
1.10.11 • Public • Published

The Flow.ai JavaScript Response Templates

Easy helper classes to create rich flow.ai response templates like cards, buttons and locations.

Reponse templates allow developers to render widgets at channels that support this like Facebook Messenger or the flow.ai Web client.

What can you do?

  • No need to write error prone JSON
  • Full support for all template types

Getting started

All classes are available for usage with Flow.ai Cloud functions. When you want to send rich responses using a webhook, install the library with NPM.


npm install --save flowai-js-templates


When using Flow.ai cloud code there is no need to require or import anything.

const { Card } = require('flowai-js-templates')

const card = new Card({
  title: "Cookie factory",
  subtitle: "Infinite lane 23"

Sending back rich messages

You can send back rich messages in 3 different ways

Cloud code

Within a cloud code function you can directly send back messages by returning them from your function.

Sending a single message with a single response
async payload=> {

  // Create a generic speech bubble
  const text = new Text("Hi there!")

  // Create a generic message with fallback text
  const message = new Message("Hi, there")

  return message
Sending a single message with multiple responses
async payload=> {

  // Create a generic speech bubble
  const text = new Text("Hi there!")

  // Create a Google Business Messages specific card
  const card = new GBM.Card({
    title: "Cookie factory",
    description: "Infinite lane 23"

  return new Message("Hi, the address of the Cookie factory is Infinite lane 23")
Sending back multiple messages
async payload=> {

  // Create a generic speech bubble
  const text = new Text("Hi there!")

  // Create a generic card
  const card = new Card({
    title: "Cookie factory",
    subtitle: "Infinite lane 23"

  return [
    new Message("Hi, there").addResponse(text),
    new Message("the address of the Cookie factory is Infinite lane 23").addResponse(card)

Channel specific

We support a number of generic components that render on most channels. For example a Card element works for both Facebook Messenger and the Flow.ai Web Widget.

However, there are specific components as well for channels like Apple Business Chat or an IVR Bot.

You can create and send these as well. The following example shows how to create and send a Time Picker for Apple Business chat.

async payload=> {
  const timePicker = new Apple.TimePicker({
    receivedMessage: new Apple.InteractiveMessage({
      title: "Schedule an Appointment",
      subtitle: "We'll see you there!",
      style: "icon"
    replyMessage: new Apple.InteractiveMessage({
      title: "Your Appointment",
      style: "icon"
    event: new Apple.EventItem({
      title: "Some event",
      location: new Apple.LocationItem({
        latitude: 37.7725,
        longitude: -122.4311,
        radius: 100,
        title: "Some venue"
      timeslots: [
        new Apple.TimeItem({
          duration: 60,
          startTime: "2020-05-26T08:27:55+00:00"
        new Apple.TimeItem({
          duration: 60,
          startTime: "2020-05-26T09:27:55+00:00"
        new Apple.TimeItem({
          duration: 60,
          startTime: "2020-05-26T10:27:55+00:00"
      timezoneOffset: 2

  return new Message('Time picker').addResponse(timePicker)

For a complete overview of all reply actions see the Flow.ai documentation site.

Reply Templates Reference

Each reply being sent is part of a message.


The base representation of a message to a user. Contains a pronounceable fallback message and optional rich Template responses.


Name Type Description
fallback string Pronounceable and represents the responses as a whole
responses Array.<Template> List of rich Template responses

new Message(fallback, meta)


// Create a message without responses
// this will create a response
// when converted to JSON
const message = new Message('Hi there')

// This also works for multiple text responses by adding an array of strings
const message = new Message(['Hi there', 'How can I help?'])
Param Type Description
fallback string Required
meta Object Optional property list with data


Add a response

Param Type Description
response Template response


We provide a collection of generic message templates that can be sent to any messaging channel. These generic templates are transformed into specific channel counter parts. They provide a convenient way to reply with a single message to multiple channels.


Inherits from Message.


A convenience method to add a quick reply to the last response template of a Message


const message = new Message("Want a cold beverage?")
 .addQuickReply(new QuickReply({
   label: 'Yes'
 .addQuickReply(new QuickReply({
   label: 'No'
Param Type Description
quickReply QuickReply Required


A convenience method to add a Suggested Action to the last response template of a Message


const message = new Message("Put on some music please!")
 .addSuggestedAction(new SuggestedAction({
   "label": "test with code action",
   "type": "calendar_action",
   "title": "Party at Imran's",
   "description": "party tonight",
   "startTime": "2023-04-27T23:30",
   "endTime": "2023-04-28T04:30",
   "timezone": "(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi"
Param Type Description
suggestedAction SuggestedAction Required


A convenience method to add Expiration time to the last response template of a RBM Message


const message = new Message("Put on some music please!")
 .addSuggestedAction(new SuggestedAction({
   "label": "test with code action",
   "type": "calendar_action",
   "title": "Party at Imran's",
   "description": "party tonight",
   "startTime": "2023-04-27T23:30",
   "endTime": "2023-04-28T04:30",
   "timezone": "(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi"
Param Type Description
expirationTime ExpirationTime Required


The simplest messages are made of text. Text messages are best suited to communicate information without the need for visuals, complex interaction, or response.


Name Type Description
text string Text to show

new Text()


const text = new Text('Want a free soda?')
text.addQuickReply(new QuickReply({
  label: 'Yes',
  value: 'yes'
text.addQuickReply(new QuickReply({
  label: 'No',
  value: 'no'
Param Type Description
opts.text string Required


Deliver an image to a user. Optionally you can specify an Action to perform when a user interacts with the image. Note: This is not supported on all channels.


Name Type Description
title string Describes the image
url string URL to the image
action Action Optional Action

new Image()


const image = new Image({
  title: "Awesome title",
  url: "https://...",
  action: new Action({
    type: 'url',
    value: 'https://...'
Param Type Description
opts.title string Required
opts.url string Required
opts.action string Optional Action


Deliver a file to a user. Optionally you can specify an Action to perform when a user interacts with the file. Note: This is not supported on all channels.


Name Type Description
title string Describes the file
url string URL to the file
action Action Optional Action

new File()


const file = new File({
  title: "Awesome title",
  url: "https://...",
  action: new Action({
    type: 'url',
    value: 'https://...'
Param Type Description
opts.title string Optional
opts.url string Required
opts.action string Optional Action


Deliver a video to a user or show a video player. Optionally you can specify an Action to perform when a user interacts with the video. Note: This is not supported on all channels.


Name Type Description
title string Describes the video
url string URL to the video
action Action Optional Action

new Video(opts)


const video = new Video({
  title: "Awesome title",
  url: "https://...",
  action: new Action({
    type: 'url',
    value: 'https://...'
Param Type Description
opts object
opts.title string Required
opts.url string Required
opts.action string Optional
opts.thumbnailUrl string Optional


Send an audio file or show an audio player to a user. Optionally you can specify an Action to perform when a user interacts with the audio. Note: This is not supported on all channels.


