NodeJS Library for Facebook Graph API
With fb-graph-api you can now easily make requests to Facebook's Graph API.
Author: CoericK
License: Apache v2
Installing fb-graph-api with npm
npm install --save fb-graph-api
Installing fb-graph-api with yarn
yarn add fb-graph-api
// Using require() in ES5var FBGraphAPI = ; // Using ES2015 import through Babel;
Library usage
// ES5var FB = clientID: '...' clientSecret: '...' appAccessToken: '...' // Optional ; // ES2015 w/ import through Babelconst FB = clientID: '...' clientSecret: '...' appAccessToken: '...' // Optional;
Graph API
Generates the App Access Token for you.
FB ;
Debugs a given token using the App Access Token.
FB ;
Debugs a given token using the App Access Token and checks if the given token was crated for the App Access Token that was given.
FB ;