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0.4.1 • Public • Published


A more precise ESTree type with support for generic annotations.

Relationship between estree and estree-sentry

ESTree and its typescript type definition @types/estree are great but many valid estree.Program are nonsensical, which limits the benefits TypeScript's type system provides. The presence of nonsensical nodes in ESTree is intentional and due to its contextless philosophy. For instance, the key of a non-computed member expression can be an arbitrary expression but only an identifier or a private identifier would be sensible. This forces consumers to bypass the type system with ugly type assertions such as the as Identifier | PrivateIdentifier below:

import { MemberExpression, Identifier, PrivateIdentifier } from "estree";
export const getNonComputedKey = (node: MemberExpression): string | null =>
  node.computed ? null : ( as Identifier | PrivateIdentifier).name;

ESTreeSentry is almost a subset of ESTree that removes many nonsensical nodes at the price of abandoning its contextless philosophy and adding more type definitions. This makes nodes easier to consume but harder to produce.

import { MemberExpression } from "estree-sentry";
export const getNonComputedKey = (node: MemberExpression<{}>): string | null =>
  node.computed ? null :;

Additionally, ESTreeSentry offers two features that leverage the TypeScript type system further:

  • Nodes are recursively parameterized by annotations. This makes it possible to enforce type constraints on annotations such as code location. For instance, the JSON below is a valid Expression<{foo:123}>:
      "type": "UnaryExpression",
      "operator": "!",
      "prefix": true,
      "argument": {
        "type": "Identifier",
        "name": "x",
        "foo": 123
      "foo": 123
  • Arbitrary strings are branded to make types more explicit and prevent mix-ups. For instance, VariableName brands the name of identifiers when used in an expression context and LabelName brands the name of identifiers when used in a label context.

Removed Nonsensical Nodes

  • Module declarations cannot appear in script programs.
  • Optional expressions cannot appear outside chain expressions.
  • Rest elements cannot appear outside object patterns, array patterns, or function parameters.
  • In module declarations, the source literal and the specifier literals are always strings.
  • In expression arrows, the body is an expression. And in block arrows, the body is a block.
  • In update expressions, the argument can only be an identifier or a member expression.
  • In Assignment expressions with compound operator (eg: +=), the left-hand side can only be an identifier, a member expression, or a call expression.
  • In non-computed member expressions, the key can only be an identifier or a private identifier.
  • In non-computed object properties, the key can only be an identifier or a literal.
  • In non-computed class definitions, the key can only be an identifier, a private identifier, or a literal.
  • In class constructor definitions, the key is always constructor and the function value does not have an id, cannot be a generator, and cannot be asynchronous.
  • In object method properties and class method definition, the value can only be a function expression without id.
  • In object accessor properties and class accessor definitions, the value:
    • con only be function expression (only relevant for object properties)
    • has the correct arity (0 for getters and 1 for setters).
    • does not have in id
    • cannot be a generator
    • cannot be asynchronous

Additional Nodes

  • In binary expressions with in operator, the left operand can be a private identifier.
  • In assignment expressions, the left-hand side can be a call expression. Yes, this is valid JavaScript. I'm not aware of any functions that will make this not through a ReferenceError though.



  • Node Complete list of node types
  • KindRecord Grouping of node types as they appear in Node properties.
  • guardProgram Return a deep copy of the given node if it is a valid ESTreeSentry program. Throws a EstreeSentrySyntaxError otherwise.
  • annotateProgram Return a deep copy of the given node with annotations if it is a valid ESTreeSentry program. Throws a EstreeSentrySyntaxError otherwise.
  • EstreeSentrySyntaxError Class of errors thrown by guard functions. It has a cause property if the message property does not provide enough information.
  • listChildren Returns the children of the given node in a new array.
  • ROOT_PATH The default root path: "$".
  • splitPath Split a path into segments who each represents a property name.
  • walkPath Walk a split path from a root node to a target node.

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