
0.0.2 • Public • Published

Axis title plugin for Chartist.js

This plugin allows the creation and placement of axis titles. The plugin will throw an error if it is applied to a chart that contains no axes, such as a Pie chart.

In order to use it, you will need to include the excellent charting library Chartist.js in your page.

Available options and their defaults

var defaultOptions = {
  // The title to be displayed on the axis. If at least one axis title is not supplied then an error is thrown.
  axisTitle: '',

  // One or more class names to be added to the axis title. Multiple class names should be separated by a space.
  axisClass: 'ct-axis-title',

  // How much to offset the title by.
  // Please note, x and y offset values for axisY are flipped due to the rotation of the axisY title by 90 degrees.
  // Therefore changing the x value moves up/down the chart, while changing y moves left/right.
  axisOffset: {x:0, y:0},

  // Defines the anchoring of the title text. Possible values are 'start', 'end' and 'middle'.
  textAnchor: 'middle',

  // Whether to flip the direction of the text. Note - This can only be used on axis Y.
  flipText : false


Sample usage

var chart = new Chartist.Line('.ct-chart', {
            labels: ['0-15', '16-30', '31-45', '46-60', '61-75', '76-90', '91-105', '106-120'],
                series: [1, 3, 7, 12, 1, 2, 1, 0]
            }, {
                chartPadding: {
                    top: 20,
                    right: 0,
                    bottom: 20,
                    left: 0
                axisY: {
                    onlyInteger: true
                plugins: [
                        axisX: {
                            axisTitle: 'Time (mins)',
                            axisClass: 'ct-axis-title',
                            axisOffset: {
                                x: 0,
                                y: 50
                            textAnchor: 'middle'
                        axisY: {
                            axisTitle: 'Goals',
                            axisClass: 'ct-axis-title',
                            axisOffset: {
                                x: 0,
                                y: -1
                            flipTitle: false



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  • abpai