
1.0.5 • Public • Published


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Quick and easy template scaffolding for Node


npm install factory


var factory = require('factory');

var widgetFactory = factory({
	template: 'templates/widget',
	placeholders: [
			name: 'foo',
			type: 'input',
			message: 'Enter a value for foo'
			name: 'bar',
			type: 'input',
			message: 'Enter a value for bar'

var options = {
	destination: 'app/widgets',
	overwrite: true,
var context = {
	foo: 'baz'

// Node-style callback interface
widgetFactory(options, context, function(error, results) {
	if (error) {
		console.error('Widget creation failed: ' + error);
	} else {
		console.info('Widget created successfully');

// Promise interface
widgetFactory(options, context)
	.then(function(results) {
		console.info('Widget created successfully');
	}).catch(function(error) {
		console.error('Widget creation failed: ' + error);

Contents of templates/widget/<%= foo %>.js:

module.exports = function <%= foo %>() {
	console.log('<%= bar %>');

Output at app/widgets/baz.js:

module.exports = function baz() {
	console.log('[user-prompted value]');

How it works

  • Call the factory() function with the following parameters:
    • template: path to the template folder
    • placeholders: (optional) array of inquirer prompts used to gather data for injecting into templates
    • getContext: (optional) function that transforms placeholder values before they are passed to the template
  • You can then call the function that is returned, specifying a destination path and any copy options, and optionally passing in a key/value object containing template placeholder values
  • The user is prompted for the value of any placeholders which were not provided in the placeholder values object
  • The files are copied from the template folder to the destination folder, replacing any placeholders in filenames and file content with the supplied values (using lodash template syntax)



Create a factory from an existing template

Template filenames/contents can use lodash template syntax to specify placeholder values. These are injected into the template when the factory function is invoked.


Name Type Required Default Description
template string Yes N/A Path to the template folder
placeholders Array No [] Array of inquirer prompts used to gather data for injecting into templates
getContext function No null Function that transforms placeholder values before they are passed to the template
  • getContext has the following signature:

    Name Type Description
    context object Key/value object containing placeholder values, gathered from factory context and template placeholders

    object Key/value object containing transformed context placeholder for use in templates


  • function(options, [context], [callback])

    Factory function used to create instances of the template

    The user will be prompted for the value of any placeholders which are not specified in the context object.

    Name Type Required Default Description
    options.destination string Yes N/A Destination directory for output files
    options.overwrite boolean No false Whether to overwrite existing files
    context object No {} Preset template placeholder values
    callback function No null Node-style callback that is invoked when the operation completes/fails

    Promise<Array> Promise, fulfilled with array of copy results:

     		"src": "/path/to/src",
     		"dest": "/path/to/dest",
     		"stats": <Stats>
     		"src": "/path/to/src/file.txt",
     		"dest": "/path/to/dest/file.txt",
     		"stats": <Stats>
     		"src": "/path/to/src/subfolder",
     		"dest": "/path/to/dest/subfolder",
     		"stats": <Stats>
     		"src": "/path/to/src/subfolder/nested.txt",
     		"dest": "/path/to/dest/subfolder/nested.txt",
     		"stats": <Stats>


The value returned by the generated factory function implements the EventEmitter interface, and emits the following events:

Event Handler signature
factory.events.ERROR function(error, ErrorInfo)
factory.events.COMPLETE function(Array<CopyOperation>)
factory.events.CREATE_DIRECTORY_START function(CopyOperation)
factory.events.CREATE_DIRECTORY_ERROR function(error, CopyOperation)
factory.events.CREATE_DIRECTORY_COMPLETE function(CopyOperation)
factory.events.CREATE_SYMLINK_START function(CopyOperation)
factory.events.CREATE_SYMLINK_ERROR function(error, CopyOperation)
factory.events.CREATE_SYMLINK_COMPLETE function(CopyOperation)
factory.events.COPY_FILE_START function(CopyOperation)
factory.events.COPY_FILE_ERROR function(error, CopyOperation)
factory.events.COPY_FILE_COMPLETE function(CopyOperation)

...where the types referred to in the handler signature are as follows:


Property Type Description
src string Source path of the file/folder/symlink that failed to copy
dest string Destination path of the file/folder/symlink that failed to copy


Property Type Description
src string Source path of the relevant file/folder/symlink
dest string Destination path of the relevant file/folder/symlink
stats fs.Stats Stats for the relevant file/folder/symlink

Example: using events

var factory = require('factory');

var widgetFactory = factory({
	template: 'templates/widget'

var options = {
	destination: 'app/widgets'
var context = {};
widgetFactory(options, context)
	.on(factory.events.COPY_FILE_START, function(copyOperation) {
		console.info('Copying file ' + copyOperation.src + '...');
	.on(factory.events.COPY_FILE_COMPLETE, function(copyOperation) {
		console.info('Copied to ' + copyOperation.dest);
	.on(factory.events.ERROR, function(error, copyOperation) {
		console.error('Unable to copy ' + copyOperation.dest);
	.then(function(results) {
		console.info('Widget created successfully');
	}).catch(function(error) {
		console.error('Widget creation failed: ' + error);

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  • timkendrick