Name Type Description
title string Describes the audio
url string URL to the audio file
action Action Optional Action
duration duration required for channels like 'LINE' otherwise optional

new Audio()


// Generic audio
const audio = new Audio({
  title: "Name of the song",
  url: "https://..."
Param Type Description
opts.title string Required
opts.url string Required
opts.action string Optional
opts.duration number Optional


Send or display a location on a map to a user. Optionally add an Action to perform when the user interacts with the location. Note: only supported on some channels.


Name Type Description
title string Describes the location
lat string Latitude
long string Longitude
action Action Optional Action

new Location()


const location = new Location({
  title: "Infinite Loop 1",
  lat: "37.331860",
  long: "-122.030248",
  action: new Action({
    type: 'url',
    value: 'https://...'
Param Type Description
opts.title string Required
opts.lat string Required
opts.long string Required
opts.action string Optional


Generic template with an optional short description and list of Button components to request input from a user


Name Type Description
title string Main title of the buttons
buttons Array.<Button> Optional set of buttons

new Buttons()


const buttons = new Buttons("Vintage bikes and more")
buttons.addButton(new Button({
 label: "View website",
 type: "url",
 value: "..."
buttons.addButton(new Button({
 label: "Special offers",
 type: "postback",
 value: "Show me special offers"
Param Type Description
opts.title string Required

new Buttons(body, footer, header, buttons)


const ButtonWA = new Templates.WhatsApp.Button({
             title: "Example title",
const HeaderWA = new Templates.WhatsApp.Header({
             type: 'text',
             value: 'Example value'

const buttonsWA = new Templates.WhatsApp.List({body: 'Example body',
            header: HeaderWA,
            buttons: [ButtonWA]
Param Type Description
body string Required
footer string Optional
header Header Optional Header
buttons Array Required


Add a button to the buttons

Param Type Description
button Button button


Add a button to the buttons

Param Type Description
button Button button


A generic template that can be a combination of a Media attachment, short description or Button components to request input from a user.


Name Type Description
title string Main title of the card
subtitle string Optional subtitle
media Media Optional Media
action Action Optional Action
buttons Array.<Button> Optional set of Button components
action Action Optional Action that is triggered when a user interacts with the card

new Card()


const button1 = new Button({
  label: "Label",
  type: "url",
  value: "https://..."

const button2 = new Button({
  label: "Label",
  type: "url",
  value: "https://..."

const card = new Card({
  title: "Awesome title",
  subtitle: "Some subtitle",
  media: new Media({
   url: "https://...",
   type: "image"
Param Type Description
opts.title string Required
opts.subtitle string Optional
opts.media Media Optional Media
opts.action Action Optional Action

new Card()


const button1 = new Button({
  label: "Label",
  type: "url",
  value: "https://..."

const button2 = new Button({
  label: "Label",
  type: "url",
  value: "https://..."

const rbm_card_vr = new Card({
  title: "Awesome title",
  subtitle: "Some subtitle",
  cardOrientation: "VERTICAL" 
  media: new Media({
   url: "https://...",
   type: "image",
   height: "TALL"

const rbm_card_hr = new Card({
  title: "Awesome title",
  subtitle: "Some subtitle",
  cardOrientation: "HORIZONTAL",
  thumbnailImageAlignment: "LEFT", 
  media: new Media({
   url: "https://...",
   type: "image",
   height: "TALL"
Param Type Description
opts.title string Required
opts.subtitle string Optional
opts.media Media Optional Media
opts.cardOrientation string Required
opts.thumbnailImageAlignment string Required for horizontal orientation
opts.action Action Optional Action


Add a button to the card

Param Type Description
button Button button


Add a button to the card

Param Type Description
button Button button


Add a RBM type button to the card

Param Type Description
button RBMButton button


Template that renders a set of generic Card templates


Name Type Description
cards Array.<Card> Set of Card templates

new Carousel(cards)


const card1 = new Card({
  title: "Awesome title 1",
  subtitle: "Some subtitle 1",
  media: new Media({
   url: "https://...",
   type: "image"

const card2 = new Card({
  title: "Awesome title 2",
  subtitle: "Some subtitle 2",
  media: new Media({
   url: "https://...",
   type: "image"

const carousel = new Carousel()


// Short hand
const card1 = new Card({
  title: "Awesome title 1",
  subtitle: "Some subtitle 1",
  media: new Media({
   url: "https://...",
   type: "image"

const card2 = new Card({
  title: "Awesome title 2",
  subtitle: "Some subtitle 2",
  media: new Media({
   url: "https://...",
   type: "image"

const carousel = new Carousel([card1, card2])
Param Type Description
cards Array Optional list of Card templates

new Carousel(cardWidth, cards)


const card1 = new Card({
  title: "Awesome title 1",
  subtitle: "Some subtitle 1",
  cardOrientation: 'VERTICAL'
  media: new Media({
   url: "https://...",
   type: "image"

const card2 = new Card({
  title: "Awesome title 2",
  subtitle: "Some subtitle 2",
  cardOrientation: 'VERTICAL'
  media: new Media({
   url: "https://...",
   type: "image"

const carousel = new Carousel()
carousel.cardWidth = 'MEDIUM'
Param Type Description
cardWidth string required
cards Array Optional list of Card templates


Add a Card to the list of cards

Param Type Description
card Card card


Add a Card to the list of cards

Param Type Description
card Card card


Template that displays a set of ListItem components


Name Type Description
items Array.<ListItem> Set of list items


Add a ListItem to the list of items

Param Type Description
item ListItem ListItem


Add a Button to the list of buttons

Param Type Description
button Button button


Add a ListItemSection to the list of items

Param Type Description
item ListItemSection ListItemSection


Item within a List template


Name Type Description
title string Title of the list item
subtitle string Optional subtitle
media Media Optional Media
buttons Array.<Button> Optional set of buttons
action Action Optional Action that is triggered when a user interacts with the list item
featured bool Optional set this element to be featured in the List (default false)

new ListItem()

Param Type Description
opts.title string Required
opts.subtitle string Optional
opts.media Media Optional
opts.action Action Optional
opts.featured bool Optional

new ListItem()

Param Type Description
opts.title string Required
opts.description string Required
opts.id string Optional, id of the button. If not passed will be automatically generated


Add a button to the list item

Param Type Description
button Button button


Attach an action that is performed when a user interacts with a generic Card, List or Buttons templates


Name Type Description
type string Type of action (url, phone, postback, share, login, webview, event)
value string Value of the action
params Array.<Param> Optional parameters associated with the action

new Action()


const image = new Image({
  action: new Action({
    type: 'url',
    value: 'https://...'
Param Type Description
opts.type string Required
opts.value string Required
opts.param Param | Array.<Param> Optional Param or array or Array of Params related to this action


Render a button inside Card or Buttons templates. Unlike QuickReply templates, by default a button will remain on the screen even after a user presses them.


