A non-persistent localStorage implementation.
Use this implementation if you're in need of a localStorage shim that doesn't implement persistence.
fake-local-storage can also be used for providing localStorage to node.js, so that you can test JavaScript code - that relies on localStorage - without having to run a full-fledged headless browser. It does however require a node.js version that has ES 2015 Proxy support (Node V6.0 or higher)
How to Use:
Install with npm:
npm install fake-local-storage
Or download directly from github:
CommonJs (browserify / webpack / node):
Basic javascript:
<!-- Import script -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="[YOUR-JS-FILE-LOCATION]/fake-local-storage.js"></script>
<!-- Overwrite native localStorage -->
<script type="text/javascript">
Known limitations
This module is primarily made for solving one specific problem (see Why create a fake localStorage implementation?), thus it is currently only implementing the functionality needed for solving that problem.
All basic functionality is implemented EXCEPT EVENTS
Events might be implemented in a later version - pull requests are welcome!
Why create a fake localStorage implementation?
I was using Backbone.localStorage for a cordova app.
Because localStorage can be unreliable, I decided to save a backup to a file on each write, and to load the data from the file into localStorage on each application start.
I later figured out that cordova's localStorage might be synced to google/iCloud, but I wanted to control what to sync.
The most convenient way I could come up with for solving the above problem, was to create a fake local storage implementation.