
1.1.1 • Public • Published


Fake file generator is a node.js utility to generate files without size limits

stream-based lightweight package with no dependencies

Valid and Invalid files

  • Valid files: filled with valid content for the specific type of file, for example a generated valid file hello.txt of 300 bytes, opened with a text editor, it results in a valid txt file with text content inside.
  • Invalid Files: filled with zero filled buffer placeholder content, for example a generated invalid file: hello.mp3 of 300 bytes, opened with a mp3 player, it results in a compromised and unplayable file.

currently, the only supported valid file is: txt.

the valid txt file is generated with the placeholder: "START-->" at the beginning of the file and the placeholder "<--END" at the end of the file, between "START-->" and "<--END" is filled with a string pattern of characters from a to z.

here an example of the generated content of a valid txt file: START-->abcdefghilmnopqr<--END


This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry. Installation is done using the npm install command:

Install in your project and use as js module:

$ npm install fake-file-generator

Install globally and use as CLI:

$ npm install -g fake-file-generator


3 modes of usage:

1) JS Module Mode

Require in a js file and use as a module

const FakeFileGenerator = require('fake-file-generator');
const filePath = 'output/hello.txt'; // file path to generate 
const size = 10000; // size of the file in bytes (10MB)
// FakeFileGenerator.makeFile() return a promise resolved when the file is completely written on the file system
// invalid generic file
FakeFileGenerator.makeFile(filePath, size)
    .then(() => {
        console.log('file generated!');
// valid txt file
const options = { type: 'txt' }
FakeFileGenerator.makeFile(filePath, size, options)
    .then(() => {
        console.log('file generated!');

2) CLI Mode

Run as a node CLI program and pass parameters directly to it

invalid generic file:
$ fake-file-generator --fileName hello.txt --size 1000
valid txt file:
$ fake-file-generator --fileName hello.txt --size 1000 --type txt

3) Interactive CLI Mode

Run as a node CLI program with no parameters and follow the program instructions

$ fake-file-generator

Package Sidebar


npm i fake-file-generator

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  • manuel.salinardi