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Fluent Website Content

Key Concepts:

  1. Folder path === URL
  2. Left hand navigation defined per folder/folder tree
  3. Built with MD, MDX or TSX
  4. Host your content anywhere

Adding new content

Files in the docs folders are built to a page with the same URL as the relative directory. index files will be rendered as the folder's root page.

docs/components/button.mdx will be built to example.com/components/button.html. docs/styles/index.tsx will be built to example.com/styles/index.html

Creating navigation

The vertical navigation of each page is written in a toc.yml file that includes name, link and any children items.

  • name is the link text
  • link is the full url to the page
  • items is an array of name/link pairs and can be further nested
- name: Components
  - name: Button
    link: components/button
  - name: Toggle
    link: components/toggle

Unique navigation for sub controls

Often you'll want a subsection of the site to have its own navigation. The navigation of each page is based off of the closest toc.yml file to the page.


The styles page will have the navigation from docs/toc.yml and button page will use the navigation found in docs/components/toc.yml.

docs/foo does not contain a toc.yml so docs/toc.yml will be used for bar.mdx.

Supported page formats

The Fluid UI Site supports multiple page formats.


MDX is a superset of markdown that adds the power of JSX to the file. This means you can import JSX directly into your markdown content.

Importing JSX into MDX

import {Button} from 'office-ui-fabric-react'
## This is a Fabric button
<Button primary={true}> Click Me </Button>

Importing MD into MDX

Another great feature of MDX is the ability to import other MD or MDX files into a single file. This is a great way to split content out into multiple files and combine/reuse it.

import Stuff from './somestuff.md'
Hello, this is my <Stuff />

TSX Files

TSX files can be used when you need complete control over the page contents. No assumptions will be made about the page contents, styles or meta information (other than URL).

Leveraging site templates

Unless your page is meant to be a standalone app, we recommend using the built in PageTemplate to render the default page shell.

import React from 'react';
import PageTemplate from 'gatsby-theme-fluent-site/src/templates/PageTemplate'
export default () => {
  return <PageTemplate>Page Content</PageTemplate>

Hosting your content

Gatsby can source pages from multiple locations. Content added to this repo under docs/ios could easily be moved to another repo under fluentui-docs/ios and produce the exact same page content. This workflow is not yet fully implemented, but it is a core tenent and fully supported by our tech choices.




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