Fender is an opinionated Webpack configuration for front-end projects. It's a solid starting point for modern front-end web development. It builds JavaScript modules for the browser (and includes a Babel preset for ES2015/React), processes SCSS using LibSass, Autoprefixer & and CSS MQPacker. It also includes loaders for assets like images & fonts, which will automatically inline data URLs when optimal.
Fender outputs a standard Webpack configuration object, so it can easily be extended & works anywhere Webpack does.
To get started, install Webpack and Fender in your project:
npm install webpack webpack-dev-server fender --save-dev
Then, simply call Fender from your Webpack configuration:
var fender = ; moduleexports = ;
That's it! Optionally, set overrides for default settings. Then, simply run webpack-dev-server
to make development builds and watch for changes. When you're ready to push to production, use NODE_ENV=production webpack
to make an optimized & minified build.
©2016 David Furnes. Fender is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.