metadata.js is a JavaScript library for parsing & copying JPEG metadata from ArrayBuffers.
While I'm a huge fan of being able to resize images in the browser via the canvas, I hate the fact that it strips information such as EXIF, IPTC, XMP, Camera Makernotes, ICC profiles and JPEG comments. I couldn't find anything to solve this problem, so I made this my weekend project. It works in all modern browsers, but it will require checks to see if the browser supports ArrayBuffer, Uint8Array, and Blobs. This API is production ready and has been tested with millions of JPEGs.
metadata.js requires jDataView for reading binary files. Please pull the latest from their repository.
- parse(sourceArrayBuffer)
- copy(sourceArrayBuffer, destArrayBuffer)
- copy(sourceArrayBuffer, destArrayBuffer, sourceMetadata)
- getExif(sourceArrayBuffer)
- getExif(sourceArrayBuffer, sourceMetadata)
Basic EXIF support has been added. If you want full exif support, check out Jacob Seidelin's EXIF parser. The following properties are available:
- Model
- Maker
- Artist
- Copyright
- Orientation
- Latitude
- Longitude
Copy JPEG metadata
//copy the metadata from the source image to the destination imagevar blob = metadata;
Parse & Copy JPEG metadata
//parse the metadata firstvar sourceMetadata = metadata;//copy the metadata from the source image to the destination imagevar blob = metadata;
Parse EXIF
//parse the EXIF datavar exif = metadata;//display the lat/long on google mapsif exifhasGPSLocationvar mapOptions =center: exiflatitude exiflongitudezoom: 15mapTypeId: googlemapsMapTypeIdROADMAP;var map = 0 mapOptions;
- JPEG marker reader - Really helpful when you need to visualize all the markers in a JPEG.
- JPEGSnoop - Visualize all the markers in a JPEG. (Windows)
- JPEGDump - Command line tool for visualizing markers. (Windows)
- Hexfiend - Awesome open source HEX editor (OSX)
- - Good ariticle about how they handle EXIF data. Also some useful information about JPEG markers.
- Mozilla Developer Network - nuff said.