
0.0.4 • Public • Published


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Looks for local NPM packages by their author or URL. Can be used to detect packages of authors, whose work you want to fund, or who you want to avoid.


Find all packages installed in the local node_modules authored by me, or with prantlf in the repository URL:

npx find-npm-by-author -A prantl -R prantlf

And the same programmatically:

import { findByAuthor } from 'find-npm-by-author'
const { directories } = await findByAuthor({ authors: ['prantl'], repositories: ['prantlf'] })
for (const directory of directories) console.log(directory)


The command-line tool is usually installed globally. The package can be installed locally too for the programmatic usage. You can use your favourite package manager like NPM, PNPM or Yarn. Make sure, that you use Node.js version 10 or newer:

npm i find-npm-by-author
pnpm i find-npm-by-author
yarn add find-npm-by-author

Command Line

Paths to directories paths with matching packages will be printed on the console.

find-npm-by-author [option...]

  -A|--author <word>      word to match in the name of the author
  -H|--homepage <word>    word to match in the home page URL
  -R|--repository <word>  word to match in the repository or bugs URL
  -p|--path <path>        path to modules to search (default: node_modules)
  -V|--version            print version number
  -h|--help               print usage instructions

Words will be matched as expressions with a word boundary, enclosed by \b.
The arguments can be specified multiple times to try one of several words.


This package exposes the following names exports.

findByAuthor({ path, authors, homepages, repositories }): result[]

Input parameters are expected as an object with the following properties. At least one of the arrays authors, homepages or repositories must not be empty.

property type default description
path string 'node_modules' path to the directory with NPM modules to search
authors string[] [] word expressions to match in names of package authors
homepages string[] [] word expressions to match in the package home page URL
repositories string[] [] word expressions to match in package repository or bug URLs

Output is an object with the following properties:

property type description
directories string[] directory paths with matching packages
errors object[] errors from reading or parsing packages

An error is described by an object with the following properties:

property type description
error Error the original error thrown when reading or parsing a package
file string the path to the file which was processed when the error was thrown
content string the content of the processed file if reading succeeded and parsing failed


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Lint and test your code.


Copyright (c) 2022 Ferdinand Prantl

Licensed under the MIT license.

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  • prantlf