fp-ts port of Haskell's QuickCheck.
NOTE Please note that shrinking is exposed, but not used in the assertions. When used in the assertions, this library will be ready for production use.
- [x] Pure - Purely functional implementation.
- [x] Compatible - Easily integrates into existing testing frameworks.
- [x] Extensible - Customize what testable property's are.
- [ ] Shrinking (in progress) - Let the software decide what the minimum value that is causing an error.
yarn add -D fp-ts-quickcheck
Quick Start
Grab your favourite test library, in this case jest
, and put the assertion call of this library into the test caller.
export function add(x: number, y: number) {
return x + y
import { quickcheck, arbitrary } from "fp-ts-quickcheck"
import { expect, it, describe } from "@jest/globals"
import { pipe } from "fp-ts/function"
describe(add, () => {
const numnum = arbitrary.tuple(arbitraty.int(), arbitrary.int())
it("should be an associative operation", () => {
// returning a boolean
quickcheck.sync(numnum, ([x, y]) => add(y, x) === add(x, y))
it("should be an associative operation", () => {
// throwing an assertion error
quickcheck.sync(numnum, ([x, y]) => {
expect(add(x, y)).toBe(add(y, x))