skip fixture tests with "_" prefix
If you are dynamically running tests based on folders of fixture files, there is no easy way to it.only
or run only one test while debugging. Now you can prefix one of your fixture folders with "_", and it will be the only test that runs.
const path = require('path');
const fixtureSkipper = require('fixture-skipper');
const fixturesPath = 'test/fixtures';
// with folders "1", "2", "3", all tests run
// with folders "1", "2", "_3", only "_3" runs
const forEachDir = fixtureSkipper(fixturesPath);
describe('my tests', function() {
forEachDir((it, fixturesDir) => {
it(`testing fixtures: ${fixturesDir}`, function() {
let fixtures = fixturify.readSync(path.join(fixturesPath, fixturesDir));
// test using your fixtures