Name Type Description
type string Type of button (url, phone, postback, share, login, webview, event, flow, step)
label string Label of the button
value string Value of the button
params Array.<Param> Optional parameters associated with the button
trigger ButtonTrigger Optional ButtonTrigger for specific type of button

new Button(opts)


new Button({
 type: 'webview',
 label: 'More info'
 value: 'https://...',
 trigger: new ButtonTrigger({
   type: 'event',
   value: 'Event to Trigger'
Param Type Description
opts object Required properties
opts.type string Required, type of button (url, phone, postback, share, login, webview, event, flow, step)
opts.label string Required, label of the button
opts.value string Required, value of the button (can be a URL or other string value)
opts.id string Optional, id of the button. If not passed will be automatically generated
opts.param Param | Array.<Param> Optional Param or array or Array of Params related to this button

new Button(opts)


new Button({
 type: 'webview',
 label: 'More info'
 value: 'https://...',
 trigger: new ButtonTrigger({
   type: 'event',
   value: 'event-to-trigger'
Param Type Description
opts object Required properties
opts.type string Required, type of button (url, phone, postback, share, login, webview, event, flow, step)
opts.value string Required, value of the button (can be a URL or other string value) (not for calendar action)
opts.label string Required, label of the button
opts.id string Optional, id of the button. If not passed will be automatically generated
opts.title string Required
opts.description string Optional
opts.startTime string Required
opts.endTime string Required
opts.timezone string Required
opts.trigger ButtonTrigger Optional
opts.param Param | Array.<Param> Optional Param or array or Array of Params related to this button

new Button(opts)


new Button({
 title: 'Select',
 type: 'event',
 value: 'NICE_EVENT'
Param Type Description
opts object
opts.title string Required, title of the button
opts.type string Required, type of the button (text, event, flow or step)
opts.value string Required, value of payload to be sent back to the server when customer clicks the buttons
opts.id string Optional, id of the button. If not passed will be automatically generated
opts.param Param Optional, parameter to pass to the button
opts.params Array.<Param> Optional, parameters to pass to the button


Attach an optional trigger that can be applied to a Button if the type of the button is either 'url' or 'phone'.


Name Type Description
type string Type of button trigger (event, flow)
value string Value of the event/flow to be triggered

new ButtonTrigger(opts)


new ButtonTrigger({
 type: 'event',
 value: 'event-to-trigger'
Param Type Description
opts object Required properties
opts.type string Required, type of additional trigger (event, flow)
opts.value string Required, name of the event/flow to be triggered


Component that represents a URL to an image, video or audio file. Used within generic templates like Card and Image.


Name Type Description
url string URL to the media file

new Media()

Param Type Description
opts.url string Required
opts.type string Required

new Media()

Param Type Description
opts.url string Required
opts.type string Required
opts.height string Required for Vertical layout

new Media()

Param Type Description
opts.url string Required
opts.type string Required


Component placed on any Template. Represents a shortcut for a user to reply with. Ideal for yes / no type of questions.


Name Type Description
label string Label that is shown as a quick reply
value string Value that is being send as the quick reply, empty if type is location
type string Type of quick reply, default is text (text, location, user_email, user_phone_number, event, flow, step)
quickReplyId string Type of quick reply, default is text (text, location, user_email, user_phone_number, event, flow, step)
params Array.<Param> Optional parameters associated with the quick reply
tags Array.<Param> Optional tags associated with the quick reply

new QuickReply()


const text = new Text('We have a 40" screen for sale. Want to preorder it?')
text.addQuickReply(new QuickReply({
  label: '👍',
  value: 'Yes'
text.addQuickReply(new QuickReply({
  label: '👎',
  value: 'No'
Param Type Description
opts.label string Required
opts.type string Optional type, default is text (text, location, user_email, user_phone_number, event, flow, step)
opts.value string Required, ignored if type is location
opts.quickReplyId string Required
opts.auto boolean Optional, flag for auto reply
opts.stepId string Optional, step link for auto reply
opts.param Param | Array.<Param> Optional Param or array or Array of Params related to this QuickReply
opts.tags Param | Array.<Param> Optional Tags or array or Array of Tags related to this QuickReply


These reply templates are specific to the Messenger integration. They are not supported by other channels.


Products Template


Name Type Description
productIds Array.<string> list of product IDs

new Products(productIds)

The product template can be used to render products that have been uploaded to Facebook catalog. Product details (image, title, price) will automatically be pulled from the product catalog.


// Single product card
const product = new Messenger.Products('11232112332')

// Carousel of products
const product = new Messenger.Products(['11232112332', '23422224343])
Param Type Description
productIds Array.<string> Required


One-Time Notification Request Template


Name Type Description
title string title of the OTN
tag string tag that will be assigned to actor when this OTN is called

new OTN(title, tag)

The One-Time Notification request template template will be rendered and once the user clicks the Notify Me button, a special OTNR trigger is called. The specific user can now be reached for a follow up message after the 24hr period.


const otn = new Messenger.OTN('When keyboards are available', 'keyboard')
Param Type Description
title string Required title for the request
tag string Optional tag name to apply when a user accepts the OTNR


Receipt Template


Name Type Description
sharable boolean Optional, set to true to enable the native share button in Messenger for the template message. Defaults to false.
recipientName string Required, the recipient's name.
merchantName string Optional, the merchant's name. If present this is shown as logo text.
orderNumber string Required, the order number. Must be unique.
currency string Required, currency of the payment.
paymentMethod string Required, the payment method used. Providing enough information for the customer to decipher which payment method and account they used is recommended. This can be a custom string, such as, "Visa 1234".
timestamp string Optional, timestamp of the order in seconds.
elements Array.<ReceiptElement> Optional, array of a maximum of 100 element objects that describe items in the order. Sort order of the elements is not guaranteed.
address ReceiptAddress Optional, the shipping address of the order.
summary ReceiptSummary Optional, the payment summary. See summary.
adjustments Array.<ReceiptAdjustment> Optional, an array of payment objects that describe payment adjustments, such as discounts.

new Receipt()

The receipt template allows you to send an order confirmation. The template may include an order summary, payment details, and shipping information.


