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npm install express-destiny

Express-Destiny is a simple express middleware, which allows middleware to be applied depending on different Accept header formats (exactly like res.format() just a little more convenient)


var express = require('express')
var destiny = require('express-destiny')

var app = express()

app.use(destiny('json', function (req, res, next) {
  // do something if req.headers.Accept is a json format

// alternatively you can add multiple

  json: function (req, res, next) {
    // do something and return JSON

  html: function () {
    // do something else and return HTML

// you can also parse an options object as the 2nd or 3rd argument...

destiny('json', function () {}, { default: false })

// or

destiny({ json: function () {} }, { default: false })

One thing it is worth noting, because older IE browsers send Accept: */* header when requesting html if you only specify JSON, this would cause for a request for HTML to return the JSON file attempting to download it to the user.

To deal with this issue we first ensure that the following mime-types are prioritised in the following order:

  • text
  • text/plain
  • html
  • text/html
  • default

No default handle is present then we create a default one, which calls next(). Usually un the default handle you have no access to the req, res, or next however this has been provided as an additional feature.

If you would like to disable this you can do so by using default: false option displayed in the example above.

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  • sonewman