
0.1.2 • Public • Published


An API that provides various options for formatting and highlighting Errors. May be useful for logging and test frameworks for example.

Stack lines can be filtered in and out based on patterns and limited by range (e.g. lines 2 through 10). Stack lines and error message can have highlights applied based on patterns. Finally, stack lines can be formatted to include or exclude available fields.

The API is quite flexible with a range of methods varying in level with means to specify custom highlights and formats.


The following list of styles for stack lines and error messages are supported. These styles can be combined in some circumstances for example BOLD and RED to produce a bold red highlight:


Styles are specified using the STYLES constant e.g:

var formatErrors = require("formaterrors");
var bold = formatErrors.STYLES.BOLD;
var red = formatErrors.STYLES.RED;


A StackTheme is the name given to the type of object that can be applied to an Error or Error.stack to produce different highlighting and filtering of stack lines.

StackTheme includes the following attributes:

* __messageLineHighlights__: {String []} specifies the highlights to apply to the message part of the error.
Any highlights specified are prefixed to the message part of the error. A Styles.NORMAL is appended to the message
part automatically to clear any prefixed Styles.

* __stackHighlights__: {String []} specifies the highlights to apply to the stack part of the error.
Any highlights specified are prefixed to the stack part of the error. A Styles.NORMAL is appended to the stack
part automatically to clear any prefixed Styles. Note that _stackHighlights_ must be used in conjunction with
_stackHighlightPattern_ and/or _highlightInclusive_ for the highlights to be applied.

* __stackHighlightPattern__: {String} regular expression string used to filter the stack lines against which to
apply specified _stackHighlights_. By default only those stack lines matching the given expression will
be highlighted. __If not specified then no stack line is highlighted__ unless _highlightInclusive_ is set to false.

* __highlightInclusive__: {Boolean} convenience property that effectively allows the highlight pattern to be
reversed. If set to _true_ (the default) all stack lines matching the _stackHighlightPattern_ will be highlighted
according to _stackHighlights_. If set to _false_ then only those lines that do not match the
_stackHighlightPattern_ are highlighted.

* __stackFilters__: {String []} an array of regular expression strings used to filter the stack lines of the error.
By default any stack line matching any listed regular expression is included in the set of stack lines and those
that do not match are excluded. If not specified then all stack lines are included.

* __filterInclusive__: {Boolean} convenience property that effectively allows the stack filter pattern to be
reversed. If set to _true_ (the default) all stack lines matching one or more _stackFilters_ will be included.
If set to _false_ then only those lines that do not match any _stackFilters_ are included.

* __stackRange.start__: {Number} the first stack line to included (default: 0)

* __stackRange.depth__: {Number} the number of lines including the start line to include in the
stack. By default _stackRange.depth_ is undefined indicating that there is no limit to the stack depth

The following example creates a StackTheme that when applied highlights the message part of an Error or Error.stack in bold red and highlights stack lines that include the word 'formatAndTheme' in bold. In addition a stack line range is included that will cause all but the first 5 stack lines to be removed.

var formatErrors = require("formaterrors");
var theme = new formatErrors.StackTheme();
theme.messageLineHighlights = [formatErrors.STYLES.BOLD, formatErrors.STYLES.RED];
theme.stackHighlights = [formatErrors.STYLES.BOLD];
theme.stackHighlightPatterns = ["formatAndTheme"];
theme.stackRange.depth = 5;


A StackFormat is a type of object that describes the fields to include in each line of an error stack trace. In addition the stack line prefix (i.e. normally this is ' at') can be set.

StackFormat attributes are as follows:

* __prefix__: {String} prefix to set on each listed stack line. Default: '    at'

* __components__: {String []} array of strings listing the names of the components to include in the stack line. By
default all stack line components are included. Valid components include:
    * typeName
    * functionName
    * methodName
    * fileName
    * lineNumber
    * columnNumber

The following example creates a StackFormat that only provides fileName, lineNumber and columnNumber stack line fields with a prefix of " -".

var formatErrors = require("formaterrors");
var format = new formatErrors.StackFormat();
format.components = ["fileName", "lineNumber", "columnNumber"];
format.prefix = "    -"


$ npm install formaterrors

Or include as a dependency within packakage.json and use: npm link.


var formatErrors = require("formaterrors");

Then invoke the provided APIs on instances of Error or Error.stack as required. Some examples are shown below.


