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Express.js Params Injector

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How often your express.js route or controller function starts out like this?

app.get('/calculateAge', function(req, res, next) {
  var id = req.query['id'];
  var name = req.body['name'];
  var birthYear = req.body['birthYear'];
  // do what ever ...


POST /calculateAge?id=1

    "name": "Tim",
    "birthYear": 1993

In my experience that happens all the time. Now, wouldn't it be nice if you can write parameters you want as a function arguments instead of req, res objects and then start extracting them. If any request is changed, remembering to change you route function to represent new arguments. That is what I thought to my self and wrote this micro lib. I was inspired by AngularJS dependency injection approach and used same concepts here. With this lib route function can look like this:

app.get('/calculateAge', Injector.IC(function(id, name, birthYear) {
    // do what ever ...

See Usage section for more examples.


In console:

npm install express-param-injector

In code:



Start your express application, require express-param-injector and wrap your route function in Injector.IC method. Then you can write any parameters names that you want to be injected as function arguments and Injector will look for them and inject them in to the function.

var app = require('express')();
var Injector = require('express-param-injector');


app.get('/calculateAge', Injector.IC(function(name, birthYear, res) {
  var currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();
  var countedAge = currentYear - birthYear;
  res.end(name + ' is ' + countedAge + ' years old');

Closer look:

Injector.IC(function(firstParam, req, res, anotherParam, next, lastParam) {
  // firstParam, anotherParam, lastParam - parameter in query, params or body (bodyParser), param injection
  // req - express.js request object, smart injection
  // res - express.js response object, smart injection
  // next - express.js callback function for middleware, smart injection

  // and order does not matter!

This can be applied to any callback express function that expects req, res to be first two params, and next callback will work as well:

app.use(Injector.IC(function(id, next) {
  // check id here

Request, response and next can be accessed through this inside route function:'/add', Injector.IC(function(a, b) {
  var result = a + b;

Client can pass parameters in URL string or body with express.js body parser, parameters will be found and injected in following order:

  1. request.query;
  2. request.params;
  3. request.body; // if exists

In case you have to have a specific this inside your route you can pass a scope function as a last parameter to Injector.IC:

   /** @constructor */
   function Constructor() {}

   Constructor.prototype.checkId = function(id) {
     return id.toString() === (1234).toString();

   var myConstructor = new Constructor();
   app.get('/checkId', Injector.IC(function(id, res) {
     if (this.checkId(id)) {
     } else {
   }, myConstructor)));

If there is a need to still refer to Injector self (or injector) param key can be used:

   app.get('/checkId', Injector.IC(function(id, self, injector) {
      // this = myConstructor
      // self, injector both refer injector scope
      injector.res.end('ID is ' + id);
   }, myConstructor));

Array Notation (parameters with "-")

You might say that your parameters would not always match JavaScript function argument format. For example if you want to use - in your request parameters. Or just want to have something like this "my!crazy-"param" and still want it to be injected. That where Array Notation comes in handy. Syntax is inspired by AngularJS and works quite the same, but serves another purpose. Example:

 * GET /crazyRoute?my!crazy-"param=crazy-value *
app.get('/crazyRoute', Injector.IC(['my!crazy-"param', function(crazyParam) {
  // crazyParam = 'crazy-value'
  this.res.end('crazyValue - '+ crazyParam);

Req, res, next can still be accessed as before, nothing changes. And can be injected in similar manner:

var crazyRoute = Injector.IC(['my!crazy-"param', 'res', function(crazyParam, res) {
  // res is ServerResponse object
app.get('/crazyRoute', crazyRoute);

Have a nice day :)

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  • timofeybiryukov