
1.0.7 • Public • Published


A simple javascript tool to manage event calendars

A javascript event calendar management tool that can be integrated with any UI.

Check out the demo and explore the demo repository.


  1. Using CDN:


  2. Using NPM:

     npm install evc


With NPM Package:

We can specify the events in the EventCalendar class constructor. Then we can listen to the custom events fired by evc and update our UI accordingly by chaining the on method.

  import EventCalendar from "evc";

  const evc = new EventCalendar([
      title: "John's Birthday",
      start: {
        day: 23,
        month: 4,
  ]).on("yearChanged",(year) => {
    // whatever you want to do when year is changed. Maybe update the UI like this
    document.querySelector("#calendarHeader #thisYear").innerHTML = year;
  }).on("monthChanged",(month) => {
    // ...
  }).on("daysChanged",(days) => {
    // ...
  }).on("selectedDayChanged",(selectedDay) => {
    // ...

  // changing month

With CDN:

Using evc with CDN is same as using npm package except that we need to wrap the classes in a global variable EVC. Something like this:

const evc = new EVC.EventCalendar([
      title: "John's Birthday",
      start: {
        day: 23,
        month: 4,


EventCalendar Class:

Event Calendar is a class that manages the events and the calendar. By default, it will be created with the current month and year.

// example creating a new EventCalendar
new EventCalendar([events]);

where events is an array of objects of class CalendarEvent


Property Description
events An array of objects of class CalendarEvent or a simple js object with similar properties
days Array of objects containing two properties:
  • day: A JavaScript date object
  • events: An array of objects of class CalendarEvent representing events on this day
month Target month (1-12). Changing this value will triggered the 'monthChanged' event
year Target year. Changing this value will triggered the 'yearChanged' event
selectedDay The currently selected day (null by default). Changing this value will triggered the 'selectedDayChanged' event


Method Description
on Attach an event listener to the EventCalendar. The event listener will be called with the event name and the event data
on(eventName, callback)
Where the data dispatched with event and the current EventCalendar instance will be passed to callback function
addEvent Add an event to the calendar. The event will be added to the events array type property
Where event is an instance of CalendarEvent or a simple object having same properties
removeEvent Remove an event from the calendar. The event will be remove from the events array type property
Where event is an instance of CalendarEvent or a simple object having same properties

CalendarEvent Class:

A class that represents an event. Here are some type of events that can be created:

Single Day Events

new CalendarEvent({
  title: "Important Meeting",
  start: {
    day: 23,
    month: 5,
    year: 2022
  themeColor : "#cf3333",

Multi-day Events

new CalendarEvent({
  title: "Exams",
  start: {
    day: 5,
    month: 7,
    year: 2022
  end: {
    day: 19,
    month: 7,
    year: 2022
  themeColor : "#2196f3",

Weekly Events

new CalendarEvent({
  title: "Sunday",
  start: {
    weekDay: 0
  themeColor : "#8bc34a",

Monthly Events

new CalendarEvent({
  title: "Monthly Exams",
  start: {
    day: 15
  end: {
    day: 21
  themeColor : "#333333",

Yearly Events

new CalendarEvent({
  title: "John's Birthday",
  start: {
    day: 26,
    month: 7
  themeColor : "#8a4af3",


Property Required In Constructor Description
id NO The id of the event (auto generated if not specified)
title YES The title of the event
start YES The start date of the event. It should be an object with following properties:
  • day: They day of month (1-31 depending on month)
  • month: The month of year (1-12)
  • year: Target year e.i. 2022
  • weekDay: The day of week in numeric form (0-6 starting from Sunday)
end NO The end date of the event (format same as start). If not specified, same date as start will be used indicating a single day event
themeColor NO The color of the event in hexadecimal form (by default #03a9f4)
props NO Extra properties of the event (by default an empty object)


Event Description
daysChanged Triggered when days are changed i.e. when month is changed then it will trigger the callback providing the new days of this month that can be displayed in UI
monthChanged Triggered by simply changing the month like evc.month++ or by changing the year. Also it will always trigger the 'daysChanged' event with it.
yearChanged Triggered by changing year like evc.year++ or by changing the months.
selectedDayChanged Triggers when the currently selected day is changed. Its null by default. Selected day can be changed like evc.selectedDay = day where day should be from the days you get from evc.days
eventsChanged Triggered when the events are changed. It passes the new events array to callback.

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npm i evc

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