
0.1.1 • Public • Published

Event Matrix

Event Matrix is an instrument for the visual representation of multidimensional data, inspired by the earlier project OncoGrid. Initially developed to meet the needs of bioinformaticians, it helps in demonstrating the relationships between genes, donors, and mutations in the genome. It's also well-suited for displaying any three-dimensional (and potentially four-dimensional) data matrices.

Installation & Usage

  1. Install dependencies:

    npm install event-matrix
  2. Import EventMatrix in your project:

    import EventMatrix from 'event-matrix';
  3. Set up options:

    const eventMatrix = new EventMatrix({
      element: '#event-matrix', // HTML ID for mounting the component
      columns, // Columns of your data grid
      rows, // Rows of your data grid
      entries, // Entries/events that occur in a specific cell
      grid: {
        appearance: this.getCellAppearance,
        width: 1000,
        minCellHeight: 15,
        minCellWidth: 30,
      description: {
        bottom: {
          fields: donorFields,
          appearance: this.getColumnsAppearance,
          fieldHeight: 15,
        side: {
          fields: geneFields,
          appearance: this.getRowsAppearance,
          fieldHeight: 15,
      histogram: {
        top: {
          label: 'Mutation freq.',
        side: {
          label: 'Mutation freq.',


Option Possible / Default value Example Description
element - "#event-matrix" HTML selector for mounting the component
columns Array / [] [{ "id": "12" }] Column data
rows Array / [] [{ "id": "34" }] Row data
entries Array / [] [{ "id": "56", "rowId": "12", "columnId": "34" }] "Events" or "Entries" - data defined by the intersection of a row and a column
grid Object / false / {} { appearance: () => {}, width: 1000, minCellHeight: 15, minCellWidth: 30 } Options that describe main grid
grid.appearance Function (val) => { color: (val.name === "red" ? "#FF0000" : "#00FF00"), opacity: .5 } Function that determines the cell color and opacity in the main grid
grid.width Number / 1000 555 You can specify here the main grid total width...
grid.minCellWidth Number / 30 33.3 ...or specify minimum cell width
grid.height Number / 500 250 You can specify here the main grid total height...
grid.minCellHeight Number / 15 17 ...or specify minimum cell height
description Object / false / {} { bottom: false, side: { fields: [] }} Options for the bottom and side descriptions blocks
description.side Object / false / {} { fields: [], appearance: () => {}, fieldHeight: 15 } Options for the side description block (same options for the side block)
description.bottom Object / false / {} { fields: [], appearance: () => {}, fieldHeight: 15 } Options for the bottom description block (same options for the bottom block)
description.bottom.fields Array / [] [{ "group": "Clinical Data", "name": "Age", "fieldName": "age", "type": "age"}] Column or row description fields (the param "group" allows divide fields by groups)
description.bottom.appearance Function (trackCell) => { color: (trackCell.type === 'age' ? "#FF0000" : "#00FF00"), opacity: .5 } Function that determines the cell color and opacity in this description block
description.bottom.fieldHeight Number / 15 10 Description field height
histogram Object / false / {} { top: false, side: { label: "AAAA" }} Options that describe top and side histograms
histogram.side Object / false / {} { label: "Mutation freq." } Options for the side histogram block (same options for the top block)
histogram.top Object / false / {} { label: "Mutation freq." } Options for the top histogram block (same options for the side block)
histogram.top.label String / "" "Mutation freq." The histogram's label


Event Params Description
grid:cell:hover target: HTMLElement,
entryId: string
Hovered over a table cell
grid:cell:click target: HTMLElement,
entryId: string
Clicked on a table cell
grid:out - Moved cursor away from the table
grid:label:hover target: HTMLElement, rowId: string Hovered over a row label
grid:label:click target: HTMLElement, rowId: string Clicked on a row label
grid:crosshair:hover target: HTMLElement, columnId: string, rowId: string Hovered over a table cell in zoom mode
grid:crosshair:out - Moved cursor away from the table in zoom mode
grid:selection:started target: HTMLElement, x: number, y: number Started selecting cells in zoom mode; x, y - coordinates of the selection start
grid:selection:finished target: HTMLElement, x: number, y: number Finished selecting cells in zoom mode; x, y - coordinates of the selection end
histogram:hover target: HTMLElement, domainId: string, type: "rows"/"columns" Hovered over a histogram column; domainId - id of a row or column, depending on the type of histogram
histogram:click target: HTMLElement, domainId: string, type: "rows"/"columns" Clicked on a histogram column; domainId - id of a row or column, depending on the type of histogram
histogram:out - Moved cursor away from the histogram
description:legend:hover target: HTMLElement, group: string Hovered over an icon in the description block; group - the name of the group
description:legend:out - Moved cursor away from an icon in the description block
description:cell:hover target: HTMLElement, domainId: string, type: "rows"/"columns", field: string Hovered over a cell in the description block; domainId - id of a row or column, field - name of field
description:cell:click target: HTMLElement, domainId: string, type: "rows"/"columns", field: string Clicked on a cell in the description block; domainId - id of a row or column, field - name of field
description:cell:out - Moved cursor away from the description block

Migration from OncoGrid

If you previously used OncoGrid, you might want to switch to this newer version. Note that there have been changes in parameter, function, and event names.

  1. Update options:
  • genesrows
  • donorscolumns
  • observationsentries
  • donorTrackscolumnFields
  • geneTracksrowFields
  • donorOpacityFunc + donorFillFuncdescription.bottom.appearance
  • geneOpacityFunc + geneFillFuncdescription.side.appearance
  • colorMap (Map) → grid.appearance (Function)
  • trackLegendLabelfieldLegendLabel
  • trackHeightfieldHeight
  1. Update the structure of observations:
  • Before:

      "geneId": "1234",
      "donorId": "5678"
  • After:

      "rowId": "1234",
      "columnId": "5678"
  1. Update events:
  • histogramMouseOverhistogram:hover
  • histogramClickhistogram:click
  • gridMouseOvergrid:cell:hover
  • gridClickgrid:cell:click
  • trackLegendMouseOverdescription:legend:hover
  • trackMouseOverdescription:cell:hover
  • trackClickdescription:cell:click
  1. As the component update is still in progress, please feel free to create issues and provide feedback.


  1. Install Node ~18. Using NVM is recommended.

  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install

Contribution guidelines

The project uses pre-commit.com hooks. Run brew install pre-commit && pre-commit install for automatic configuration.

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  • ardeo