// Create a receipt
const receipt = new Messenger.Receipt({
  recipientName: "Stephane Crozatier",
  orderNumber: "12345678902",
  currency: "USD",
  paymentMethod: "Visa 2345",
  orderUrl: "http://petersapparel.parseapp.com/order?order_id=123456",
  timestamp: "1428444852",
  address: new Messenger.ReceiptAddress({
    street1: "1 Hacker Way",
    street2: "2nd floor",
    city: "Menlo Park",
    postalCode: "94025",
    state: "CA",
    country: "US"
  summary: new Messenger.ReceiptSummary({
    subtotal: 75.00,
    shippingCost: 4.95,
    totalTax: 6.19,
    totalCost: 56.14
  adjustments: [
    new Messenger.ReceiptAdjustment({
      name: "New Customer Discount",
      amount: 20
    new Messenger.ReceiptAdjustment({
      name: "$10 Off Coupon",
      amount: 10
  elements: [
    new Messenger.ReceiptElement({
      title: "Classic White T-Shirt",
      subtitle: "100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton",
      quantity: 2,
      price: 29.95,
      currency: "USD",
      imageUrl: "http://petersapparel.parseapp.com/img/whiteshirt.png"
    new Messenger.ReceiptElement({
      title: "Classic Gray T-Shirt",
      subtitle: "100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton",
      quantity: 2,
      price: 49.95,
      currency: "USD",
      imageUrl: "http://petersapparel.parseapp.com/img/grayshirt.png"


Component used in Receipt templates


Name Type Description
title string Required, the name to display for the item.
subtitle string Optional, a brief item description
quantity number Optional, the quantity of the item purchased.
price number Required, the price of the item. For free items, '0' is allowed.
currency string Optional, the currency of the item price.
imageUrl string Optional, the URL of an image to be displayed with the item.

new ReceiptElement(opts)

The shipping element of an order


const element = new Messenger.ReceiptElement({
Param Type Description
opts object Required properties
opts.title string Required, the name to display for the item.
opts.subtitle string Optional, a brief item description
opts.quantity number Optional, the quantity of the item purchased.
opts.price number Required, the price of the item. For free items, '0' is allowed.
opts.currency string Optional, the currency of the item price.
opts.imageUrl string Optional, the URL of an image to be displayed with the item.


Component used in Receipt templates


Name Type Description
street1 string Required, the street address, line 1.
street2 string Optional, the street address, line 2.
city string Required, the city name of the address.
postalCode string Required, the postal code of the address.
state string Required, the state abbreviation for U.S. addresses, or the region/province for non-U.S. addresses.
country string Required, the two-letter country abbreviation of the address.

new ReceiptAddress(opts)

The shipping address of an order


const address = new Messenger.ReceiptAddress({
  street1: "1 Hacker Way",
  street2: "2nd floor",
  city: "Menlo Park",
  postalCode: "94025",
  state: "CA",
  country: "US"
Param Type Description
opts object Required properties
opts.street1 string Required, the street address, line 1.
opts.street2 string Optional, the street address, line 2.
opts.city string Required, the city name of the address.
opts.postalCode string Required, the postal code of the address.
opts.state string Required, the state abbreviation for U.S. addresses, or the region/province for non-U.S. addresses.
opts.country string Required, the two-letter country abbreviation of the address.


Component used in Receipt templates


Name Type Description
subtotal number Optional, the sub-total of the order.
shippingCost number Optional, the shipping cost of the order.
totalTax number Optional, the tax of the order.
totalCost number Required, the total cost of the order, including sub-total, shipping, and tax.

new ReceiptSummary(opts)

The shipping summary of an order


const summary = new Messenger.ReceiptSummary({
  subtotal: 75.00,
  shippingCost: 4.95,
  totalTax: 6.19,
  totalCost: 56.14
Param Type Description
opts object Required properties
opts.subtotal number Optional, the sub-total of the order.
opts.shippingCost number Optional, the shipping cost of the order.
opts.totalTax number Optional, the tax of the order.
opts.totalCost number Required, the total cost of the order, including sub-total, shipping, and tax.


Component used in Receipt templates


Name Type Description
name string Required, name of the adjustment.
amount number Required, the amount of the adjustment.

new ReceiptAdjustment(opts)

Describes a payment adjustments, such as discounts


const adjustment = new Messenger.ReceiptAdjustment({
  name: "10% discount",
  amount: 4.95
Param Type Description
opts object Required properties
opts.name string Required, name of the adjustment.
opts.amount number Required, the amount of the adjustment.


These reply templates are specific to the Twilio voice integration. They are not supported by other channels.


Send a message to a user asking for input


Name Type Description
speech string Text to speech
url string URL to an audio file
expected string Optional, what kind of input to expect. Valid are speech or digits (default is speech)
hints string Optional, expected words or sentences, comma separated (max 500 words)
language string Optional language for text to speech
voice string Optional voice for text to speech
timeout number Optional, number of seconds to wait for user input (default ) and send a repeat message
repeat number Optional, number of times to ask again after user has not provided input (default 1, 0 is unlimited loop)
finishOnKey string Optional, only when expecting digits, set a value that your caller can press to submit their digits.
numDigits number Optional, only when expecting digits, set the number of digits you expect from your caller
speechTimeout string Optional, only when expecting speech, sets the limit (in seconds) to wait before it stopping speech recognition

new Ask()

Ask a user for input


const ask = new Phone.Ask({
  speech: 'Do you speak English?',
  language: 'en-GB',
  expected: 'speech',
  hints: 'yes,yeah,yup,yes I do,no,no not really,nope'


Play an audio file or send a text message to a user that is transformed to speech


Name Type Description
speech string The text transformed to speech Send a message to a user
speech string Text to speech
url string URL to an audio file
language string Optional language for text to speech
voice string Optional voice for text to speech

new Say(opts)


const say = new Phone.Say({
  speech: 'The weather is nice today!',
  language: 'en-GB'
Param Type Description
opts Object Configuration
opts.speech string Text to speech
opts.url string URL to audio File
opts.language string Optional language for text to speech
opts.voice string Optional voice for text to speech


Pause a moment during the call


Name Type Description
seconds float The number of seconds to delay

new Pause()


const pause = new Phone.Pause(0.2)
Param Type Description
opts.seconds number Required


Dial a number and forward the call


Name Type Description
phoneNumber string The number of phoneNumber to delay

new Dial()


const pause = new Dial(0.2)
Param Type Description
opts.phoneNumber string Required



new Hangup()

Disconnect a phone call


const hangup = new Phone.Hangup()

Apple Business Chat (Preview)

These reply templates are specific to the Apple Business Chat integration. They are not supported by other channels.


Enhance the customer's experience by allowing them to preview inline content.


Name Type Description
title string Required title
url string Required. URL to the linked web page
assets array Required. List of assets like ImageAsset or VideoAsset

new RichLink(opts)


const richLink = new Apple.RichLink({
  title: "Some news website",
  url: "https://www.mynewswebsite.corp",
  assets: [
    new Apple.ImageAsset({
      url: "https://source.unsplash.com/random",
      mimeType: "image/png"
    new Apple.VideoAsset({
      url: "https://somevideo",
      mimeType: "video/mp4"
Param Type Description
opts object Collection of options
opts.title string Required title
opts.url string Required. URL to the linked web page
opts.assets array Required. List of assets like ImageAsset or VideoAsset


Add an asset to the list of media assets

Param Type Description
asset Asset asset


Component that represents an image asset used with a RichLink template


Name Type Description
url string Required. URL to the image
mimeType string Required. A string representing the format/type of the image; for example, image/jpeg, image/png

new ImageAsset(opts)

Param Type Description
opts object Collection of options
opts.url string Required. URL to the image
opts.mimeType string Required. The format/type of the image


