z-openapi can help you create swagger definition.
From a Zopenapi
instance, each component and subcomponent are fluents.
You can describe them either with a plain javascript object, either with a factory function who takes and returns a fluent builder instance.
Some components have helpers functions to help saving time.
eg: <Schema instance>.string(true)
for <Schema instance>.type('string').required(true)
Typescript hint enabled ! Yeay ! Let's dive into it !
In a Node project install z-openapi
$ npm install --save z-openapi
At some point in your code, import Zopenapi
class, and export an instance for other modules to enhance it.
import { Zopenapi } from 'z-openapi';
export const zoa = new Zopenapi();
Describe top level informations
.info(info => info // this is the builder instance
.title('Swagger title')
.description('Swagger description')
// Same for each compnt / subcompnt:
// Equivalent
// .license({ name: 'ISC' }) // plain openapi object
.license(license =>'ISC')) // factory function
.contact(contact => contact
.name('Swagger contact name')
.email('Swagger contact email')
.url('Swagger contact url')
{ url: 'http://localhost:3000' },
{ url: '' },
.components(components => components
BaseError: baseError => baseError.object({
name: name => name.string(true).description('Swagger schema description'),
message: message => message.string(true),
}).description('Swagger schema description'),
bearer: bearer =>'Authorization').in('header'),
apikey: apikey =>'api-key').in('query'),
Add more schemas in your model's modules
User: user => user.object({
id: id => id.string(),
email: email => email.string(true),
password: password => password.string(),
Users: users => users.array(items => items.ref('User')),
CreateUser: user => user.object({
email: email => email.string(true),
password: password => password.string(true),
UpdateUser: user => user.object({
email: email => email.string(),
password: password => password.string(),
Add paths in your router's modules
'/users': path => path
.get(get => get
.response200(resp => resp.jsonSchema(json => json.ref('Users')))
.security({ bearer: [] })
.post(post => post
.requestBody(body => body.jsonSchema(json => json.ref('CreateUser')))
.response200(resp => resp.jsonSchema(json => json.ref('User')))
.security({ apikey: [] })
'/users/{id}': path => path
.get(get => get
.parameters(param =>'id'))
.response200(resp => resp.jsonSchema(json => json.ref('User')))
.security({ bearer: [] })
.put(put => put
.parameters(param =>'id'))
.requestBody(body => body.jsonSchema(json => json.ref('UpdateUser')))
.response200(resp => resp.jsonSchema(json => json.ref('User')))
.security({ bearer: [] })
.delete(del => del
.parameters(param =>'id'))
.response200(resp => resp.jsonSchema(json => json.ref('User')))
.security({ bearer: [] })
Finnaly, to get it serve by swagger-ui
import swaggerUi from 'swagger-ui-express';
app.use('/docs', swaggerUi.serve, swaggerUi.setup(zoa.js()));