
1.0.6 • Public • Published


FireLine is a powerful Alpine.js plugin that enhances your web applications with advanced reactivity, seamless integration, and features like server-side rendering of Alpine.js components, form handling, and a robust router.


  • Global reactive state management via window.FireLine.settings.
  • Intercepts links and forms for dynamic client-side routing.
  • Directives:
    • x-navigate: Enables dynamic routing using the built-in diffAndPatch algorithm.
    • x-submit: Handles form submissions with customizable responses.
  • Server-side rendering integration for updated content.
  • Customizable plugin settings.
  • Automatic event triggers for lifecycle management (fireStart, fireEnd, fireError).
  • Skip Auto Interception by adding native in anchor tag and form element.


# Install
npm install fireline

# Setup
import FireLine from 'fireline'
import Alpine from 'alpinejs'


window.Alpine = Alpine


or Include the plugin in your project by adding the built file to your HTML:

<!-- Alpine Plugins -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Alpine Core -->
<script defer src=""></script>

Getting Started


FireLine is globally configurable using the window.FireLine.settings object.

Default Settings

window.FireLine.settings = {
    targetEl: '#app > div', // The element to replace with loaded content
    timeout: 30, // Timeout for the loading state in seconds
    interceptLinks: true, // Enable link interception for SPA routing
    interceptForms: true, // Enable form interception for SPA form submissions

To update a setting, simply modify it before initializing Alpine.js:


<div id="app">
    <!-- Element to be replaced from here -->
        <a x-navigate href="/about">Go to About</a>
        <form x-submit action="/api/submit" method="POST">
            <input type="text" name="email" placeholder="Enter your email" />
            <button type="submit">Submit</button>
    <!-- Element to be replaced to here -->
    document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {
        // Customize Settings
        window.FireLine.settings.targetEl = '#app > div';
        window.FireLine.settings.timeout = 40;
        window.FireLine.settings.interceptLinks = false;
        window.FireLine.settings.interceptForms = false;

NOTE: every html response should have only one root laval element.



The x-navigate directive dynamically loads and renders content:

<a x-navigate href="/new-page">Navigate to New Page</a>
  • Uses diffAndPatch for DOM updates.
  • Ensure Alpine short attributes (e.g., @click, @input) are replaced with their full form (e.g., x-on:click, x-on:input).

Server Response Handling

The response object can include:

  • title: (Optional) the title to update the document.
  • html: (Required) the router response to be rendered.


Handles form submissions dynamically with server responses:

<form x-submit action="/submit-form" method="POST">
    <!-- Optional: Form Alert -->
    <div status="success" style="color:green"></div>
    <div status="error" style="color:red"></div>
    <input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name" />
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

Server Response Handling The response object can include:

  • status and message: Shows an alert under the form.
  • html and title: Renders new HTML content using diffAndPatch.
  • redirect or navigate: Redirects or navigates to a new route.

$fire Magic Property

FireLine introduces the $fire magic property, providing a powerful and intuitive way to interact with the router and manage navigation, loading states, and server-side form submissions directly in your Alpine.js components.

Available Properties and Methods

  • $fire.current: The current URL path.
  • $fire.loading: Boolean indicating whether the router is currently loading.
  • $fire.navigate(url): Navigates to the specified URL.
  • $fire.reload(): Reloads the current URL.
  • $fire.replaceHtml(html): Replaces the router content with the provided HTML.
  • $fire.formSubmit(formEl): Submits a form to the server and handles the response.

Example Usage

Highlight Active Links

<a :class="$fire.current == '/' && 'text-green-600'" href="/">Home</a>
<a :class="$fire.current.startsWith('/about') && 'text-green-600'" href="/about">About</a>

Navigation Buttons

<button x-on:click="$fire.navigate('/dashboard')" class="btn">Go to Dashboard</button>
<button x-on:click="$fire.reload()" class="btn">Reload Page</button>

Custom Content Replacement

<div id="app">
        <button x-on:click="$fire.replaceHtml('<div><h1>Welcome to FireLine!</h1></div>')" class="btn">
            Update Content

Note: In replaceHtml function the input Html should contain only one root laval element.

Server-Side Form Submission

<form x-data x-on:submit="$fire.formSubmit($el)">
    <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Enter username" required>
    <button type="submit" class="btn">Submit</button>


  • Use $fire.navigate(url) to programmatically navigate between pages.
  • When using server-side form submission, make sure your form's response includes one of the following properties:
    • status and message: Displays an alert under the form.
    • html and title: Updates the content via replaceHtml.
    • redirect or navigate: Redirects or navigates to a specific route.
  • Ensure Alpine.js shorthand attributes (e.g., @click) are replaced with full syntax (x-on:click) when using the replaceHtml function to avoid compatibility issues.

The $fire magic property simplifies complex routing and state management, making it easier to build dynamic and reactive Alpine.js applications with FireLine.

Tips for Usage

  • Use Full Attribute Names: Replace Alpine short attributes (@click, @input) with full ones (x-on:click, x-on:input) to avoid issues with the dom rendering.

  • Avoid Mixed Bind Attributes: If using x-bind:class, x-bind:style, etc do not include generic attributes (class, style, etc) to prevent conflicts. Example:

    <!-- Avoid this -->
    <div class="bg-red-500" x-bind:class="isActive ? 'text-white' : 'text-gray-500'"></div>
    <!-- Recommended -->
    <div x-bind:class="isActive ? 'bg-red-500 text-white' : 'bg-red-500 text-gray-500'"></div>


FireLine emits the following events during its lifecycle:

  • fireStart: Triggered at the start of navigation or submission.
  • fireEnd: Triggered after successful navigation or submission.
  • fireError: Triggered when an error occurs.

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  • dev.shahin