express-user-couchdb - ExpressCouchDb Module
This module is a authentication lib built on top of couch's user model.
- couchdb
- nodejs
init example
var couchUser = ;var express = ;var app = ;// Required for session storageapp;app;// The request_defaults node is required if you have turned the Admin Party offapp;
The optional adminRoles attribute allows you to specify one or more administrative roles that are allowed to add, update, and delete users.
The optional validateUser allows you to specify extra validation other than username/password. For example, checking for greater than x number of login attempts. The first argument data is an object that has request, user, and headers fields. The reason the callback pattern is used to pass out the result is that you can do async calls within this function (like check another database, etc).
Example validateUser function.
{var MAX_FAILED_LOGIN = 5;var req = datareq; //all the fields in data is captured from /api/user/signin callback functionvar user = datauser;var headers = dataheaders;var outData = // This object will be attached to the sessionuserInfo: "userAge" // req.session.userInfo will be "userAge";ifdatauserfailedLogin > MAX_FAILED_LOGIN//fails checkvar errorPayload =statusCode: 403 //if not included will default to 401message: 'Exceeded fail login attempts' //if not included will default to 'Invalid User Login'error: 'Forbidden' //if not included will default 'unauthorized';else//passess check;}
Initialize CouchDb
Before you can use this module, you need to run a setup process to add the required views to the couchDb Users table, there is an init.js
file that does this for you. You can include it in your Gruntfile as a task.
or you can invoke via command line
node ./node_modules/express-user-couchdb/init http://localhost:5984/_users
API Commands
POST /api/user/signup
Create a new user account. If config.verify is set, the user will be sent an email with a link to verify their account. If the user trying to login has enabled set to false, they will be notified to contact an admin to reactivate their account.
POST /api/user/signin
Allow a user to log in. If config.verify is set, then the user is required to validate their email address before logging in.
POST /api/user/signout
GET /api/user/current
The currently logged in user. Returns a 401 error if the user is not currently logged in.
POST /api/user/forgot
If the user trying to retrieve their password has enabled set to false, they will be notified to contact an admin to reactivate their account.
POST /api/user/verify:email
Send an email to a user that includes a verification code and link to verify their account.
POST /api/user/verify/:code
Confirm that a user's email address is valid using a previously generated verification code.
POST /api/user/reset
Reset a user's password (requires the code generated using /api/user/forgot).
GET /api/user?roles=foo,bar
Return a list of users matching the specified roles.
[{ user... }, { user2... }]
POST /api/user
Create a new user. If config.adminRoles is set, the user making this call must have one of the specified roles.
GET /api/user/:name
Returns the user whose name matches :name.
PUT /api/user/:name
Updates the user specified by :name. If config.adminRoles is set, then a user must have an admin role to be able to update anyone else's record. Non-admins cannot update their own role information.
DELETE /api/user/:name
Removes the specified user. If config.adminRoles is set, then a user must have an admin role to be able to delete a user.
var user = ;var config =users: 'http://localhost:5984/_users'email ...;app;
node init.js
setting up email templates
express-user-couchdb has the capability to attach to an smtp server and send emails for certain user events. And you have the ability to manipulate the e-mail templates.
express-user-couchdb uses the nodemailer and email-templates modules to perform the email process, but you need to pass in the config settings in the config argument of the module:
Here is an example of the config settings:
couch: 'http://localhost:5984/_users'email:service: 'SMTP'SMTP:...templateDir: ...
to setup the forgot password email template you need to create a folder called forgot
in the email template directory, then in that folder you need to create a style.css, html.ejs, and text.ejs. These files will be used to build your email template. Here is an example of the text.ejs
Forgot Password
Foo App#######We are sorry you forgot your password, in order to reset your password, we need you to click the link below.Copy Link:<%= user.code %>and paste into your browsers url.Thank you for supporting our application, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.ThanksThe Team
confirm e-mail
If you plan to enable the users to register, you may want to send a confirmation email to them when they sign up.
You would follow the same steps above, but instead of creating a forgot folder, you would need to create a confirm folder and place your css, html.ejs, and text.ejs files.
Pull requests are welcome.
Please add issues to the github repo.
- CouchDb Team
- NodeJS Team
- NodeMailier
- Nano Team
- Email-Templates