Component that represents a video asset used with a RichLink template


Name Type Description
url string Required. URL to the video
mimeType string Required. A string representing the format/type of the video; for example, video/mp4, video/mpeg

new VideoAsset(opts)

Param Type Description
opts object Collection of options
opts.url string Required. URL to the video
opts.mimeType string Required. The format/type of the video


Allow the customer to choose from a list of items


Name Type Description
sections array Required 1 or more ListPickerSection objects
multipleSelection boolean Indicates whether the customer can make multiple selections across sections. Defaults to false
receivedMessage InteractiveMessage Required. Message bubble that is shown to the customer to open the ListPicker window
replyMessage InteractiveMessage Required. When the customer’s device receives a picker, the Messages app uses the replyMessage to set the style, content, and images for the reply message bubble that the Messages app displays after the customer makes their selection and returns a reply to the business.
opts.triggerAction object Required. Trigger Action when items are selected from the list

new ListPicker(opts)


const listPicker = new Apple.ListPicker({
  receivedMessage: new Apple.InteractiveMessage({
    title: "Select products",
    subtitle: "Fresh and straight from the farm",
    style: "small"
  replyMessage: new Apple.InteractiveMessage({
    title: "Selected products",
    style: "small"
  sections: [
    new Apple.ListPickerSection({
      title: "Fruit",
      items: [
        new Apple.ListPickerItem({
          title: "Apple",
          subtitle: "Red and delicious"
        new Apple.ListPickerItem({
          title: "Orange",
          subtitle: "Vitamin C boost"
    new Apple.ListPickerSection({
      title: "Veggies",
      items: [
        new Apple.ListPickerItem({
          title: "Lettuce",
          subtitle: "Crispy greens"
        new Apple.ListPickerItem({
          title: "Cucumber",
          subtitle: "Organic"
Param Type Description
opts object Collection of options
opts.sections array An array of ListPickerSection objects
opts.multipleSelection boolean Indicates whether the customer can make multiple selections across sections. Defaults to false
opts.receivedMessage InteractiveMessage Required. Message bubble that is shown to the customer to open the ListPicker window
opts.replyMessage InteractiveMessage Required. Message bubble that is shown when the customer made a choice
opts.triggerAction object Required. Trigger Action when items are selected from the list


Add a section to the sections

Param Type Description
section ListPickerSection section


Component that groups a list of ListPickerItem objects and is part of a ListPicker


Name Type Description
items Array.<ListPickerItem> A list of ListPickerItem objects
multipleSelection boolean Indicates whether the customer can make multiple selections within the section. Defaults to false
order Number An integer containing the ordinal position for the section
title string Required title

new ListPickerSection(opts)

Param Type Description
opts object Collection of options
opts.items Array.<ListPickerItem> An array of ListPickerItem objects
opts.multipleSelection boolean Indicates whether the customer can make multiple selections within the section. Defaults to false
opts.order Number An integer containing the ordinal position for the section
opts.title string Required title


Add a list item to the section


const section = new Apple.ListPickerSection({
  title: "Fruit"
section.addItem(new Apple.ListPickerItem({
  title: "Apples"
section.addItem(new Apple.ListPickerItem({
  title: "Oranges"
Param Type Description
item ListPickerItem item


Component that represents a selectable item inside a ListPickerSection


Name Type Description
identifier string Field identifying the item
image string Optional URL to a 30x30 image
order number Optional integer representing the ordinal position for the item
style string Optional item style. Defaults to default
title string Required title
subtitle string Optional subtitle,
params string Optional params,

new ListPickerItem(opts)

Param Type Description
opts object Collection of options
opts.identifier string Optional Unique identifier
opts.image string Optional URL to a 30x30 image
opts.order Number Optional integer representing the ordinal position for the item
opts.style string Optional item style. Defaults to default
opts.title string Required title
opts.subtitle string Optional subtitle
opts.params string Optional subtitle


Authenticate a customer using the OAuth protocol


Name Type Description
oauth2 Oauth2 Required. Oauth2 collection of keys
receivedMessage InteractiveMessage Required. Message bubble that is shown to the customer to start the authentication
replyMessage InteractiveMessage Required. When the customer’s device receives a authentication request, the Messages app uses the replyMessage to set the style, content, and images for the reply message bubble that the Messages app displays after the customer authenticates and returns a reply to the business.

new AuthRequest(opts)


const authRequest = new Apple.AuthRequest({
  oauth2: new Apple.Oauth2({
    responseType: "code",
    scope: ["email", "profile"],
    state: "security_token",
    responseEncryptionKey: "BFz948MTG3OQ0Q69 <truncated>",
    clientSecret: "client_secret"
  receivedMessage: new Apple.InteractiveMessage({
    title: "Sign In to Business Chat Sandbox"
  replyMessage: new Apple.InteractiveMessage({
    title: "You are signed in!"
Param Type Description
opts object Collection of options
opts.oauth2 Oauth2 Required. Oauth2 collection of keys
opts.receivedMessage InteractiveMessage Required. Message bubble that is shown to the customer to open the authentication request window
opts.replyMessage InteractiveMessage Required. Message bubble that is shown when the customer authenticated


Keys for the OAuth2 authentication request used with a AuthRequest


Name Type Description
clientSecret string Required. The secret provisioned by the authorization server
responseEncryptionKey string Required. The Base64-encoded public key that encrypts the access token returned in the response
responseType string Required. Indicates the type of authentication request
scope Array.<string> Required. Array of scopes that describe the granted access for read and write
state string Required. Indicates the state of the authentication request

new Oauth2(opts)


const authRequest = new Apple.AuthRequest({
  oauth2: new Apple.Oauth2({
    responseType: "code",
    scope: ["email", "profile"],
    state: "security_token",
    responseEncryptionKey: "BFz948MTG3OQ0Q69 <truncated>",
    clientSecret: "client_secret"
  receivedMessage: new Apple.InteractiveMessage({
    title: "Sign In to Business Chat Sandbox"
  replyMessage: new Apple.InteractiveMessage({
    title: "You are signed in!"
Param Type Description
opts object Collection of options
opts.clientSecret string Required. The secret provisioned by the authorization server
opts.responseEncryptionKey string Required. The Base64-encoded public key that encrypts the access token returned in the response
opts.responseType string Required. Indicates the type of authentication request
opts.scope Array.<string> Required. Array of scopes that describe the granted access for read and write
opts.state string Required. Indicates the state of the authentication request


Add a scope to the list of scopes

Param Type Description
scope string scope


Provide a unique user experience with custom interactive messages


Name Type Description
appIcon string Required. URL to an image representing the app icon of the iMessage extension
appId string Required. The App Store identifier of the iMessage extension.
appName string Required. The name of the iMessage extension
url string Required. A URL string containing data that the Messages app sends to the iMessage extension
useLiveLayout bool Required. Determines whether the Messages app should use Live Layout
receivedMessage InteractiveMessage Required. Message bubble that is shown to the customer to open the CustomInteractiveData window
replyMessage InteractiveMessage Required. When the customer’s device receives a picker, the Messages app uses the replyMessage to set the style, content, and images for the reply message bubble that the Messages app displays after the customer makes their selection and returns a reply to the business.

