
1.4.0 • Public • Published

extjs-dependencies NPM version

Resolves and sorts all dependencies of an Ext JS project.


  • Build your Ext JS project without having to use the sencha tools.
  • No dependency to any particular build system. So it's a ideal base to add Ext JS dependency detection to any build system.
  • Only includes the source files you really need.
  • Sorts your source files in the right order.

You are using gulp?
Check out gulp-extjs - the gulp plugin based on extjs-dependencies.

Basic usage

Install extjs-dependencies in your project:

npm install --save-dev extjs-dependencies

Then add it to your build:

var extdeps = require('extjs-dependencies');
var extFiles = extdeps.resolveFiles({
    entry: [ 'ext/ext-dev.js', 'app.js' ]  // Add all entry points to include with dependencies
// extFiles = [
//   'ext/ext-dev.js',
//   'ext/src/button/Button.js',
//   ...
//   'app/view/Main.js',
//   'app.js'
// ]

Using a separate Ext JS script

If you prefer to load the Ext JS core using an extra script tag, you can exclude it from your build:

var extdeps = require('extjs-dependencies');
var extFiles = extdeps.resolveFiles({
    provided: 'ext/ext-all-dev.js',       // Add Ext scripts you load independently in your html file
    entry: 'app.js'                       // Add all entry points to include with dependencies

All options

var extdeps = require('extjs-dependencies');
var espree = require('espree');
var extFiles = extdeps.resolveFiles({
    // Log verbose? Optional, default is false.
    verbose: false,
    // Source file encoding. Optional, default is 'utf8'
    encoding: 'utf8',
    // The root of your project. All paths are relative to this. Optional, default is '.'
    root: 'path/to/project',
    // Add Ext JS scripts you load independently in your html file. Optional.
    provided: [ 'extjs/ext-dev.js' ],
    // Add all entry points to include with dependencies
    entry: [ 'app.js' ],
    resolve: {
        // The source folders for each class name prefix. Optional.
        path: {
            'Ext':   'ext/src',   // Search classes starting with `Ext.` in `ext/src`
            'myapp': 'app'        // Search classes starting with `myapp.` in `app`
        // Alternative class names. Optional.
        alias: {
            'Ext.Layer': 'Ext.dom.Layer'
    // Optimize source? (removes some statements like `require`) Optional, default is false.
    optimizeSource: false,
    // Extra dependencies. Optional.
    extraDependencies: {
        requires: {
            'MyClass': 'MyDependency'
        uses: {
            'MyClass': 'MyDependency'
    // Classes to exclude. Optional.
    excludeClasses: ['Ext.*', 'MyApp.some.Class'],
    // Files to exclude (excludes also dependencies). Optional.
    skipParse: ['app/ux/SkipMe.js'],
    // The file provider to use for hooking into file loading. Optional.
    fileProvider: {
        // Returns an object representing the content of a file.
        createFileContent: function(rootPath, filePath, encoding) { ... },
        // Returns the content of a file as string.
        getContentAsString: function(content) { ... }
    // Parser configure options. Optional
    parserOptions: {
        // Parser driver. example: acorn (default) or espree
        parser: espree,
        // Indicates the ECMAScript version to parse
        ecmaVersion: 8
        //More other options see in eslint/espree or acornjs/acorn library



Resolves and sorts all dependencies of an Ext JS project.

Parameter: See "All options".
Returns: A sorted array of paths to the source files (relative to options.root).


Does the same as resolveFiles, but returns an array of objects with information for each source file.

Tip: If you set optimizeSource to true, you can use the src attribute of the ExtFile object to create a better optimized build. However this will break source maps.

Parameter: See "All options".
Returns: A sorted array of objects with information for each source file.

Attributes of the returned objects:

fileInfo.path;    // The path to the source file (relative to `options.root`)
fileInfo.content; // The raw content of the source file (the optimized source is in extFile)
fileInfo.extFile; // The parser result. See `parse`.

parse(src, filePath, options)

Parses a single source file.


  • src the source code as string. If you don't have the source loaded, used parseFile instead (see below).
  • filePath the path to the source file. Should be relative to options.root.
  • options See "All options", only the following attributes are used: optimizeSource, excludeClasses, skipParse and extraDependencies.

Returns: A ExtFile object.

Attributes of ExtFile objects:

extFile.names;        // The class names defined in the source file
extFile.parentName;   // The name of the parent class. May be `null`
extFile.aliasNames;   // Alias names of other classes (not necessarily defined in this source file)
extFile.requires;     // Strong dependencies (which must be loaded before this source file)
extFile.uses;         // Weak dependencies (which can be loaded after this source file)
extFile.src;          // The source code (is optimized if `optimizeSource` is `true`)
extFile.path;         // The path to the source file (relative to `options.root`)

parseFile(filePath, options)

Loads and parses a single source file.


  • filePath the path to the source file. Should be relative to options.root.
  • options See "All options".

Returns: A ExtFile object. See parse.


Creates a dummy ExtFile object without any dependencies. Can be used to include other scripts.

Parameter: the path to the source file. Should be relative to options.root.
Returns: A dummy ExtFile object.

Attributes of the dummy ExtFile object:

extFile.names;        // An array holding the `filePath`
extFile.path;         // The `filePath`


This project is based on the parser used in grunt-extjs-dependencies written by Rowan Crawford and Christofer Pak. You can find the original code in the grunt-extjs-dependencies project.

The original parser has strong dependencies to grunt and others. Since I needed to determine Ext JS dependencies in a non-grunt environment, I decided to extract the parser and to remove those dependencies.

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  • murfman