FEF ( Front-End Framework )
DEPRECATED: This library is deprecated, please use dva or yax
Front-end framework based on react, redux, react-redux, react-router and redux-saga, inspired by elm and choo. Fork from dva.
Getting Started
$ npm install --save fef
Usage Example
Let's create an count app that changes when user click the + or - button.
;; const Router Route = router;const delay = ; // 1. Initializeconst app = ; // 2. Modelapp; // 3. Viewconst App = { return <div> <h2> propscount </h2> <button key="add" onClick= { props}>+</button> <button key="minus" onClick= { props}>-</button> </div> ;}; // 4. Routerapp; // 5. Startappstartdocument;
Report a issue
fef is available under the terms of the MIT License.