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Exif AI

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Exif AI is a powerful CLI tool designed to write AI-generated image descriptions and/or tags directly into the metadata of image files. This tool leverages advanced AI models to analyze image content and generate descriptive metadata, enhancing the accessibility and searchability of your images.

Usage Example


Without Installation

You can run Exif AI directly using npx without installing it globally:

npx exif-ai -i example.jpeg -a ollama

With Installation

If you have installed Exif AI globally, you can run it directly from the command line:

exif-ai -i example.jpeg -a ollama


Required options:

  • -a, --api-provider <value>: Name of the AI provider to use (ollama for Ollama, zhipu for ZhipuAI, google for Google Gemini).

Optional options:

  • -T, --tasks <tasks...>: List of tasks to perform ('description', 'tag', 'face').
  • -i, --input <file> Path to the input image file.
  • -p, --description-prompt <text>: Custom prompt for the AI provider to generate description. Defaults to a generic image description prompt.
  • --tag-prompt <text>: Custom prompt for the AI provider to generate tags. Defaults to a generic image tagging prompt.
  • -m, --model <name>: Specify the AI model to use, if supported by the provider.
  • -t, --description-tags <tags...>: List of EXIF tags to write the description to. Defaults to common description tags.
  • --tag-tags <tags...>: List of EXIF tags to write the tags to. Defaults to common tags.
  • -v, --verbose: Enable verbose output for debugging.
  • -d, --dry-run: Preview AI-generated content without writing to the image file.
  • --exif-tool-write-args <args...>: Additional ExifTool arguments for writing metadata.
  • --provider-args <args...>: Additional arguments for the AI provider.
  • -w, --watch <path>: Watch directory for new files to process.
  • --avoid-overwrite: Avoid overwriting if EXIF tags already exist in the file.
  • --ext <extensions...>: File extensions to watch. Only files with this extensions will be processed.
  • --concurrency <number>: The numbers of files to process concurrently in watch mode.
  • --face-group-ids <group...> List of face group IDs to use for face recognition.

Example usage:

exif-ai -i example.jpg -a ollama -p "Describe this landscape photo."


To use Exif AI as a library in your project, import it and use the provided functions:

import { execute } from "exif-ai";

const options = {
  tasks: ["description"], // List of tasks to perform
  path: "example.jpg", // Path to the input image file
  provider: "ollama", // Name of the AI provider to use
  descriptionTags: [
  ], // List of EXIF tags to write the description to
  tagTags: ["Subject", "TagsList", "Keywords"], // List EXIF tags to write the tags to
  descriptionPrompt: "Describe this landscape photo.", // Custom prompt for the AI provider to generate description
  tagPrompt: "Tag this image based on subject, object, event, place.", // Custom prompt for the AI provider to generate tags
  verbose: false, // Enable verbose output for debugging
  dry: false, // Preview AI-generated content without writing to the image file
  writeArgs: [], // Additional ExifTool arguments for writing metadata
  providerArgs: [], // Additional arguments for the AI provider
  avoidOverwrite: false, // Avoid overwriting if EXIF tags already exist in the file
  doNotEndExifTool: false, // Do not end ExifTool process after writing metadata
  faceGroupIds: [], // List of face group IDs to use for face recognition

  .then(() => {
    console.log("Image description has been written to EXIF metadata.");
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error("An error occurred:", error);


To install Exif AI globally, use the following command:

npm install -g exif-ai



The description task generates a description of the image using the AI provider. The description is written to the specified EXIF tags defined in descriptionTags.


The tag task generates tags for the image using the AI provider. The tags are written to the specified EXIF tags defined in tagTags.

Face Recognition

The face task performs face recognition on the image using the Tencent Cloud API. The face recognition results are written to the specified EXIF tags defined in tagTags.

Currently, the face task requires user to enable face recognition service on Tencent Cloud and set a pair of Tencent Cloud API Secret ID and Tencent CLoud API Secret Key in the environment variable.

export TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID=your_tencentcloud_secret_id
export TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY=your_tencentcloud_secret_key


Please ensure that you securely manage your API keys. Do not expose them in public repositories or other public forums.

API Providers

Exif AI relies on API providers to generate image descriptions and tags. Currently, we support three providers: ZhipuAI, Ollama and Google Gemini.

Supported Providers

  • ZhipuAI: A leading AI service provider. Requires an API key.
  • Ollama: A local AI service that runs on your machine, eliminating the need for an API key.
  • Google Gemini: A powerful AI service provided by Google.

Custom Providers

You can also develop your own custom provider by implementing the provider interface. This allows you to integrate with other AI services or customize the description generation process.


Setting API Keys (for ZhipuAI)

To use ZhipuAI, you need to set the API key. You can do this by setting an environment variable:

export ZHIPUAI_API_KEY=your_zhipuai_api_key

Google Gemini

To use Google Gemini, you need to set the API key. You can do this by setting an environment variable:

export API_KEY=your_google_api_key

Ollama Configuration

Ollama runs locally and does not require an API key. Ensure that Ollama is installed and properly configured on your machine. Refer to the Ollama GitHub repository for installation and setup instructions.

To use remote Ollama service, you can defined the url in providerArgs:

exif-ai --providerArgs "http://ollama.example.com:8080" -a ollama -i image.jpg
providerArgs: ["http://ollama.example.com:8080"],



  • Node.js >=16
  • pnpm

Clone the Repository

First, clone the Exif AI repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/tychenjiajun/exif-ai.git
cd exif-ai

Install Dependencies

Next, install the required dependencies using pnpm.

pnpm install


pnpm run build


pnpm run watch

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npm i exif-ai

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  • tychenjiajun