
Mark the local package(s) as exportable, to be installed and imported from other packages.
Names of the packages you want to export.
espoir use-static foo
Mark package foo
as exportable.
espoir use-static -h
Show help info.
espoir update
Update espoir-cli
in npm global directory.
espoir update
Execute npm install -g espoir-cli@latest