TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.5 • Public • Published

Dynamic Site Creator

Create a complete website from a json file based of configurable and extensible components!

The real power of this platform is to extend the existing components and create custom e2e features.


Create an Express server and install the configured components:

import {AppComponents} from 'express-dynamic-components';

const app = require('express')();

(async () => {
    try {
        const components = new AppComponents(app, require('./components.json'));
        await components.install();
    catch (e) {

components.json file:

  "config": [
      "key": "value"
  "code": [
      "type": "server",
      "desc": "async initializing app",
      "code": "(app) => new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => { = {isOk: true}; r();}, 0))"
      "type": "endpoint",
      "name": "myEndpoint",
      "desc": "test endpoint",
      "code": "(req) => ({ isOk:, query: req.query })"
      "type": "html",
      "name": "myPage.html",
      "desc": "test html page",
      "head": [
          "type": "dom",
          "desc": "test dom element",
          "code": "<title id=\"my-title\">test page</title>"
          "type": "script",
          "desc": "test script element",
          "code": "(req, config) => `alert('${config.key}');`"
      "body": [
          "type": "script",
          "desc": "test script that calls test endpoint",
          "code": "fetch(`myEndpoint${}`).then(r => alert(r.json()));"
          "type": "scoped-script",
          "desc": "test scoped client script",
          "code": "(config) => alert(config.key)"

JSON configuration structure

Other than the Express.Application object use to create the server, the second parameter required to the AppComponents constructor must follow the following interface (components.json from the above example):

interface IAppComponentsConfig {
    config?: ConfigNode[];
    code: CodeNode[];

export type ConfigNode = { 
    [key: string]: string; 
export type CodeNode = {
    type?: string; // detailed below
    desc: string;
    code?: string|Function;

Component Types

A component contains a piece of code that will be executed in a context according to its type.

Backend Components

  • Default type: 'server'


  • Type: 'server'
  • Description: code executed when the server is created.
  • Code signature: (app: Express.Application, config: ConfigNode) => Promise<any>


  • Type: 'endpoint'
  • Description: a server endpoint that returns a JSON object per request.
  • Code signature: (req: Express.Request, config: ConfigNode) => Promise<any>|any
  • Additional fields:
    • name: string: endpoint's name, for example: 'my-path/endpoint'


  • Type: 'html'
  • Description:
  • Code signature: not needed - default HTML structure (with head and body).
  • Additional fields:
    • name: string - page's name, for example: 'my-path/myPage.html'
    • head?: CodeNode[] - an array of Frontend code-nodes
    • body?: CodeNode[] - an array of Frontend code-nodes
    • disableConfigInjection?: boolean (default: false) If true, prevents serialization of the config object into the page's window.config.

Frontend Components

  • Default type: 'dom'
  • Frontend components are rendered inside their host HTML page according to its HTTP request.

DOM Component

  • Type: 'dom'
  • Description:
  • Code signature: string | (req: Express.Request, config: ConfigNode) => Promise<string>
    • the resolved string will be placed in the hosting page

Script Tag Component

  • Type: 'script'
  • Description: an HTML script tag
  • Code signature: string | (req: Express.Request, config: ConfigNode) => Promise<string>
    • the resolved string will be the content of the <script> tag rendered in the page

Scoped Script Tag Component

  • Type: 'scoped-script'
  • Description: a function that will be invoked in the HTML page (as an IIFE).
  • Code signature: (config: ConfigNode) => void
  • Notice that this is useful especially for extending to Scoped Custom Scripts (see below).

Extending a Component

Extending an existing component usually consists of 4 simple steps:

  • Create a class that extends the wanted component
  • Set the component's type name
    • By overriding the static typeName getter: public static get typeName()
  • Set the component's logic
    • By overriding the run method:
      • for backend components: public run(options: CodeNode, fn: Function): Promise<any>
      • for frontend components: public run(options: CodeNode, fn: Function, req: Express.Request): Promise<string>
    • Important(!): always call and return the's return value - see example.
  • Add it to the relevant factory: frontendFactory or backendFactory.


import {frontendFactory, DomComponent} from 'express-dynamic-components';

class MyDomComponent extends DomComponent {
    public static get typeName() {
        return 'my-dom';

    public run(options, fn, req) {
        return, (req, config) => {
            return `<my-dom></my-dom>`;
        }, req);


Scoped Custom Script

When we want to allow our implementing users to easily use custom injected objects.

Usage example:

  "type": "my-script",
  "desc": "my scoped custom script",
  "code": "async (config, myApi) => await myApi.doAction()"

This component will usually be hosted inside an html page component - and its script will be invoked immediately, supplying myApi object to the implementation use.

Implementing this requirement:

import {frontendFactory, ScopedScriptComponent} from 'express-dynamic-components';

frontendFactory.addType(class MyScript extends ScopedScriptComponent {
        public static get typeName() {
            return 'my-script';

        protected getScopeArgs() {
            return [

Notice that getScopeArgs method returns an array of strings that indicate from where to inject the the arguments.

Creating a Feature Component

A Feature component brings e2e abilities - backend and frontend components.

Usage example:

  "type": "my-feature",
  "desc": "a custom feature"

A new feature component must extend from the following abstract class:

export abstract class FeatureComponent {
    public abstract get backend(): CodeNode[];
    public abstract get frontend(): PageNodesDictionary;

Implmentation example:

import {backendFactory, FeatureComponent, JsonEndpointComponent, JsonEndpointNode, ScriptTagComponent} from 'express-dynamic-components';

backendFactory.addType(class MyFeature extends FeatureComponent {
        public static get typeName() {
            return 'my-feature';

        private readonly _endpointName = 'myFeatureEndpoint';

        public get backend() {
            return [
                    type: JsonEndpointComponent.typeName,
                    desc: 'my-feature endpoint',
                    name: this._endpointName,
                    code: async (req, config) => ({myFeature: true, query: req.query})
                } as JsonEndpointNode

        public get frontend() {
            return {
                defaultPage: {
                    head: [],
                    body: [
                            type: ScriptTagComponent.typeName,
                            desc: 'my-feature script',
                            code: `
fetch('${this._endpointName}' +
.then(r => JSON.stringify(r.json())).then(console.log);`
  • The backend getter returns an array of CodeNodes that describe backend components as the example above.
    • In this example, we're simply creating a new endpoint that returns an object.
  • The frontend getter returns a dictionary of page type's string to HTMLPageComponent.
    • page type:
      • defaultPage - will be the first HTMLPageComponent found.
      • Other page types can be set freely and mapped to an actual HTMLPageComponent in the feature's code node:
        "type": "my-feature",
        "desc": "a custom feature",
        "frontend": {
          "defaultPage": "index.html",
          "loginPage": "login.html",
          "accountPage": "account.html"
    • HTMLPageComponent: The frontend components of it will be added to the relevant page.

Advanced Extensions of Components

When extending a component, you can re-implemented the following interfaces to override functionality in the component's life cycle:

export interface IValidate {
    validate(node: CodeNode): void;
export interface IGetFn {
    getFn(code: string|Function): Function;
export interface IGetActivator<T> {
    getActivator(fn : Function, options: CodeNode): ICodeActivator<T>

Running the example locally

  • clone the repo
  • npm i
  • npm run example
  • navigate to http://localhost:8080/myPage.html



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