  1. Highlight in bold the message and stacklines that include the module name of an error:

     var formatErrors = require("formaterrors");
     var error = new Error("the error message");
     var error = formatErrors.boldError(error, "testFormatErrors");
  2. Highlight an error using bold for the stacklines containing some pattern - say the name of a module. Also, if the assertion message is long then the diff of the expected and actual are provided along with the expected and actual values:

     var formatErrors = require("formaterrors");
     var stackTheme = new formatErrors.StackTheme();
     stackTheme.messageLineHighlights = [formatErrors.STYLES.BOLD];
     stackTheme.stackHighlights = [formatErrors.STYLES.BOLD];
     stackTheme.stackHighlightPatterns = ["testDocit"];
     throw formatErrors.highlightError(error, stackTheme);
  3. From a stack trace, only show stack lines that include a specified value or values:

     var formatErrors = require("formaterrors");
     var error = new Error("the error message");
     var filteredStack = formatErrors.stackFilter(error.stack, ["stackPatternFilter", "Object"]);
  4. From a stack trace, only show stack lines that do not include a specified value or values:

     var formatErrors = require("formaterrors");
     var error = new Error("the error message");
     var filteredStack = formatErrors.stackFilter(error.stack, ["stackPatternFilter", "Object"], false);
  5. From a stack trace, only include the first 2 stack lines:

     var formatErrors = require("formaterrors");
     var error = new Error("the error message");
     var rangedStack = formatErrors.stackRange(error.stack, 0, 2);
  6. From a stack trace, Include all but the first 2 stack lines:

     var formatErrors = require("formaterrors");
     var error = new Error("the error message");
     var rangedStack = formatErrors.stackRange(error.stack, 2);
  7. Set up prefixes for message and stack lines using highlights and apply them when logging an error:

     var failTheme = new formatErrors.StackTheme();
     failTheme.messageLineHighlights = ["        "];
     failTheme.stackHighlights = ["      "];
     var failError = formatErrors.highlightError(error, failTheme);

Some examples are available within the examples folder. They can be executed as follows:

$node examples/<file.js>

API Docs



An object that describes the format of a stack line.


An object that may be used to define a theme for a a set operations (transformations) to apply to an error stack.


Some provided styles for stackHighlight. These may be overridden or alternatives may be used as required.


exports.boldError = function (error, moduleName)###

Convenience method that styles an Error so that the message is bold. If a module name is also provided then all stack lines containing that module name are also bold styled.


  • error Error the Error
  • moduleName String optional module name or pattern whose matched StackLines are to be styled bold


the Error styled bold


exports.highlightError = function (error, stackTheme, stackFormat)###

Apply a StackTheme and an optional StackFormat to an error and return the result.

If the given error is an AssertionError with a long actual / expected then the diff of the actual / expected will also be provided and added to the message part of the error.


  • error Error an Error to style
  • stackTheme StackTheme the theme for the error
  • stackFormat StackFormat optional StackFormat to apply formatting to the stack lines


Error the given Error with stack themed and formatted as required


exports.formatStack = function (error, stackFormat)###

Format the stack part (i.e. the stack lines not the message part in the stack) according to a specified StackFormat. (See exports.StackFormat for available stack line fields.)


  • error Error the error whose stack to format
  • stackFormat StackFormat the specification for the required format


Error the given error with its stack modified according to the given StackFormat


exports.boldMessageBoldModuleStack = function (stack, moduleName)###

Convenience method that highlights the message line and all module related lines in bold.


  • stack String an Error stack (i.e. error.stack)
  • moduleName String the name of a module whose stack lines to highlight in bold


String a new error stack with bold message and module entries.


exports.applyStackHighlights = function (stack, messageLineHighlights, stackHighlights, stackPatterns, inclusive)###

Convenience method to apply a given set of highlights to a an error stack.


  • stack String an Error stack (i.e. error.stack)
  • messageLineHighlights String[] an array of prefixes to be applied to the first line of the stack (e.g. [exports.styles.RED, exports.styles.BOLD])
  • stackHighlights String[] an array of prefixes to be applied to each line (e.g. [exports.styles.RED, exports.styles.BOLD]) matching one or more of the provided "stackPatterns"
  • stackPatterns String[] an array of regular expressions against which to perform match operations on each line of the stack
  • inclusive Boolean use the patterns to include or exclude from the stack. Defaults to true.