new CustomInteractiveData(opts)


const custom = new Apple.CustomInteractiveData({
  receivedMessage: new Apple.InteractiveMessage({
    title: "Select products",
    subtitle: "Fresh and straight from the farm",
    style: "small"
  replyMessage: new Apple.InteractiveMessage({
    title: "Selected products",
    style: "small"
  appId: "app-store-id",
  appName: "Name of the App",
  appIcon: "https://source.unsplash.com/random",
  useLiveLayout: false,
  url: "?data=passed-to-app&data2=more-data-passed-to-app"
Param Type Description
opts object Collection of options
opts.appIcon string Required. URL to an image representing the app icon of the iMessage extension
opts.appId string Required. The App Store identifier of the iMessage extension.
opts.appName string Required. The name of the iMessage extension
opts.url string Required. A URL string containing data that the Messages app sends to the iMessage extension
opts.useLiveLayout bool Required. Determines whether the Messages app should use Live Layout
opts.receivedMessage InteractiveMessage Required. Message bubble that is shown to the customer to open the CustomInteractiveData window
opts.replyMessage InteractiveMessage Required. Message bubble that is shown when the customer made a choice


Message that renders in a bubble either shown as the received message that allows a customer to open for example a ListPicker, TimePicker or PayRequest. Or as a reply message that is shown after a customer makes a selection,


Name Type Description
title string The main title shown in the header of the message bubble
subtitle string The subtitle that appears under the main title in the received message bubble
secondarySubtitle string A right-aligned title. Limited to 512 characters. Only custom interactive messages support this.
tertiarySubtitle string A right-aligned subtitle. Limited to 512 characters. Only custom interactive messages support this.
image string Optional URL to a 30x30 image
imageTitle string The attached image's title. Limited to 512 characters. Only custom interactive messages support this.
imageSubtitle string The attached image's subtitle. Limited to 512 characters. Only custom interactive messages support this.
style string A style that controls the size of the view rendered by Live Layout can be icon, small, large. The default is icon.

new InteractiveMessage(opts)

Param Type Description
opts object Collection of options
opts.title string Required title
opts.subtitle string Optional subtitle
opts.secondarySubtitle string A right-aligned title
opts.tertiarySubtitle string A right-aligned subtitle
opts.image string Optional URL to a 30x30 image
opts.imageTitle string The image's title
opts.imageSubtitle string The image's subtitle
opts.style string A style that controls the size of the view

Google Business Messages (Preview)

These reply templates are specific to the Google Business Messages integration. They are not supported by other channels.


The simplest messages are made of text. Text messages are best suited to communicate information without the need for visuals, complex interaction, or response.


Name Type Description
text string Text to show
containsRichText boolean True by default, indicates that the message contains rich text. If the message contains invalid formatting, returns an error.

new Text(opts)


const text = new GBM.Text('Want a free soda?')
text.addSuggestion(new GBM.Suggestion({
  label: 'Yes',
  data: 'yes'
text.addSuggestion(new GBM.Suggestion({
  label: 'No',
  data: 'no'


const text = new GBM.Text('Hello, here is some **bold text**, *italicized text*, and a [link](https://www.google.com).')
Param Type Description
opts object | string Collection of options or the text
opts.text string Required
opts.containsRichText boolean Optional


Send a related information, Media or Suggestion components


Name Type Description
title string Main title of the card
description string Optional description
media Media Optional Media
suggestions Array.<Suggestion> Optional set of Suggestion components

new Card(opts)


const suggestion1 = new GBM.Suggestion({
  label: "Label",
  type: "url",
  url: "https://..."

const suggestion2 = new GBM.Suggestion({
  label: "Label",
  type: "url",
  url: "https://..."

const card = new GBM.Card({
  title: "Awesome title",
  description: "Some description",
  media: new GBM.Media({
   url: "https://...",
   type: "image"
Param Type Description
opts object Collection of options
opts.title string Optional
opts.description string Optional
opts.media Media Optional Media


Add a suggestion to the card

Param Type Description
suggestion Suggestion suggestion


Template that displays a set of Card templates


Name Type Description
cardWidth string The width of the cards in the carousel, SMALL, MEDIUM or CARD_WIDTH_UNSPECIFIED
cards Array.<Card> Set of Card templates

new Carousel(opts)


const card1 = new GBM.Card({
  title: "Awesome title 1",
  description: "Some description 1",
  media: new GBM.Media({
   fileUrl: "https://..."

const card2 = new GBM.Card({
  title: "Awesome title 2",
  description: "Some description 2",
  media: new GBM.Media({
   fileUrl: "https://...",

const carousel = new GBM.Carousel()


// Short hand

const carousel = new GBM.Carousel([
  new GBM.Card({
    title: "Awesome title 1",
    description: "Some description 1",
    media: new GBM.Media({
     fileUrl: "https://..."
  new GBM.Card({
    title: "Awesome title 2",
    description: "Some description 2",
    media: new GBM.Media({
     fileUrl: "https://..."
Param Type Description
opts object | Array.<Card> Collection of options or shorthand for a collection of Card templates
opts.cardWidth string Optional. Width of the cards in the carousel
opts.cards Array.<Card> Optional list of Card templates


Add a Card to the list of cards

Param Type Description
card Card Card to add to the carousel


A suggestion for the user to reply with a predefined text, trigger an event or initiate a native action like dialing a phone number


Name Type Description
type string Type of suggestion, default is text (text, url, phone, live_agent, auth)
text string Text that is shown in the suggested action. Maximum 25 characters.
data string Value that is being send as the suggestion, empty if type is location
url string URL to open in case it's a url type
phoneNumber string phone number to dial in case of a phone type
auth Auth phone number to dial in case of a phone type
params Array.<Param> Optional parameters associated with the suggestion

new Suggestion()


// Text suggestion
const textSuggestion = new GBM.Suggestion({ 
  type: "text",
  text: "Say hi",
  data: "Hello"

// With param
const textSuggestion = new GBM.Suggestion({ 
  type: "text",
  text: "Buy product",
  params: new Param('itemId', '332223323')

// With params
const textSuggestion = new GBM.Suggestion({ 
  type: "text",
  text: "Buy products",
  params: [
    new Param('itemId', '332223323'),
    new Param('itemId', '113432143')

// Short hand syntax
const textSuggestion = new GBM.Suggestion("yes")

// Event suggestion
const textSuggestion = new GBM.Suggestion({ 
  type: "event",
  text: "Main menu",
  data: "MAIN_MENU"

// Open URL suggestion
const urlSuggestion = new GBM.Suggestion({ 
  type: "url",
  text: "Open link",
  url: "https://foo.bar"

// Dial action
const dialSuggestion = new GBM.Suggestion({ 
  type: "phone",
  text: "Dial",
  phoneNumber: "+1234567890"

// Auth suggestion
const authSuggestion = new GBM.Suggestion({ 
  type: "auth",
  auth: new GBM.Auth({
    clientId: 'CLIENT_ID',
    codeChallenge: 'CODE_CHALLENGE',
    scopes: ['SCOPE']

// Live agent suggestion
const liveAgentSuggestion = new GBM.Suggestion({ 
  type: "live_agent"

const text new GBM.Text("Make a suggestion")
Param Type Description
opts.type string Required type, default is text (text, url, phone, live_agent, auth)
opts.text string Required unless of type auth or live_agent
opts.data string Optional data, required if type is text
opts.url string Required if type is url
opts.phoneNumber string Required if type is phone
opts.auth Auth Required if type is auth
opts.params Param | Array.<Param> Optional Param or array or Array of Params related to this Suggestion


The Authentication request suggestion prompts users to sign in to an OAuth 2.0-compliant application, passing authentication codes to confirm account data and enabling customized user experiences and detailed conversation flows.


