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Example usage

const Client = require('fhir-json-client')
const client = new Client('https://example.com:8080/fhir/')
client.read('Patient', '1', (err, response, patient) => {



  • options - A URL string or object


The arguments passed to all of the callback functions are:

  1. An error object or null if no error occurred.
  2. A response object containing the statusCode and headers properties.
  3. The response body as string or an object if the response contained JSON content.


read(resourceType, id[, options], callback)

Read the current state of a resource.


  • resourceType - The type of resource to read.
  • id - The id of the resource to read.
  • options - An optional object containing options to merge into the request options. This can be used to set custom headers on the request.
  • callback - The function to call once the interaction has completed.

vread(resourceType, id, versionId[, options], callback)

Read the state of a specific version of a resource.


  • resourceType - The type of resource to read.
  • id - The id of the resource to read.
  • versionId - The specific version of the resource to read.
  • options - An optional object containing options to merge into the request options. This can be used to set custom headers on the request.
  • callback - The function to call once the interaction has completed.

create(resource[, options], callback)

Create a new resource with a server assigned id.


  • resource - The resource object to create.
  • options - An optional object containing options to merge into the request options. This can be used to set custom headers on the request.
  • callback - The function to call once the interaction has completed.

update(resource[, options], callback)

Update an existing resource by its id (or create it if it is new).


  • resource - The resource object to update.
  • options - An optional object containing options to merge into the request options. This can be used to set custom headers on the request.
  • callback - The function to call once the interaction has completed.

delete(resourceType, id[, options], callback)

Delete a resource.


  • resourceType - The type of resource to delete.
  • id - The id of the resource to delete.
  • options - An optional object containing options to merge into the request options. This can be used to set custom headers on the request.
  • callback - The function to call once the interaction has completed.

transaction(bundle[, options], callback)

Update, create or delete a set of resources as a single transaction.


  • bundle - The bundle object to submit.
  • options - An optional object containing options to merge into the request options. This can be used to set custom headers on the request.
  • callback - The function to call once the interaction has completed.

search(resourceType, query[, options], callback)

Search the resource type based on some filter criteria.


  • resourceType - The type of resource to search for.
  • query - The filter criteria as an object.
  • options - An optional object containing options to merge into the request options. This can be used to set custom headers on the request.
  • callback - The function to call once the interaction has completed.




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  • bausmeier