
0.0.85 • Public • Published


form-package-react 是一款基于 React 根据 Json 数据配置 form 表单的工具库,用户只需要关心 Json 数据配置,摆脱手写 form。form-package-react 还可以在浏览器和手机之间无缝衔接,无需手机和浏览器各写一套。(写一套,即可得两套:写一套,送一套)

form-package-react is a tool library based on React to configure form forms based on Json data. Users only need to care about Json data configuration and get rid of handwritten forms. form-package-react can also seamlessly connect between the browser and the mobile phone, without the need for a browser to write a set and a mobile phone to write a set. (Write one set and get two sets: write one set, send one set)


import Form from 'form-package-react';
// the data for render form source
import data from './data';

class App extends React.Component {
	constructor(props) {
		this.submit = this.submit.bind(this);

	render() {
		return (
				<Form data={data || []} config={config || {}} type={"web web_mini" || "web web_middle"} submit={this.submit} />

	submit(data, e) {
		// the data for submit form data
		console.log('data:', data);


export default App;


Data for form type

Type: input, inputFile, radio, select, textarea, date, checkbox, cascader

Data for form the source config

const data = [
    id: 'userName',
    label: '姓名',
    type: 'input',
    require: true,
    remindText: '',
    nullText: '内容不为空',
    maxLength: 10,
    value: 'test', // 为了支持编辑或默认值 support setting default values and re-editing of submitted forms
    id: 'phone',
    label: '电话',
    type: 'input',
    require: false,
    remindText: '',
    regex: /^((0\d{2,3}-\d{7,8})|(1[3456789]\d{9}))$/,
    nullText: '内容不为空(其实这个没有用,因为 require false)',
    regexText: '请填写正确的电话号码',
    maxLength: 12,
  {id: 'quitDate', label: '出生日期', type: 'date', require: true, remindText: '', nullText: '内容不为空' },
  {id: 'company', label: '公司', type: 'input', require: false, remindText: '', nullText: '', maxLength: 10 },
  {id: 'sex', label: '性别', type: 'radio', options: [{label: '男', value: 1}, {label: '女', value: 2}], require: true, remindText: '', nullText: '内容不为空', },
  {id: 'img1', label: '个人相片', type: 'inputFile', accept: '.xlsx', uploadApi: 'http://localhost:upload/', serverFilePath: 'http://localhost:1515', require: true, remindText: '', nullText: '内容不为空', },
  {id: 'provice', label: '省份', type: 'select', options: [{label: '北京', value: 1}, {label: '上海', value: 2}, {label: '广州', value: 3},{label: '深圳', value: 4},{label: '武汉', value: 5},{label: '郑州', value: 6} ], require: true, remindText: '', nullText: '内容不为空', },
  {id: 'introduce', label: '简介', type: 'textarea', require: true, remindText: '', nullText: '内容不为空', },
  {id: 'img2', label: '个人相片', type: 'inputFile', accept: '.png,.jpg,.xlsx', require: true, remindText: '', nullText: '内容不为空', uploadApi: '', serverFilePath:'', },
    id: 'category',
    label: '个人爱好',
    type: 'checkbox',
    require: true,
    remindText: '',
    nullText: '请选个人爱好',
    regex: '',
    regexText: '',
    serviceApi: 'http://localhost:1515/api/category',
    // 多选的上限个数 select elements for max length
    max: 3,
    attributeStr: 'data-type=checkbox',
    id: 'area',
    label: '地区',
    type: 'cascader',
    require: true,
    serviceApi: 'http://localhost:1515/city/all',
    childName: 'cityItems',
    // every element for cascader config
    elements: [
        name: 'province',
        disabled: false,
        options: [{name:'', id: ''}],
        name: 'city',
        disabled: false,
        options: [{name:'', id: ''}],
        name: 'country',
        disabled: false,
        options: [{name:'', id: ''}],
    remindText: '',
    nullText: '请选择地区',

export default data;

config for form the config

const config = {
  enctype: '',
  method: '',
  noSubmit: '',
  submitText: '',

export default data;

config for form the css

// 默认样式是 web,针对表单样式,基于 web 做了 mini 和 middle 适配
<Form data={data || []} config={config || {}} type={"web web_mini" || "web web_middle"} submit={this.submit} />

