** Repacked from NuGet using NuGettier v0.4.16+c6c6e46794fb522e40cf28c5ceccabe0607359f5 **
FlatBuffer schemas for Unity.Mathematics types
This repo consists of FlatBuffer schemas that are compiled for C#/.NET with FlatSharp.
The main schema, Unity.Mathematics.fbs
defines FlatBuffer structures that are directly compatible to
their eponymous C# structures defined by the Unity.Mathematics assembly.
The supplementary schema, Unity.Mathematics.Tables.fbs
defines FlatBuffer tables containing single values of arrays
of the aforementationed structures that can be de/serialialized. This schema is mostly intended for usage by the unit tests,
and as an integration example.
dotnet add package UnityMathematics.Schemas --version x.y.z
<PackageVersion Include="UnityMathematics.Schemas" Version="x.y.z" />
<ItemGroup Label="dependencies">
<PackageReference Include="UnityMathematics.Schemas" GeneratePathProperty="true">
<ItemGroup Label="schemas">
<!-- compile UnityMathematics.fbs -->
<FlatSharpSchema Include="$(UnityMathematics_Schemas)\content\**\*.fbs">
<!-- compile your own schemas -->
<FlatSharpSchema Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\**\*.fbs">
<ItemGroup Label="dependencies">
<PackageReference Include="UnityMathematics.Schemas" />
<ItemGroup Label="dependencies">
<PackageReference Include="UnityMathematics.Schemas" GeneratePathProperty="true">
<ItemGroup Label="schemas">
<!-- compile your own schemas -->
<FlatSharpSchema Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\**\*.fbs">
<PropertyGroup Label="FlatSharp compiler configuration">
For further information, please refer to the FlatSharp compiler documentation.
Define your types using the same namespace as you would in C#.
include "Unity.Mathematics.fbs";
namespace Example;
struct Transform {
position: Unity.Mathematics.float3;
rotation: Unity.Mathematics.quaternion;
scale: Unity.Mathematics.float3;
table Mesh {
transform: Transform (required);
vertices: [Unity.Mathematics.float3] (required);
normals: [Unity.Mathematics.float3] (required);
uvs: [Unity.Mathematics.float2] (required);
indices: [short] (required);
table ParticleEffect {
transform: Transform (required);
vertices: [Unity.Mathematics.float3] (required);
PRs are welcome.
Please refer to COLLABORATION.md for more details.