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Manage your Files with any Cloud Storage Services

npm version JavaScript Style Guide

Filesrocket is an package of Node.js that allows you to manage your files with any cloud storage service (Local, Cloudinary, Amazon S3) through the use of strategies called Services

⚠️ Filesrocket it is currently in beta phase. Note that it is not ready for production yet. Thanks for your understanding! ❤️

🌈 Features

  • 🔭 Manage your files with multiple cloud storage services (Cloudinary, Amazon S3, Local)
  • Validations (validate extensions, file sizes and more)
  • Easy to configure and integrate
  • 🛡️ Written in Typescript
  • 👨🏻‍💻 Community driven

📖 Tutorial

Create a project

mkdir my-filesrocket-example

cd my-filesrocket-example

Configure the work environment

npm install typescript ts-node -g

npm init -y

tsc --init

Install the packages necessaries for start using Filesrocket

npm install express filesrocket filesrocket-local

npm install @types/express -D

Create a file src/index.ts in the root of the project

  1. Initialize app
import express from "express";
const app = express();
app.listen(3030, () => {
  console.log("App execute in port:3030");
  1. Register the services you are going to use
import { Filesrocket } from "filesrocket";

import { LocalFileService } from "filesrocket-local";
// Initialize
const filesrocket = new Filesrocket();

// Config your service
const service = new LocalFileService({
  pagination: { default: 15, max: 50 },
  host: "http://localhost:3030",
  directory: "uploads",
// We register the service
filesrocket.register("local", service);
  1. Register your endpoints.
const controller = filesrocket.controller("local");
// Create/Upload files."/files", async (req, res) => {
  const files = await controller.create(req, {});
// List files.
app.get("/files", async (req, res) => {
  const query = req.query;

  const files = await controller.list(query);
// Remove files.
app.delete("/files", async (req, res) => {
  const query = req.query;
  const { id } = query;

  const files = await controller.remove(id, query)

Expose static files.

app.use("/uploads", express.static(path.resolve("uploads")));

Note: By default there is no type of filter when uploading a file. Later we will see how to add validations, limit file sizes, fields and more...

We run the server

ts-node src/index.ts

With this simple example you can interact with the files, click on the following link: http://localhost:3030/files

🚀 Filesrocket

Filesrocket is a class that is in charge of orchestrating all the available functionalities; like registering services, getting them, forming controllers, etc.

Register services

In Filesrocket you can register multiple services to manage your files, the following example shows how to do it.

const filesrocket = new Filesrocket()
filesrocket.register("service-one", new MyOneService({...}))

filesrocket.register("service-two", new MyTwoService({...}))

Recovering a service

To obtain a service, you do it in the following way. For more information about Services

const service = filesrocket.service("service-name")

Recovering a controller

To obtain a controller, you do it in the following way. For more information about Controller

const controller = filesrocket.controller("service-name")

Recovering all services

This property lists all the services that are registered 
// [{ name, controller, service }]

🛎️ Services

Services are the heart of Filesrocket. In this chapter we will dive more into services.

In general, a service is an object or instance of a class that implements certain methods. Services provide a uniform, interface for how to interact with files.

Currently there are 3 services, but this is only the tip of the iceberg, later we will incorporate many more with your help.

Service Description
filesrocket-local Manage your files on your own server.
filesrocket-cloudinary Manage your files with Cloudinary
filesrocket-amazons3 Manage your files with Amazon S3

Creating my first service

The official services may not meet your needs, but don't worry, Filesrocket is thinking for you to create your own services. So let's get to it. But before, it is necessary to take into account some considerations.

When you upload, list or delete a file, you will always get an entity with the following properties regardless of the service you are using

  "id": "",
  "name": "image.jpg",
  "ext": ".jpg",
  "url": "",
  "size": 12345,
  "dir": "",
  "createdAt": "2022-03-08T20:09:07.958Z",
  "updatedAt": "2022-03-08T20:09:07.958Z"

Of course they open additional properties depending on the service, but these will be present at all times to avoid consistency problems or unexpected results.

Define a class

class MyService implements ServiceMethods {
  async create(data: Data, query: Query): Promise<any> {
    // ...
  async list(query: Query): Promise<any> {
    // ...
  async remove(id: string, query: Query): Promise<any> {
    // ...

Register your service

filesrocket.register("my-service", new MyService({...}))

Use via service

const service = filesrocket.service("my-service")

Note: When you interact directly with the service, you have to parse the entire request, generate unique filenames.

Use via controller

const controller = filesrocket.controller("my-service")

🚩 Controller

A controller in Filesrocket is a class that is in charge of parsing the requests before invoking the Service. It basically works as an intermediary point for requests. Its responsibilities are the following:

  • Interpret multipart/form-data requests.
  • Validate extensions, sizes, file numbers and other properties.
  • Generate unique filenames.


Following is the list of methods on the class.


This method is responsible for uploading the files to a certain service

const files = await controller.create(req, {});

Every time you upload a file, Filesrocket will automatically generate unique filenames to avoid conflicts. For example: one.jpg -> one-xakbsfak.jpg To generate unique filenames, use Uniqid


This method will return an array of the files that were just uploaded

    "id": "",
    "name": "image.jpg",
    "ext": ".jpg",
    "url": "",
    "size": 12345,
    "dir": "",
    "createdAt": "2022-03-08T20:09:07.958Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-03-08T20:09:07.958Z"


This method is responsible for listing files of a certain service

const files = await controller.list({});

These properties will be present in all the services you use. There will be other properties that will be present depending on the service you are using.


All official services will return paginated data.

  "items": [],
  "total": 0,
  "size": 0,
  "page": 1,
  "nextPageToken": 2,
  "prevPageToken": undefined


This method is responsible for deleting files from a certain service. In order to delete a file, you have to send the id

const file = await controller.remove("abc");


In all official services the following structure will be returned. There will be additional properties depending on the service you are using

  "id": "",
  "name": "image.jpg",
  "ext": ".jpg",
  "url": "",
  "size": 12345,
  "dir": "",
  "createdAt": "2022-03-08T20:09:07.958Z",
  "updatedAt": "2022-03-08T20:09:07.958Z"


You can also validate the file by specifying the rules for the extension, number and size of the files, and Filesrocket will perform the validations.

That validations will only be available in the controller. All properties except the extnames belongs to Busboy, so we recommend you visit the documentation

const files = await controller.create(req, {
  limits: { files: 5 },
  extnames: [".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg"]

When you upload files whose extension is not valid, Filesrocket will filter the files that do meet the extension.

👀 Examples

We've created some examples so you can clone it to your computer and get playing.

Framework Repository
Express filesrocket-express-app

Package Sidebar


npm i filesrocket

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  • ivanzm123