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1.0.4 • Public • Published

Flexible switch for React

Flexible switch react is a flexible and customizable switcher component for React that supports a rich set of options for styling and interactive control. Suitable for implementing dark/light themes, state switches, and other interactions. Also supports adding icons or symbols.


npm install flexible-switch-react


A basic implementation looks as follows:

import {Switcher} from 'flexible-switch-react';
const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(false);
<Switcher isActive={isActive} setIsActive={setIsActive} />

Example of adding an icon:

import { MdDarkMode } from "react-icons/md";



Prop Type Default Description
isActive bool Required If false, the switch is set to the left. If true, it is set to the right.
setIsActive func Required Invoked Called when the user clicks the toggle.
sizeSwitch string 100px The size of the switch must be entered in pixels in string format.
backgroundSwitchLeft string 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.500)' Switch background when thumb is on the left.
backgroundSwitchRight string 'white' Switch background when thumb is on the left.
textColorSwitchLeft string 'black' Text color when thumb is on the left.
textColorSwitchRight string 'black' Text color when thumb is on the right.
BoxShadowSwitcherLeft string '' Allows you to add a shadow from the switch when the thumb is on the left. For example 'box-shadow: 0 0 5px white'
BoxShadowSwitcherRight string '' Allows you to add a shadow from the switch when the thumb is on the right. For example 'box-shadow: 0 0 5px black'
textSwitchLeft string '' Allows you to add text (up to two characters) to the switch on the left.
textSwitchRight string '' Allows you to add text (up to two characters) to the switch on the right.
iconSwitchLeft React.ReactElement undefined Allows you to add an icon to the switch as a react component on the left.
iconSwitchRight React.ReactElement undefined Allows you to add an icon to the switch as a react component on the right.
backgroundThumbLeft string 'rgb(83, 124, 82)' Adds a background to the thumb when it is on the left. accessibility.
backgroundThumbRight string 'rgb(5, 159, 3)' Adds a background to the thumb when it is on the right.
textColorThumbLeft string 'black' Adds text color when the thumb is on the left.
textColorThumbRight string 'black' Adds text color when the thumb is on the right.
BoxShadowThumbLeft string '' Adds a shadow from the thumb when it is on the left. For example 'box-shadow: 0 0 5px white'
BoxShadowThumbRight string '' Adds a shadow from the thumb when it is on the right. For example 'box-shadow: 0 0 5px black'
textThumbLeft string '' Allows you to add text (up to two characters) to the thumb when it is on the left.
textThumbRight string '' Allows you to add text (up to two characters) to the thumb when it is on the right.
iconThumbLeft React.ReactElement undefined Allows you to add an icon to the thumb as a react component when it is on the left.
iconThumbRight React.ReactElement undefined Allows you to add an icon to the thumb as a react component when it is on the right.
speedSwitch string 'all 500ms linear' Sets the speed of change for the switch.
speedThumb string 'all 500ms linear' Sets the speed of change for the thumb.

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  • m.rafael_