CouchDB CRUD service for FeathersJS using cradle
npm install cradle feathers-couchdb --save
Please refer to the cradle for more details about connection options and Feathers database adapter.
Getting Started
Create CouchDB service:
var cradle = ;var service = ; var app = ; //var Connection = new(cradle.Connection)('');var Connection = newcradleConnection 'user.cloudant.com' 443 secure: true auth: username: 'user' password: '<pass>' cache: true ; var opts = connection: Connection Model: 'messages'; app;
This will create a messages
endpoint and connect to a local messages
database. Each model represents each database in CouchDB that will created automatically if not exist.
Create Document
To insert new document(s), provide an array as body.
"name": "Luke Skywalker" "force": "light" "name": "Han Solo" "force": "neutral" "name": "Yoda" "force": "light"
For single document, you can provide _id
as key rather than generated uuid
by CouchDB.
"_id": "vader" "name": "Darth Vader" "force": "dark"
To update and delete you need this _id
To add _design
document for view query, create as normal Create Document with _id
start with _design
"_id": "_design/hero" "views": "all": "map": "function (doc) { if (doc.name) emit(doc.name, doc); }" "validate_doc_update": "function (newDoc, oldDoc, usrCtx) {if (! /^(light|dark|neutral)$/.test(newDoc.force)) throw({forbidden: {error: 'invalid value', reason: 'force must be dark, light, or neutral'}})}"
will create .view('_design/hero/_views/all')
map-reduce function.
To query data, simply FIND to _design
document giving its namespace as param q
can also add other params as well $skip
, $limit
, $select
NOTE This plugin also provide non-designed view and try to create temporary view inside database. If _temp_view
option is not available, like cloudant, this will create new view design and remove it immediately after.
Please be aware this process slower than having saved design doc.
"$skip": 0 "$limit": 10 "$select": 'name' 'force' "$or": "force": 'light' "force": 'neutral' "name": "$in": 'han''solo''yoda' ;
is not implemented yet.
Adapted from original works by FeathersJS team
Licensed under the MIT license.