Name Type Description
clientId string Required. The ID of the application that asks for authorization.
codeChallenge string Required. Required. The code challenge used to exchange access tokens.
scopes Array.<string> Required. An array that specifies the scopes of the request.

new Auth(opts)


const suggestion = new GBM.Suggestion({
  type: 'auth',
  auth: new GBM.Auth({
    clientId: 'CLIENT_ID',
    codeChallenge: 'CODE_CHALLENGE',
    scopes: ['SCOPE']
Param Type Description
opts object Collection of options
opts.clientId string Required. The ID of the application that asks for authorization.
opts.codeChallenge string Required. Required. The code challenge used to exchange access tokens.
opts.scopes Array.<string> Required. An array that specifies the scopes of the request.


Add a scopes to the list of scopes

Param Type Description
scopes string scopes


A media file within a rich Card


Name Type Description
height string Optional. The height of the media within a rich card. SHORT = 112 DP. MEDIUM = 168 DP. TALL = 264 DP. Not available for rich card carousels when the card width is set to SMALL.
fileUrl string Required. Publicly reachable URL of the file. The platform determines the MIME type of the file from the content-type field in the HTTP headers when the platform fetches the file. The content-type field must be present and accurate in the HTTP response from the URL. Maximum 5 MB. Supported content types: image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/png
thumbnailUrl string Optional. Publicly reachable URL of the thumbnail. If you don't provide a thumbnail URL, the platform displays a blank placeholder thumbnail until the user's device downloads the file. Maximum 25 KB. Supported content types: image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/png
forceRefresh string Optional. If set, the platform fetches the file and thumbnail from the specified URLs, even if the platform has cached copies of the file (and/or of the thumbnail).
altText string Optional. Text describing the details about the media for accessibility purposes.

new Media()

Param Type Description
opts.height string Optional
opts.fileUrl string Required
opts.thumbnailUrl string Optional
opts.forceRefresh bool Optional
opts.forceRefresh bool Optional

WhatsApp (Preview)

These reply templates are specific to the WhatsApp integration. They are not supported by other channels.


The simplest messages are made of text. Text messages are best suited to communicate information without the need for visuals, complex inter or response.


Name Type Description
text string Text to show
previewUrl boolean True by default, will render a preview if a URL is inside the text message

new Text(opts)


const text = new WhatsApp.Text('Want a free soda?')


const text = new WhatsApp.Text('Hello, here is some **bold text**, *italicized text*, and a https://www.google.com')
Param Type Description
opts object | string Collection of options or the text
opts.text string Required
opts.previewUrl boolean Optional


Deliver an audio to a user.


Name Type Description
title string Describes the audio
url string URL to the audio

new Audio(opts)


const audio = new WhatsApp.Audio("https://...")
Param Type Description
opts object | string Options or shorthand a URL
opts.url string Required


Deliver a document to a user.


Name Type Description
title string Describes the document
filename string Filename of the document
url string URL to the document

new Document(opts)


const document = new WhatsApp.Document({
  title: "Awesome title",
  url: "https://..."


const document = new WhatsApp.Document("https://...")
Param Type Description
opts object | string Options or shorthand a URL
opts.title string Optional
opts.filename string Optional
opts.url string Required


Deliver an image to a user.


Name Type Description
title string Describes the image
url string URL to the image

new Image(opts)


const image = new WhatsApp.Image({
  title: "Awesome title",
  url: "https://..."


const image = new WhatsApp.Image("https://...")
Param Type Description
opts object | string Options or shorthand a URL
opts.title string Required
opts.url string Required


Deliver a video to a user.


Name Type Description
title string Describes the video
url string URL to the video

new Video(opts)


const video = new WhatsApp.Video({
  title: "Awesome title",
  url: "https://..."


const image = new WhatsApp.Video("https://...")
Param Type Description
opts object | string Options or shorthand a URL
opts.title string Optional
opts.url string Required


Deliver a sticker to a user


Name Type Description
title string Describes the sticker
stickerId string ID to the sticker

new Sticker(opts)


const sticker = new WhatsApp.Sticker("121233212321")
Param Type Description
opts object | string Options or shorthand a ID
opts.stickerId string Required


Send or display a location on a map to a user


Name Type Description
lat string Latitude
long string Longitude
name string Name of the location
address string Address of the location. Only displayed if name is present.

new Location()


const location = new WhatsApp.Location({
  lat: "37.331860",
  long: "-122.030248",
  name: "HQ",
  address: "Infinite Loop 1"
Param Type Description
opts.lat string Required
opts.long string Required
opts.name string Optional
opts.address string Optional


Send one ore more Contact to a user.


Name Type Description
contacts Array.<Contact> One ore more contacts

new Contacts(contacts)


const contacts = new WhatsApp.Contacts([
  new WhatsApp.Contact({
    name: new WhatsApp.Name({
      formattedName: "Jane Doo",
      firstName: "Jane",
      lastName: "Doo",
      middleName: "Van"
    birthday: "2000-08-18",
    organization: new WhatsApp.Organization({
      company: "WhatsApp",
      department: "Design",
      title: "Manager"
    addresses: [
      new WhatsApp.Address({
        type: 'HOME',
        street: "1 Hacker Way",
        city: "Menlo Park",
        zip: "94025",
        state: "CA",
        country: "United States",
        countryCode: "US"
    emails: [
      new WhatsApp.EmailAddress({
        type: 'WORK',
        email: "email@some.fake.org"
    phones: [
      new WhatsApp.PhoneNumber({
        type: 'WORK',
        phone: "+1 (940) 555-1234"
    urls: [
      new WhatsApp.WebsiteAddress({
        type: 'WORK',
        url: "https://www.some.fake.org"
Param Type Description
contacts Array.<Contact> Required



Component used in a Contacts template


Name Type Description
name Name Optional, full contact name
organization Organization Optional, contact organization information
addresses Array.<Address> Optional, or more contact addresses
birthday string Optional, contact date or birth in ISO format
emails Array.<EmailAddress> Optional, or more contact email addresses
phones Array.<PhoneNumber> Optional, or more contact phone numbers
urls Array.<WebsiteAddress> Optional, or more URLs

new Contact(opts)

