
0.1.92 • Public • Published

Eunoia - εὔνοιᾰ

Defined as the goodwill a speaker cultivates between themself and their audience, a condition of receptivity



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Storybook Storybook - Eunoia

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Install eunoia

npm i eunoia

It is recommended that this library be used alongside styled components and Material UI


// import
import { Button } from "eunoia"
 * Every component is accessible directly via the
 * universal import "eunoia" designed to be a
 * single dependency import.
 * Checkout the storybook
 * for detailed documentation

// use!
  return <Button>Hello from εὔνοιᾰ!</Button>

Source: Typescript

API: Javascript/Typescript

Code Style: Prettier

Syntax: ES6^

What is available


Storybook Link

const Default = () => <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>Default Button</Button>

Button props

  primary?: boolean
  transparent?: boolean
  blackFont?: boolean

Website Icons

Website Icons

import { RightArrow } from 'eunoia'

// use
const Right_Arrow = () => <RightArrow scalingFactor={2} color="#000000" />

List of Website Icons

  1. RightArrow
  2. LeftArrow
  3. DownArrow
  4. UpArrow
  5. Dribbble
  6. Github
  7. Medium
  8. Linkedin
  9. Home
  10. Menu

Icon Props

  color?: string
  offset?: string
  scalingFactor?: number
  name?: string
  font?: string

Design Icons

Design Icons

import { PhotoshopIcon } from 'eunoia'

// use
const Photoshop_Icon = () => <PhotoshopIcon name="photoshop" font="Roboto" color="#000000" scalingFactor={1} />

List of Design Icons

  1. Photoshop
  2. Illustrator
  3. Experience Designer
  4. Figma
  5. Sketch
  6. Invision
  7. After Effects
  8. Indesign
  9. Material Design
  10. Creative Cloud

Development Icons

Development Icons

import { ReactIcon } from 'eunoia'

// use
const React_Icon = () => <ReactIcon scalingFactor={1} name="React.js" font="Roboto" color="#000000" />

List of Dev Icons

  1. React
  2. Python
  3. Webpack
  4. Node.js
  5. Javascript
  6. PHP
  7. Git (Large)
  8. Jenkins
  9. Kubernetes
  10. Docker
  11. Sass
  12. CSS (3)
  13. HTML (5)
  14. Yarn
  15. NPM
  16. Ubuntu
  17. MySQL
  18. JQuery
  19. Firebase (Cloud)
  20. C++ (ISO)
  21. Typescript

Industry Icons

Industry Icons

import { JiraIcon } from 'eunoia'

// use
const Jira_Icon = () => <JiraIcon scalingFactor={1} name="Jira" font="Roboto" color="#000000" />

List of Industry Icons

  1. JiraIcon
  2. GithubIndustryIcon
  3. BitbucketIcon
  4. ConfluenceIcon
  5. GoogleAnalyticsIcon
  6. GoogleCloudIcon
  7. AWSIcon
  8. InvisionIndustryIcon
  9. SlackIcon
  10. MicrosoftIcon

Icon Props

  color?: string
  offset?: string
  scalingFactor?: number | null

Colors UIStyle:

Theme Colors

import { UIStyle } from 'eunoia'

// use as required
const Gld =

List of Colors:

  UIColors: {
    white: '#FFFFFF',
    lightGrey: '#00000029',
    black: '#000000',
    gold: '#E1A87A',
    darkGrey: '#212121',
    mediumGrey: '#5D5D5D',

Menu Component

Menu component

import { Menu } from 'eunoia'

// use as required
  return <Menu config={config} options={options} />


The menu component take two args. The first is an object called config that details the style of the menu. The second is an array of objects called options. This array contains a list of items that are rendered to the menu. The menu has both mobile and desktop support and is built over Material UI.
The Menu uses react-router to implement navigation. if you want custom navigation, it can be overridden by passing a JSX component as the icon param in the array of objects options arg.


See the Menu Storybook for an example with source code


  config: {
    fontColor?: string
    activeSection?: string
    hideOnMobile?: boolean
    DisableMobile?: boolean
    fontOverride?: string
    boldText?: boolean
    spacing?: any
    row?: boolean
    fontSize?: string
    mobileBreakpoint?: number | undefined
    breakpoints: {
      xs?: boolean
      sm?: boolean
      xl?: boolean


  options: Array<{
    title?: string | undefined
    link?: string | undefined | any // this is a local nav link with react-router-dom
    exRef: string | undefined // this is an external link
    newTab?: boolean
    icon?: any
    main?: boolean | undefined


Card component

import { Card } from 'eunoia'

// use as required
  return <Card config={config} />


The card component is built on top of the Material UI Card component and has similar behavior. It is a flex card with a box shadow that is designed for content sharing. It takes a config object that determines the layout of the card and its content.


See the Card Storybook for an example with source code\


  config: {
    shouldRender: boolean | undefined
    imageURL?: string | undefined
    imageAltText?: string | undefined
    content?: string
    title: string
    centerTitle?: boolean | undefined
    centerContent?: boolean | undefined
    fontOverride?: string | undefined
    fontColor?: string | undefined
    fontSize?: string | undefined
    fontSizeTitle?: string | undefined
    height?: string | number | undefined
    link?: string | undefined | any
    event?: any | undefined
    containImage?: boolean | undefined // not yet implemented


BannerCard component

import { BannerCard } from 'eunoia'

// use as required
  return <BannerCard config={config} />


The card component is built on top of the Material UI Card component and has similar behavior. It is a flex card with a box shadow that is designed for content sharing . It takes a config object that determines the layout of the card and its content. It differs from the regular card component because the image is rendered to the right side, and is a little more particular, especially for mobile


See the Card Storybook for an example with source code\


  config: {
    shouldRender: boolean | undefined
    imageURL?: string | undefined
    imageAltText?: string | undefined
    content?: string
    title: string
    centerTitle?: boolean | undefined
    centerContent?: boolean | undefined
    fontOverride?: string | undefined
    fontColor?: string | undefined
    fontSize?: string | undefined
    fontSizeTitle?: string | undefined
    height?: string | number | undefined
    link?: string | undefined | any
    event?: any | undefined
    containImage?: boolean | undefined
    imageWidth?: number | undefined

Section Header

SectionHeader component

import { SectionHeader } from 'eunoia'

// use as required
  return <SectionHeader config={config}>Design! :)</SectionHeader>


The section header component is just CSS and takes a config object detailed below. Styles can be overridden using styled(SectionHeader) from styled-components, or can be used as-is.


See the SectionHeader Storybook for an example with source code\


  config: {
    shouldRender: boolean | undefined
    text?: string
    centerText?: boolean | undefined
    fontOverride?: string | undefined
    fontColor?: string | undefined
    fontSize?: number | undefined
    height?: number | undefined
    backgroundColor?: string | undefined

More components coming soon

🤟💻🔨 :)


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npm i eunoia

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  • sammyrp