A leafy responsive alternative to Turnjs. No jQuery dependency along with a no javascript fallback.
In your HTML:
<div id = "book">
<div class = "page"> Page-1 HTML </div>
<div class = "page"> Page-2 HTML </div>
<div class = "page"> Page-3 HTML </div>
<div class = "page"> Page-2N content here…</div>
Note the 2N
number of pages
in the book because a leaf
has two sides to it.
Invocation with script.js
import 'babel-polyfill'
import '../css/book.css'
import '../lib/flippy.js'
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {
/****** Initialize Flippy ********/
let settings = { duration: 100, animation: true, curl: true, allowZoom: false, start_page: 20 }
let node = document.getElementById('book')
const superbook = Flippy.init(node, settings)
/******** Work in progress ********/
// superbook.flipping = false
// superbook.flipped = true // Custom event?
// superbook.zooming = false // boolean state
// superbook.zoomed = true // boolean state
// superbook.page = () => 'current_page'
// superbook.area = () => '[height, width]'
// superbook.direction = 'forward'
// superbook.next = () => {
// superbook.direction = 'forward'
// return superbook.direction
// }
// superbook.prev = () => {
// superbook.direction = 'backward'
// return superbook.direction
// }
// superbook.hasPage = pageNo => {
// console.log('Returns if page exist: ', pageNo)
// }
// superbook.addPage = (pageNo, content) => {
// console.log('Adding page number: ', content, 'at', pageNo)
// }
// superbook.removePage = pageNo => {
// console.log('Remove page number: ', pageNo)
// }
/******** Implemented API ********/
let booklength = superbook.flippy('length')
console.log('Book length', booklength)
superbook.flippy('flip', 7)
}, true)