
0.0.7 • Public • Published

Flora Pac for NodeJS NPM version

A NodeJS port of Flora PAC generator.

Installation / Usage

  1. Install from npm

    $ sudo npm install -g flora-pac
  2. Create your own pac-config.json first (see next chapter)

  3. Run (the default output file is flora.pac)

    $ flora-pac

    or to get some command-line help

    $ flora-pac -h


make a config file pac-config.json like this

    "proxy"         : "SOCKS5; SOCKS",
    "normalDomains" : [
        "baidu.com", "v2ex.com"
    "walledDomains" : [
        "google.com", "youtube.com", 
        "twitter.com", "facebook.com"
    "fakeIps" : [
        "", ""

check src/pac-config.js for more config options available.

INI format is also supported, check this sample for more details

All things done with only one command

$ node <path_to_this_project_root>


You could run a simple test (assume that flora.pac is already generated)

$ npm install
$ ./pacTest flora.pac twitter.com
$ node test/pacTest flora.pac twitter.com

Or run batch tests

$ npm install
$ node test/test

Speed up the generation time

The CHN IP is requested from apnic

There is approximate 1.6 MB data to download.

You can do it yourself using this command

$ curl http://ftp.apnic.net/apnic/stats/apnic/delegated-apnic-latest -O

If you need to generate multiple files, this will help generating speed up much faster.


The Performance test code is just copied from clowwindy's gfwlist2pac

An example of generated PAC file is here

Flora Pac uses dnsResolve which makes the execution time very unpredictable.

The test code is modified that return a random IP every time while lookup any host.

Here is the test result:

Testing pac generated by FloraPacNJS
   size: 49324 bytes
  total: 105.797055 ms
average: 1.528859176300578 ns

Testing pac generated by gfwlist2pac
   size: 54800 bytes
  total: 27.962916 ms
average: 0.40408838150289017 ns

Testing pac generated by switchysharp
   size: 506472 bytes
  total: 41940.2284 ms
average: 606.0726647398843 ns


  • Add tests
  • Add command-line: --help / --proxy / --internal-proxy / --file / ...
  • Generate minimal pac file, etc: flora.min.pac (meaningless, cancelled)
  • Add supports for INI config file rather than general json
  • Add supports for import domains from GFW whitelist: whitelist.pac (smaller)
  • Add supports for import domains from fqdns: china_domains.txt (much bigger)
  • Add supports for import domains from gfwlist.txt

See also



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  • lwr