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Example with default

    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    width: 320,
    height: 200,

Example with position and size

  size={{ width: this.state.width,  height: this.state.height }}
  position={{ x: this.state.x, y: this.state.y }}
  onDragStop={(e, d) => { this.setState({ x: d.x, y: d.y }) }}
  onResize={(e, direction, ref, delta, position) => {
      width: ref.offsetWidth,
      height: ref.offsetHeight,


default: { x: number; y: number; width?: number | string; height?: number | string; };

The width and height property is used to set the default size of the component. For example, you can set 300, '300px', 50%.
If omitted, set 'auto'.

The x and y property is used to set the default position of the component.

size?: { width: (number | string), height: (number | string) };

The size property is used to set size of the component. For example, you can set 300, '300px', 50%.

Use size if you need to control size state by yourself.

position?: { x: number, y: number };

The position property is used to set position of the component. Use position if you need to control size state by yourself.

see, following example.

  size={{ width: this.state.width,  height: this.state.height }}
  position={{ x: this.state.x, y: this.state.y }}
  onDragStop={(e, d) => { this.setState({ x: d.x, y: d.y }) }}
  onResize={(e, direction, ref, delta, position) => {
      width: ref.offsetWidth,
      height: ref.offsetHeight,

className?: string;

The className property is used to set the custom className of the component.

style?: { [key: string]: string };

The style property is used to set the custom style of the component.

minWidth?: number | string;

The minWidth property is used to set the minimum width of the component. For example, you can set 300, '300px', 50%.

minHeight?: number | string;

The minHeight property is used to set the minimum height of the component. For example, you can set 300, '300px', 50%.

maxWidth?: number | string;

The maxWidth property is used to set the maximum width of the component. For example, you can set 300, '300px', 50%.

maxHeight?: number | string;

The maxHeight property is used to set the maximum height of the component. For example, you can set 300, '300px', 50%.

z?: number;

The z property is used to set the zIndex of a component.

resizeGrid?: [number, number];

The resizeGrid property is used to specify the increments that resizing should snap to. Defaults to [1, 1].

dragGrid?: [number, number];

The dragGrid property is used to specify the increments that moving should snap to. Defaults to [1, 1].

lockAspectRatio?: boolean;

The lockAspectRatio property is used to lock aspect ratio. If omitted, set false.

dragHandleClassName?: string;

Specifies a selector to be used as the handle that initiates drag. Example: '.handle'.

resizeHandleStyles?: HandleStyles;

The resizeHandleStyles property is used to override the style of one or more resize handles. Only the axis you specify will have its handle style replaced. If you specify a value for right it will completely replace the styles for the right resize handle, but other handle will still use the default styles.

type Style = { [key: string]: string | number };

export type HandleStyles = {
  bottom?: Style,
  bottomLeft?: Style,
  bottomRight?: Style,
  left?: Style,
  right?: Style,
  top?: Style,
  topLeft?: Style,
  topRight?: Style

resizeHandleClasses?: HandleClasses;

The resizeHandleClasses property is used to set the className of one or more resize handles.

type HandleClasses = {
  bottom?: string;
  bottomLeft?: string;
  bottomRight?: string;
  left?: string;
  right?: string;
  top?: string;
  topLeft?: string;
  topRight?: string;

resizeHandleWrapperClass?: string;

The resizeHandleWrapperClass property is used to set css class name of resize handle wrapper(span) element.

resizeHandleWrapperStyle?: Style;

The resizeHandleWrapperStyle property is used to set css class name of resize handle wrapper(span) element.

enableResizing?: ?Enable;

The enableResizing property is used to set the resizable permission of the component.

The permission of top, right, bottom, left, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft, topLeft direction resizing. If omitted, all resizer are enabled. If you want to permit only right direction resizing, set { top:false, right:true, bottom:false, left:false, topRight:false, bottomRight:false, bottomLeft:false, topLeft:false }.

export type Enable = {
  bottom?: boolean;
  bottomLeft?: boolean;
  bottomRight?: boolean;
  left?: boolean;
  right?: boolean;
  top?: boolean;
  topLeft?: boolean;
  topRight?: boolean;

disableDragging?: boolean;

The disableDragging property disables dragging completely.

extendsProps?: { [key: string]: any };

This property is used to pass the other props to the component.


const extendsProps = {
  data-foo: 'foo',
  onMouseOver: () => {},

<Rnd extendsProps={extendsProps} />

dragAxis?: 'x' | 'y' | 'both' | 'none'

The direction of allowed movement (dragging) allowed ('x','y','both','none').

bounds?: string;

Specifies movement boundaries. Accepted values:

  • parent restricts movement within the node's offsetParent (nearest node with position relative or absolute), or
  • Selector, like .fooClassName.


onResizeStart?: RndResizeStartCallback;

RndResizeStartCallback type is below.

export type RndResizeStartCallback = (
  e: SyntheticMouseEvent<HTMLDivElement> | SyntheticTouchEvent<HTMLDivElement>,
  dir: ResizeDirection,
  refToElement: React.ElementRef<'div'>,
) => void;

Calls when resizable component resize start.

onResize?: RndResizeCallback;

RndResizeCallback type is below.

export type RndResizeCallback = (
  e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent,
  dir: ResizeDirection,
  refToElement: React.ElementRef<'div'>,
  delta: ResizableDelta,
  position: Position,
) => void;

Calls when resizable component resizing.

onResizeStop?: RndResizeCallback;

RndResizeCallback type is below.

export type RndResizeCallback = (
  e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent,
  dir: ResizeDirection,
  refToElement: React.ElementRef<'div'>,
  delta: ResizableDelta,
  position: Position,
) => void;

Calls when resizable component resize stop.

onDragStart: DraggableEventHandler;

Callback called on dragging start.

type DraggableData = {
  node: HTMLElement,
  x: number,
  y: number,
  deltaX: number, deltaY: number,
  lastX: number, lastY: number

type DraggableEventHandler = (
  e: SyntheticMouseEvent | SyntheticTouchEvent, data: DraggableData,
) => void | false;

onDrag: DraggableEventHandler;

onDrag called with the following parameters:

type DraggableData = {
  node: HTMLElement,
  x: number,
  y: number,
  deltaX: number, deltaY: number,
  lastX: number, lastY: number

type DraggableEventHandler = (
  e: SyntheticMouseEvent | SyntheticTouchEvent, data: DraggableData,
) => void | false;

onDragStop: DraggableEventHandler;

onDragStop called on dragging stop.

type DraggableData = {
  node: HTMLElement,
  x: number,
  y: number,
  deltaX: number, deltaY: number,
  lastX: number, lastY: number

type DraggableEventHandler = (
  e: SyntheticMouseEvent | SyntheticTouchEvent, data: DraggableData,
) => void | false;


updateSize(size: { width: string | number, height: string | number })

Update component size. For example, you can set 300, '300px', 50%.

  • for example
class YourComponent extends Component {


  update() {
    this.rnd.updateSize({ width: 200, height: 300 });

  render() {
    return (
      <Rnd ref={c => { this.rnd = c; }} ...rest >

updatePosition({ x: number, y: number })

Update component position. grid bounds props is ignored, when this method called.

  • for example
class YourComponent extends Component {


  update() {
    this.rnd.updatePosition({ x: 200, y: 300 });

  render() {
    return (
      <Rnd ref={c => { this.rnd = c; }} ...rest >


updateZIndex(z: number)

Update component z-index.

  • for example
class YourComponent extends Component {


  update() {

  render() {
    return (
      <Rnd ref={c => { this.rnd = c; }} ...rest>


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