Flexible switch react is a flexible and customizable switcher component for React that supports a rich set of options for styling and interactive control. Suitable for implementing dark/light themes, state switches, and other interactions. Also supports adding icons or symbols.
npm install flexible-switch-react
A basic implementation looks as follows:
import {Switcher} from 'flexible-switch-react';
const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(false);
<Switcher isActive={isActive} setIsActive={setIsActive} />
Example of adding an icon:
import { MdDarkMode } from "react-icons/md";
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
isActive | bool | Required | If false, the switch is set to the left. If true, it is set to the right. |
setIsActive | func | Required | Invoked Called when the user clicks the toggle. |
sizeSwitch | string | 100px | The size of the switch must be entered in pixels in string format. |
backgroundSwitchLeft | string | 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.500)' | Switch background when thumb is on the left. |
backgroundSwitchRight | string | 'white' | Switch background when thumb is on the left. |
textColorSwitchLeft | string | 'black' | Text color when thumb is on the left. |
textColorSwitchRight | string | 'black' | Text color when thumb is on the right. |
BoxShadowSwitcherLeft | string | '' | Allows you to add a shadow from the switch when the thumb is on the left. For example 'box-shadow: 0 0 5px white' |
BoxShadowSwitcherRight | string | '' | Allows you to add a shadow from the switch when the thumb is on the right. For example 'box-shadow: 0 0 5px black' |
textSwitchLeft | string | '' | Allows you to add text (up to two characters) to the switch on the left. |
textSwitchRight | string | '' | Allows you to add text (up to two characters) to the switch on the right. |
iconSwitchLeft | React.ReactElement | undefined | Allows you to add an icon to the switch as a react component on the left. |
iconSwitchRight | React.ReactElement | undefined | Allows you to add an icon to the switch as a react component on the right. |
backgroundThumbLeft | string | 'rgb(83, 124, 82)' | Adds a background to the thumb when it is on the left. accessibility. |
backgroundThumbRight | string | 'rgb(5, 159, 3)' | Adds a background to the thumb when it is on the right. |
textColorThumbLeft | string | 'black' | Adds text color when the thumb is on the left. |
textColorThumbRight | string | 'black' | Adds text color when the thumb is on the right. |
BoxShadowThumbLeft | string | '' | Adds a shadow from the thumb when it is on the left. For example 'box-shadow: 0 0 5px white' |
BoxShadowThumbRight | string | '' | Adds a shadow from the thumb when it is on the right. For example 'box-shadow: 0 0 5px black' |
textThumbLeft | string | '' | Allows you to add text (up to two characters) to the thumb when it is on the left. |
textThumbRight | string | '' | Allows you to add text (up to two characters) to the thumb when it is on the right. |
iconThumbLeft | React.ReactElement | undefined | Allows you to add an icon to the thumb as a react component when it is on the left. |
iconThumbRight | React.ReactElement | undefined | Allows you to add an icon to the thumb as a react component when it is on the right. |
speedSwitch | string | 'all 500ms linear' | Sets the speed of change for the switch. |
speedThumb | string | 'all 500ms linear' | Sets the speed of change for the thumb. |