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13.0.0 • Public • Published


Provides support for the Google AdMob SDK (https://www.google.com/admob/) for mobile advertising. This module is largely based of the react-native-admob (https://github.com/sbugert/react-native-admob) module, as the documentation and questions surrounding that module may prove helpful. A simple example implementing AdMob SDK can be found at https://github.com/deadcoder0904/expo-google-admob.

API documentation

Installation in managed Expo projects

For managed Expo projects, please follow the installation instructions in the API documentation for the latest stable release.

Installation in bare React Native projects

For bare React Native projects, you must ensure that you have installed and configured the expo package before continuing.

Add the package to your npm dependencies

expo install expo-ads-admob

Configure for iOS

Run npx pod-install after installing the npm package.

In your app's Info.plist file, add a GADApplicationIdentifier key with a string value of your AdMob app ID, as shown in Google's Mobile Ads SDK iOS docs.


Add NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key to your Info.plist:

<string>This identifier will be used to deliver personalized ads to you.</string>

Add the required SKAdNetworkIdentifier items to your Info.plist: Google SKAdNetwork.

Configure for Android

Ensure that there is a meta-data element inside the application node inside AndroidManifest.xml file (located typically under /android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml) with android:name of "com.google.android.gms.ads.APPLICATION_ID" and a value of your AdMob App ID. Google's Mobile Ads SDK documentation shows precisely how to do this here. In the end your AndroidManifest.xml should look more or less like this:

    <!-- Ensure that tag with this name and proper value is inside application -->
      android:value="ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~yyyyyyyyyy"/> <!-- App ID -->
    <!-- You can find your App ID in the AdMob UI -->

This package automatically adds the INTERNET permission. It's required to interact with Google's service.

  <!-- Added permissions -->
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />


Contributions are very welcome! Please refer to guidelines described in the contributing guide.

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