String a new error stack String highlighted as specified by the parameters


exports.applyStackTheme = function (stack, theme)###

Convenience method to apply multiple transformations to an error stack.


  • stack String an error stack (i.e. error.stack)
  • theme StackTheme the theme for the stack


String a new error stack String transformed according to the specified StackFormat


exports.highlightStackMessage = function (stack, highlights)###

Highlight just the first line of an error stack - i.e. the message part


  • stack String an Error stack (i.e. error.stack)
  • highlights String[] an array of prefixes to be applied to each matching line (e.g. [exports.styles.RED, exports.styles.BOLD])


String a new error stack with the given highlights applied to the message part


exports.stackRange = function (stack, start, depthFromStart)###

Given an stack from an Error return a subset of the lines in the stack. The first line (aka the message) is always included.


  • stack String the Error stack (i.e. error.stack)
  • start Number the first line of the stack to include in the range. Note that the message lines are always included as the real first lines regardless of the value of 'start'.
  • depthFromStart Number optional number of lines from 'start' to include in the returned stack. If not provided the full stack depth starting from 'start' is provided.


String a new error stack containing the specified range of lines from the provided stack.


exports.stackFilter = function (stack, filters, inclusive)###

Filter lines of a stack in or out of the stack based on an array of regexp values. If a line matches a regexp then it is either included or excluded in the returned stack based on the value of 'inclusive'.


  • stack String a stack from an Error (i.e. error.stack)
  • filters String[] an array of regular expressions against which to perform match operations on each line of the stack
  • inclusive Boolean use the filters to include or exclude from the stack. Defaults to true.


String a new error stack filtered according to the 'filters' and 'inclusive' values


exports.stackHighlight = function (stack, patterns, highlights, inclusive)###

Apply highlights to an error stack including the message part (line 0 of error.stack) based on matching patterns.


  • stack String a stack from an Error (i.e. error.stack)
  • patterns String[] an array of regular expressions against which to perform match operations on each line of the stack
  • highlights an array of prefixes to be applied to each matching line (e.g. [exports.styles.RED, exports.styles.BOLD])
  • inclusive Boolean use the patterns to include or exclude from the stack. Defaults to true.


String a new error stack highlighted with the specified highlights according to the provided patterns


exports.applyFilters = function (includedAction, excludedAction, stack, filters, inclusive, includeMessage)###

Apply filters to the lines of an error.stack and call the includedAction or the excludedAction functions based on the result of the match and the value of the 'inclusive' parameter. If based on the filter a stack line is included includedAction is invoked with the current value of the stack under construction and the current stack line. Otherwise excludedAction is called with the same arguments.

This function is common to higher level functions that operate based on stack line filtering and should only be required to meet bespoke behaviour that cannot be achieved through the higher level functions (e.g. exports.stackHighlight and exports.stackFilter).

Normally there should be no need to call this function directly.


  • {Function(stack, stackLine)} includedAction the function to call for stack lines that are included based on filters and inclusive parameters. Function signature is: includedAction(stackUnderConstruction, includedStackLine) returning the updated stackUnderConstruction.
  • {Function(stack, stackLine)} excludedAction the function to call for stack lines that are excluded based on filters and inclusive parameters. Function signature is: excludedAction(stackUnderConstruction, excludedStackLine) returning the updated stackUnderConstruction.
  • stack String a stack from an Error (i.e. error.stack)
  • filters String[] an array of regular expressions against which to perform match operations on each line of the stack
  • inclusive Boolean use the filters to include or exclude from the stack. Defaults to true.
  • includeMessage Boolean include the message part of the stack in the filtering operation


String a new error stack modified according to the results of calls to includedAction and excludedAction based on filters provided and the inclusive parameter.


Tests utilise nodeunit. In addition jshint is run against both lib and test javascript files.

First install the dependencies:

$ npm link

Then to run the tests:

$ npm test


Contributions are welcome. Please create tests for any updates and ensure jshint is run on any new files. Currently npm test will run jshint on all lib and test javascript as well as running all the tests.

Bugs & Feature Suggestions

Known Limitations

  • Changing the stack line prefix and subsequently applying stack highlights or theme is not likely to produce the desired result because the stack prefix is key to differentiating between the message and the stack lines parts of the error stack.




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  • allanmboyd