A WhatsApp contact to share


const contact = new WhatsApp.Contact({
  name: new WhatsApp.Name({
    formattedName: "Jane Doo",
    firstName: "Jane",
    lastName: "Doo",
    middleName: "Van"
  birthday: "2000-08-18",
  organization: new WhatsApp.Organization({
    company: "WhatsApp",
    department: "Design",
    title: "Manager"
  addresses: [
    new WhatsApp.Address({
      type: 'HOME',
      street: "1 Hacker Way",
      city: "Menlo Park",
      zip: "94025",
      state: "CA",
      country: "United States",
      countryCode: "US"
  emails: [
    new WhatsApp.EmailAddress({
      type: 'WORK',
      email: "email@some.fake.org"
  phones: [
    new WhatsApp.PhoneNumber({
      type: 'WORK',
      phone: "+1 (940) 555-1234"
  urls: [
    new WhatsApp.WebsiteAddress({
      type: 'WORK',
      url: "https://www.some.fake.org"
Param Type Description
opts object Optional properties
opts.name Name Optional, full contact name
opts.organization Organization Optional, contact organization information
opts.addresses Array.<Address> Optional, or more contact addresses
opts.birthday string Optional, contact date or birth in ISO format
opts.emails Array.<EmailAddress> Optional, or more contact email addresses
opts.phones Array.<PhoneNumber> Optional, or more contact phone numbers
opts.urls Array.<WebsiteAddress> Optional, or more URLs


Component used in a Contact component


Name Type Description
type string Optional, type of address, must be HOME or WORK
street string Optional, the street address
city string Optional, the city name of the address.
zip string Optional, the ZIP code of the address.
state string Optional, the state abbreviation for U.S. addresses, or the region/province for non-U.S. addresses.
country string Optional, full country name
countryCode string Optional, the two-letter country abbreviation of the address.

new Address(opts)

The address of a contact


const address = new WhatsApp.Address({
  street: "1 Hacker Way",
  city: "Menlo Park",
  zip: "94025",
  state: "CA",
  country: "United States",
  countryCode: "US"
Param Type Description
opts object Optional properties
opts.type string Optional, type of address, must be HOME or WORK
opts.street string Optional, the street address
opts.city string Optional, the city name of the address
opts.zip string Optional, the ZIP code of the address
opts.state string Optional, the state abbreviation for U.S. addresses, or the region/province for non-U.S. addresses
opts.country string Optional, full name of the country
opts.countryCode string Optional, the two-letter country abbreviation of the address


Component used in a Contact component


Name Type Description
type string Optional, type of email address, must be HOME or WORK
email string Required, valid email address

new EmailAddress(opts)

The email address of as contact


const email = new WhatsApp.EmailAddress({
  email: "email@some.fake.org"


// Shorthand
const email = new WhatsApp.EmailAddress("email@some.fake.org")
Param Type Description
opts object Optional properties
opts.type string Optional, type of email address, must be HOME or WORK
opts.email string Required, valid email address


Component used in a Contact component


Name Type Description
formattedName string Required, valid full name of a contact
firstName string Optional, first name of a contact
lastName string Optional, last name of a contact
middleName string Optional, middle name of a contact
suffix string Optional, name suffix of a contact
prefix string Optional, name prefix of a contact

new Name(opts)

The full name of a contact


const name = new WhatsApp.Name({
  formattedName: "Jane Doo",
  firstName: "Jane",
  lastName: "Doo",
  middleName: "Van"


// Shorthand
const name = new WhatsApp.Name("Jane Doo")
Param Type Description
opts object | string Optional properties, or name for shorthand
opts.formattedName string Required, valid name contact
opts.firstName string Optional, first name of a contact
opts.lastName string Optional, last name of a contact
opts.middleName string Optional, middle name of a contact
opts.suffix string Optional, name suffix of a contact
opts.prefix string Optional, name prefix of a contact


Component used in a Contact component


Name Type Description
company string Optional, name of the contact's company
department string Optional, department name of a contact
title string Optional, contact's business title

new Organization(opts)

Contact organization information


const organization = new WhatsApp.Organization({
  company: "WhatsApp",
  department: "Design",
  title: "Manager"


// Shorthand
const organization = new WhatsApp.Organization("WhatsApp")
Param Type Description
opts object | string Optional properties, or company name for shorthand
opts.company string Optional, name of the contact's company
opts.department string Optional, department name of a contact
opts.title string Optional, contact's business title


Component used in a Contact component


Name Type Description
type string Optional, type of phone number, must be HOME or WORK
phone string Required, valid phone number

new PhoneNumber(opts)

The phone number of a contact


const phone = new WhatsApp.PhoneNumber({
  phone: "+1 (940) 555-1234"


// Shorthand
const phone = new WhatsApp.PhoneNumber("+1 (940) 555-1234")
Param Type Description
opts object Optional properties
opts.type string Optional, type of phone number, must be HOME or WORK
opts.phone string Required, valid phone number


Component used in a Contact component


Name Type Description
type string Optional, type of website, must be HOME or WORK
url string Required, valid URL

new WebsiteAddress(opts)

The website URL of a contact


const url = new WhatsApp.WebsiteAddress({
  url: "https://www.fake.org"


// Shorthand
const url = new WhatsApp.WebsiteAddress("https://www.fake.org")
Param Type Description
opts object Optional properties
opts.type string Optional, type of website, must be HOME or WORK
opts.url string Required, valid URL

Base classes

For reference, these are some core classes the generic and specific templates inherit from.


Data related to a generic Button, QuickReply or specific components like Suggestion


Name Type Description
label string Name of the parameter
value string Value of the parameter

new Param()


// Render a generic Button that triggers an event with a Param
const param = new Param('itemId', '332223323')
const button = new Button({
 label: 'More info',
 type: 'event',
 value: 'MORE_INFO',


// Render a generic QuickReply that triggers an event with Params
const shopId = new Param('shopId', '33211233')
const productId = new Param('productId', '123443211')
const quickReply = new QuickReply({
 label: 'Product details',
 type: 'event',
 param: [shopId, productId]


// Render a generic Image that has an action that sets params 
const image = new Image({
  title: "Awesome title",
  url: "https://...",
  action: new Action({
    type: 'event',
    value: 'ORDER',
    param: new Param('productId', '12e2-22342-aasd2')


// Generate an RBM suggestion that includes a param
const textSuggestion = new GBM.Suggestion({ 
  type: "text",
  text: "Buy product",
  params: new Param('itemId', '332223323')
Param Type Description
opts.label string Required
opts.value string Required


Base class for all response templates


Optional fallback speech

Param Type Description
fallback string Required


Base template for text


Name Type Description
text string Text to show

new Text()


const text = new Text('Want a free soda?')
Param Type Description
opts.text string Required

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