
0.1.0 • Public • Published

unitymathematics.text.json.objectnotation amalgamated with its dependencies (external.chris.kagekirin.helmich.unitymathematics.text.json.objectnotation.amalgamate) - 0.1.0

** Repacked from NuGet using NuGettier v0.4.16+c6c6e46794fb522e40cf28c5ceccabe0607359f5 **

System.Text.Json serializers for Unity.Mathematics types, serializing data as objects

This package also contains the following dependency assemblies:* UnityMathematics.NoDeps@1.3.2

Logo Unity.Mathematics.Text.Json

This project provides JSON serialization for Unity.Mathematics types based on System.Text.Json.

⚡ tl;dr or I just want to fetch the correct dependency

dotnet CLI

dotnet add package UnityMathematics.Text.Json --version x.y.z

PackageVersion in Directory.Packages.props

    <PackageVersion Include="UnityMathematics.Text.Json" Version="x.y.z" />

PackageReference in Project .csproj

  <ItemGroup Label="dependencies">
    <PackageReference Include="UnityMathematics.Text.Json" />

🔧 JSON Serializer usage

TBD once implementation is added.

🤝 Collaborate with My Project

PRs are welcome.
Please refer to COLLABORATION.md for more details.

📦 Package overview

Unity.Mathematics.Text.Json Logo Unity.Mathematics.Text.Json itself

This is the main package, supporting both array and object notation, at the expense of a slightly more convoluted design.

If your requirement is to only support a single notation style, the following standalone packages might be what you want.

Unity.Mathematics.Text.Json.ArrayNotation Logo Unity.Mathematics.Text.Json.ArrayNotation

The package for using only JSON Array notation, as in the example below.

  "vector": [1.43, 2.09, 43.9]

Unity.Mathematics.Text.Json.ObjectNotation Logo Unity.Mathematics.Text.Json.ObjectNotation

The package for using only JSON Object notation, as in the example below.

  "vector": {
    "x": 1.43,
    "y": 2.09,
    "z": 43.9

Package Sidebar


npm i external.chris.kagekirin.helmich.unitymathematics.text.json.objectnotation.amalgamate

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  • kagekirin