Form Fields React rendering engine
Form-Fields-React is a component that easily lets you render form fields into rows and column which you can drop it into your existing project.
It's a plug and play component that'll fit in your workflow if your using standalone React/Formik/Redux-Form.
It also gives you the benefit of rendering form fields conditional as seen in this example.
Features include
- Rendering form fields conditionally
- Rendering form fields in rows and columns
Check out this sandbox example for more usage
Installation and usage
yarn add form-fields-react
;; const fields = type: 'text' name: 'firstName' component: TextField placeholder: 'First Name' value: 'John' type: 'text' name: 'lastName' component: TextField placeholder: 'Last Name' value: 'Doe' ; const Form = <form> <FormFields fields=fields /> </form>;
- specify the fields that needs to be rendered