Version changes

Version Changes
0.0.80 - 0.0.82 1.添加多选框和级联组件(add components for checkbox and cascader)
2. 支持编辑(support edit)
0.0.70 - 0.0.74 1.表单校验(Validation)
2.适配手机样式(Adapt to mobile phone)

表单里面每一个属性的唯一绑定 key 值, 也是表单所要提交的 key (The unique binding key value of each attribute in the form is also the key to be submitted by the form。)


每一个属性的 label 值 (Label value for each attribute。)


每一个元素的类型:input, inputFile, radio, select, textarea(The type of each element: input, inputFile, radio, select, textarea, date)


每一个元素的属性:目前只支持 input 类型(The attributeStr of each element: currently only supports input)


radio 类型和 select 类型的专有对象数组属性,包含 label 和 value 两个属性。(Radio type and select type proprietary object array attributes, including label and value attributes。)


boolean 字段是否需要校验 (Whether the field needs to be verified)


字段为空时的提示语,如果 require 为 false 则不需要设置 (Prompt when the field is empty, if require is false, no need to set)


字段校验的正则表达式 (Regular expression for field validation)


正则表达式校验的提示语,如果 regex 为空则不需要设置(Prompt for regular expression verification, if regex is empty, no need to set)


字段校验有问题时的提示语,依赖于 nullText 和 regexText,可以不设置此字段(The prompt language when there is a problem with the field verification, which depends on nullText and regexText, and this field may not be set)


int input 或 textarea 类型的字段,设置可输入字段的最大长度(Input or textarea type field, set the maximum length of the input field)


input 或 textarea 类型的字段,通常用于支持设置默认值和已提交的表单再编辑(Input or textarea type field, Usually used to support setting default values and re-editing of submitted forms)


string cascader/checkbox 类型的字段,用于从服务器获取 option 数据的接口(A field of cascader/checkbox type, used to catch data for option of interface)


string cascader 类型的字段,由于级联数据是 Tree Data, 所以为了获取子类,需要配置子类的 key(A field of cascader type, Since the cascading data is Tree Data, in order to get the subclass, you need to configure the key of the subclass)


Array cascader 类型的字段,用于配置级联各个子组件,子组件目前只支持而且默认为 select(A field of cascader type, Used to configure cascading individual subcomponents, which are currently only supported and default to select)

elements disabled

bool 决定当前 select 是否被禁用 (Determines whether select is currently disabled)

elements name

string 当前 select 组件的 key (The key of the current select component)

elements options

Array 当前 select 的 option 数据 (The option data for the current select)

// This element currently only supports cascade
elements: [
    name: 'province',
    disabled: false,
    // example: childName is children
    options: [{'name': '江苏', id: '', children:[]}]
    name: 'city',
    disabled: false,
    options: [{'name': '南京', id: '', children:[]}]

string inputFile 类型的字段,用于上传文件,及上传文件的接口(A field of inputFile type, used to upload files, and upload file interface)


string inputFile 类型的字段,用于删除文件,及删除当前文件的接口(A field of inputFile type, Interface for deleting files and deleting the current file)


number inputFile 类型的字段,默认值为 1 。用于上传文件最大数量(A field of inputFile type,The default value is 1. The maximum number of uploaded files)


boolean inputFile 类型的字段,用于上传文件后查看服务器上传文件(A field of inputFile type, Used to display files on the server after the file is uploaded)


string inputFile 类型的字段,用于上传文件后查看服务器归档的文件夹列表(A field of inputFile type, used to view the list of folders archived by the server after uploading a file)

- Validation
- Adapt to mobile phone
- Support editing for input
- Custom style
- Loading when submitting
Web 效果图

Mobile 效果图



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  • cqzhen