FFCreatorLite is a lightweight and flexible short video processing library based on Node.js. You only need to add some pictures, music or video clips, you can use it to quickly create a very exciting video album.
Nowadays, short video is an increasingly popular form of media communication. Like weishi and tiktok is full of all kinds of wonderful short videos. So how to make users visually create video clips on the web easily and quickly. Or based on pictures Text content, dynamic batch generation of short videos is a technical problem.
is developed based on the famous video processing library FFmpeg
, and splicing the complicated and tedious command line parameters of FFmpeg
(this is not so easy), using FFmpeg
various filters and features to realize animation And video clips and generate the final movie. So its processing speed is beyond your imagination, even faster than FFCreator
For more introduction, please see here
- Based on node.js development, it is very simple to use and easy to expand and develop.
- Only rely on
, easy to install, cross-platform, and low requirements for machine configuration. - The video processing speed is extremely fast, a 5-7 minute video only takes 1 minute.
- Supports multiple elements such as pictures, sounds, video clips, and text.
- Support for adding music and animation to the live stream before launching.
- The latest version supports more than 30 scene transition animations.
- Contains 70% animation effects of
, which can convert css animation to video.
npm install ffcreatorlite --save
Note: To run the preceding commands, Node.js and npm must be installed.
const { FFCreatorCenter, FFScene, FFImage, FFText, FFCreator } = require('ffcreatorlite');
// create creator instance
const creator = new FFCreator({
width: 600,
height: 400,
log: true,
// create FFScene
const scene1 = new FFScene();
const scene2 = new FFScene();
// scene1
const fbg = new FFImage({ path: bg1 });
const fimg1 = new FFImage({ path: img1, x: 300, y: 60 });
fimg1.addEffect('moveInRight', 1.5, 1.2);
const text = new FFText({ text: '这是第一屏', font, x: 100, y: 100 });
text.addEffect('fadeIn', 1, 1);
// scene2
const fbg2 = new FFImage({ path: bg2 });
// logo
const flogo = new FFImage({ path: logo, x: 100, y: 100 });
flogo.addEffect('moveInUpBack', 1.2, 0.3);
creator.on('progress', e => {
console.log(colors.yellow(`FFCreatorLite progress: ${(e.percent * 100) >> 0}%`));
creator.on('complete', e => {
colors.magenta(`FFCreatorLite completed: \n USEAGE: ${e.useage} \n PATH: ${e.output} `),
The latest version of ffcreatorlite already supports scene transition animation, which means you can use it to make cool effects like ffcreator.
Of course you need to install 4.3.0 above version of ffmpeg. Because here is the Xfade filter to achieve Animation.
// https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Xfade
scene.setTransition('diagtl', 1.5);
is not an enhanced version of FFCreatorLite
, in fact the two implementation principles are completely different. When you need to process a lot of video without special cool transition animation, FFCreatorLite
may be a better choice.
to process graphics rendering andshader
post-processing to generate transition effects, and finally usesFFmpeg
to synthesize the video. -
completely usesFFmpeg
filters and other effects, splicingFFmpeg
commands to generate animations and videos.
has 70% of the functions of FFCreator
, but in some cases the processing speed is faster and the installation is extremely simple. So please choose which version of the library to use according to the actual usage.
The default registration point of FFCreatorLite
is the upper left corner and cannot be modified, while the default registration point of FFCreator
is the center and can be modified.
For a more detailed tutorial, please check here
FFCreatorLite depends on FFmpeg>=0.9
and above. Please set FFmpeg as a global variable, otherwise you need to use setFFmpegPath to add FFmpeg native path. (The ffmpeg for windows users is probably not in your %PATH
, so you must set %FFMPEG_PATH
Of course, you can also compile ffmpeg on your machine, please see https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Ubuntu.
For more
tutorials, please view https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki
- How to Install and Use FFmpeg on CentOS https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-ffmpeg-on-centos-7/
- How to Install FFmpeg on Debian https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-ffmpeg-on-debian-9/
- How to Install FFmpeg on Windows http://blog.gregzaal.com/how-to-install-ffmpeg-on-windows/
- How to Install FFmpeg on Mac OSX https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/macOS
You are very welcome to join us in developing FFCreatorLite
, if you want to contribute code, please read here.