
1.1.0 • Public • Published


eva-vue-cli: 一个帮助你快速搭建和开发前端项目的 CLI



npm install eva-vue-cli -g


目前支持 Vue,后期会支持 React,Angular 考虑中~

vue 项目模块已经帮你配置:

  • 常用的目录结构(你可以在此基础上修改)
  • vue.config.js(其中配置了别名,你可以自行修改和配置更多)
  • axios(网络请求 axios 的安装以及二次封装)
  • vue-router(router 的安装和配置,另外有路由的动态加载,后面详细说明)
  • vuex(vuex 的安装和配置,另外有动态加载子模块,后面详细说明)


eva-vue-cli create your_project_name

自动拉取项目模板、安装项目依赖、打开浏览器 http://localhost:8080/、自动启动项目



  • 创建 Vue 组件
  • 创建 Vue 页面,并配置路由
  • 创建 Vuex 子模块

创建 Vue 组件:

eva-vue-cli addcpn YourComponentName # 例如eva-vue-cli add NavBar,默认会存放到src/components文件夹中
eva-vue-cli addcpn YourComponentName -d src/pages/home # 也可以指定存放的具体文件夹

创建 Vue 页面,并配置路由

eva-vue-cli addpage YourPageName # 例如eva-vue-cli addpage Home,默认会放到src/pages/home/Home.vue中,并且会创建src/page/home/router.js
eva-vue-cli addpage YourPageName -d src/views # 也可以指定文件夹,但需要手动集成路由

为什么会创建 router.js 文件:

  • router.js文件是路由的其中一个配置;
  • 创建该文件中 src/router/index.js中会自动加载到路由的 routes配置中,不需要手动配置了(如果是自己配置的文件夹需要手动配置)


// 动态加载pages中所有的路由文件
const files = require.context("@/pages", true, /router\.js$/)
const routes = files.keys().map((key) => {
  const page = require("@/pages" + key.replace(".", ""))
  return page.default

创建 Vuex 子模块

eva-vue-cli addstore YourVuexChildModuleName # 例如eva-vue-cli addstore home,默认会放到src/store/modules/home/index.js和types.js
eva-vue-cli addstore YourVuexChildModuleName -d src/vuex/modules # 也可以指定文件夹


// 动态加载modules
const modules = {}
const files = require.context("./", true, /index\.js$/)
  .filter((key) => {
    if (key === "./index.js") return false
    return true
  .map((key) => {
    // 获取名字
    const modulePath = key.replace("./modules/", "")
    const moduleName = modulePath.replace("/index.js", "")
    const module = require(`${key}`)

    modules[`${moduleName}`] = module.default


eva-vue-cli: A CLI to help you quickly build and develop front-end projects

Can't think of other names, so just use eva-vue-cli~

How to install?

npm install eva-vue-cli -g

Create project

Currently Vue is supported, React will be supported later, Angular is under consideration~

The vue project module has been configured for you:

  • Common directory structure (you can modify on this basis)
  • vue.config.js (alias is configured, you can modify and configure more by yourself)
  • axios (network request axios installation and secondary packaging)
  • vue-router (router installation and configuration, in addition to dynamic loading of routing, detailed description later)
  • vuex (installation and configuration of vuex, there are also dynamic loading sub-modules, which will be described in detail later)

Create project

eva-vue-cli create your_project_name

Automatically pull project templates, install project dependencies, open browsers, http://localhost:8080/and automatically start projects

Project Development

Project development currently provides three functions:

  • Create Vue components
  • Create a Vue page and configure routing
  • Create Vuex submodule

Create Vue components:

addcpn YourComponentName eva-vue-cli # example eva-vue-cli add NavBar, the default will be stored in src / components folder
eva-vue-cli addcpn YourComponentName -d src / Pages and the / Home # specific file can also specify the destination folder

Create a Vue page and configure routing

addPage YourPageName eva-vue-cli # example eva-vue-cli addpage Home, the default will put src / pages / home / Home.vue, and will create a src / Page / Home / router.js
eva-vue-cli addPage YourPageName -d src / views # You can also specify a folder , But need to integrate routing manually

Why is the router.js file created:

  • router.jsThe file is one of the routing configurations;
  • Create the file src/router/index.jswill be automatically loaded into the routing routesconfiguration, do not need to manually configured (if it is to configure their own folder requires manual configuration)

src/router/index.jsThe following operations have been completed in:

// Dynamically load all routing files in pages
const files = require.Context("@/pages", true, /router \. js $ /)
const routes = files.Keys().Map((key) => {
  const page = require("@/pages" + key.replace(".", ""))
  return page.default

Create Vuex submodule

addstore YourVuexChildModuleName eva-vue-cli # example eva-vue-cli addstore home, the default will put src / store / modules / home / index.js and types.js
eva-vue-cli addstore YourVuexChildModuleName -d src / vuex / modules # You can also specify a folder

After the creation is completed, no manual configuration is required, and all sub-modules have been dynamically integrated:

// 动态加载modules
const modules = {}
const files = require.context("./", true, /index\.js$/)
  .filter((key) => {
    if (key === "./index.js") return false
    return true
  .map((key) => {
    // 获取名字
    const modulePath = key.replace("./modules/", "")
    const moduleName = modulePath.replace("/index.js", "")
    const module = require(`${key}`)

    modules[`${moduleName}`] = module.default



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  • licorace