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1.2.0 • Public • Published SDK

This library provides javascript wrappers to access API and toolkit for uploading large files.


npm i fast-sdk
yarn add fast-sdk

fast-sdk exports API object, getAuthToken, setAuthToken utils and Uploader class.


Before running the API methods you should authorize first, and the authorization is happening only by SSO. For authorizing using SSO we have three options Google SSO, Microsoft SSO, and Facebook SSO. because all three ways are similar we explain the Google SSO only.

  • First: you should request a redirect URL from the server:
const  googleRedirectUrl = await  api.auth.getGoogleRedirectURL()

one of the results from this request is the redirect_url property which should be used in a new tab for going into the Google authorization process.

const  strWindowFeatures = 'toolbar=no, menubar=no, width=650, height=700';, "Google Login", strWindowFeatures)

This is an example of opening a new tab for beginning the authorization process. (The authorization process is handled by Google and after the user authorization, Google redirects the user to a redirect URL that we specified for it)

  • Second: When the user reaches the page that we wrote for the after-authorizing by Google. (The page that we tell Google to redirect the users to it)

    • first, we should grab the search section in the URL and create an object. (the SDK has a function for that):
    import { useLocation } from  'react-router'
    import { Utilities } from  'fast-sdk'
    const  location = useLocation()
    const  urlQueries = Utilities.URLToObject(
    • then we should send the result object to the server:
    import { api, setAuthToken } from  'fast-sdk'
    api.auth.getGoogleSSOToken(urlQueries).then((res) => {
      const token = res.token
  • Third: SDK exposes getAuthToken and setAuthToken utils so you can set authorization token manually:

import { getAuthToken, setAuthToken } from  'fast-sdk'

if (!getAuthToken())
 setAuthToken('your token')

You can do all of the above processes for the Facebook SSO, and the Microsoft SSO with relative methods.

As SDK is written in Typescript, your IDE should be able to suggest all existing API methods and show their parameters.


API Methods


API Methods

Editor also will show signatures of parameters.


Parameter Signatures


Parameter Signatures

Multipart file uploader

Example For Uploader Class:

import { Uploader } from  'fast-sdk'
const  uploader = new  Uploader({
  threads:  5,
  retry:  1,

Uploader options:

threads: (optional, 5 by default) - The number of chunks that can be uploaded in parallel.

retry: (optional, 1 by default) - The number of retries after failing API request.

Uploader Item

The Uploader instance should be passed to the UploaderItem constructor along with the file input and an Encryption Key.

You can use the below example for uploading a file to the server:

 const uploaderItem = new UploaderItem(uploader, file, "ENCRYPTION KEY")
 uploaderItem.iv = "IV"
// This is the IV (Initialization vector) for AES encryption

 let sessionId = ""
  sessionId = await uploaderItem.getSessionId(uploaderItem.encryptedSize)
 uploaderItem.session_id = sessionId;

await uploaderItem.chunkFile()
/* This method will chunk the file into pieces (based on the bucket-list algorithm with [100, 50, 25, 10, 3, 1] -in MegaBytes- as buckets) and stores them into the uploaderItem.chunks */

await uploaderItem.upload()

The process of uploading is as follows:

  1. You should have an Encryption Key and the IV (Initialization vector) and give them to the UploaderItem as parameters.
  2. The encryptedSize is needed for the getSessionId function. (This function returns the session_id that will be used in all the next steps)
  3. You should update the UploaderItem's session_id.
  4. You can now call the chunkFile function in order to chunk the file.
  5. Calling the upload method uploads all the chunks to the server.


  1. parallelTasksAmount: The number of endpoints that we could send data to, at the same time.
  2. updateProgressFunc(Optional): The callback function which has called every time the progress has been updated.
  3. chunks: The chunks of the file. (calculated after The file has been put into the UploaderItem class)
  4. chunkSchema: The Schema of the UploaderItem file chunks.
  5. iv: The IV (Initialize Vector) for the encryption.
  6. session_id: The session id for upload process.
  7. error: All the errors that have occurred during the process of the upload.


  1. chunkFile
  2. updateFile: updates the UploaderItem file.
  3. syncWithIndexedDB
  4. upload
  5. getSessionId

chunkFile process:

  • The file is chunked into smaller pieces.
  • The chunks are stored in the indexedDB database.
  • The chunks are encrypted with the AES algorithm with CBC mode and the PKcs7 padding.
  • The hash of the encrypted file (with the SHA256 algorithm) is calculated.
  • The rollingHash of the above hash is calculated.
  • The above caclulated values (encryptedFile with WordArray type, hash and rollingHash) are stored to the relative UploaderChunk in the indexedDB database.

Writing tests

Create account for testing and put it's email and password to .env file. This account is used in most of tests, it should have at least one site created. To create a site you need to connect a storage which were not connected to any other account yet. I suggest to create a new dropbox user, they doesn't require email confirmation, so random email works. Upload any image to the side header. Add some files and folders to site root. Put site name to .env as SERVER_WITH_CONTENT_NAME




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  • mf.cavitt