flashleit is a node implementation of a Leitner spaced repetition system.
Install or Upgrade
yarn global add flashleit
Using the Leitner System
Each day you use flashleit begins a session
. During that session you will
review a set of cards, marking each reviewed as either a success or a failure.
Successes will advance the card to the next proficiency level. Failure will
return the card back to proficiency level 1.
Each card is displayed on a schedule based on its current proficiency level.
- Proficiency level 1 cards are shown every session
- Proficiency level 2 cards are shown every two sessions
- Proficiency level 3 cards are shown every three sessions
- And so on
flashleit allows you to customize the number of proficiency levels you would like to use.
Note: Once a card reaches the maximum proficiency level it will not be shown again. This card has been successfully memorized.
Many styles and settings are configurable, such as:
- Maximum proficiency levels (default 7)
- Delay before revealing back of card (default 2 seconds)
- Text colors
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.