
0.2.1 • Public • Published


fstk is a Node.js module for extending Node's FS module with various utility methods, without relying on child processes (i.e. bash).

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install fstk

var fstk = require('fstk');


All methods accept optional options object and callback as last two arguments (order doesn't matter). If options are not supplied, defaults are used. If callback is not supplied, noop is used.

  • tempfile() - Returns a unique temporary file path, using the system's default temp directory
  • filename(path) - Returns path's base filename with extension removed
  • replaceExt(path, extension) - Replace path's current extension (if any) with extension
  • fileType(path) - Returns an intelligent guess of path's type based on extension (right now either video, audio, or image). Mime type list is located in ./resources/mimes.json
  • subPaths(path) - Returns all intermediate paths (parent directories) to path
  • stat(path, options, callback) - Performs a more comprehensive stat on path. Includes automatic evaluation of Node's isFile, isDirectory, ... methods. Includes automatic mime lookup, path normalization, and check for symbolic link. Pass options.fast_stat to skip these enhancements.
  • exists(path, callback) - Checks for path's existence and passes true or false to callback
  • transformDir(path, transformer, options, callback) - Reads contents of directory at path, performing transformer on all file paths found. transformer is passed a path and a callback to include an error (if it occurs) as first element and and transformed path as second argument. Uses async.mapSeries.
  • statDir(path, callback) - Perform stat on path and it's top-level contents, passing an error (if applicable) and an object to callback containing path's stat and path.files with an array of stat objects for contents.
  • dirTree(path, callback) - Recursively read and stat path and its subdirectories, passing to callback an error (if applicable) and an object representing a tree-like structure of path's deep contents.
  • dirPart(path, callback) - Partitions the deep contents of path into arrays of directories and files. Passes to callback an error (if applicable) and the flattened arrays of path's contents (regardless of specific sub-level).
  • flattenDir(path, callback) - Flattens the structure of path, moving all files to the top level and deleting the now empty subdirectories. Name collisions will cause deeper paths to be overwritten with shallower paths with the same filename.
  • emptyDir(path, callback) - Deletes files on all levels of path, leaving the now empty subdirectories in their original structure.
  • writeFile(path, body, options, callback) - Identical to Node's fs.writeFile but also creates any parent directories that do not exist, similar to bash's mkdir -p
  • transformFile(path, transformer, options, callback) - Reads in path's data, passes it to transformer, which passes an error (if it occurs) and the transformed contents of path which are then used to overwrite path. Pass options.destination to write the transformed data somewhere other than path
  • writeGzipFile(path, body, options, callback) - Compress data (gzip) and write the compressed version to path, include options.encoding to use encoding other than utf8
  • readGzipFile(path, options, callback) - Read a compressed file at path, decompressing it, and passing the resulting buffer to callback with an error (if it occured)
  • writeJSON(path, obj, callback) - Stringify obj and write it to path
  • readJSON(path, callback) - Parse the contents of path and pass results to callback as an object
  • updateJSON(path, update, [value], callback) - Update the contents of JSON at path, setting property update to value, or calling update with JSON set as this
  • mkdir(path, callback) - Similar to bash's mkdir -p, makes any missing parent paths for path before making path
  • rmdir(path, callback) - Similar to bash's rm -rf path, removes empty and non-empty directories, while also deleting any of their contents
  • rm(path, callback) - Similar to bash's rm -rf, removes path even if it is a directory (empty or non-empty)
  • watchFile(path, options, callback) - Poor man's database -- watches a file, loading its updated contents into memory when changes occur and persisting changes to the loaded version to disk. Passing options.serializer(data, cb) and options.deserializer(data, cb) provides asynchronous methods used to serialize data (when persisting to disk) and deserialize data (when loading from disk). callback is passed an object to callback with the following methods and properties:
    • watcher - Underlying FS.fileWatcher instance
    • get(callback) - Passes latest file data to callback. If a disk read is in progress, callback is blocked until read is completed
    • set(data, callback) - Sets file data to data and persists to disk, calling callback when complete
    • pset(pStr, value, callback) - Sets a deep property (pStr) of file data to value and persists all data to disk, calling callback when complete
  • watchDirectory(path, options, callback) - watch a directory of files, passing to callback an object including files, an object of watched files
  • watchJSON(path, options, callback) - Uses watchFile with JSON serializers and deserializers to keep a JSON file actively updated in memory as an object
  • watchDirectoryJSON(path, options, callback) - watch a directory of JSON files, passing to callback an object including files, an object of watched JSON files
  • getURL(url, options, callback) - Saves contents of url to a temporary file. Pass options.dest_path to specify a destination path. callback is passed an error and path for the newly created file
  • postPath(path, url, options, callback) - Post the contents of path to url. Pass options.method as post or put to change request type. Pass options.form_field to specify a form field to post file contents to. Pass options.form_data to include other form data in the request.


Copyright (c) 2014 Ben Sack Licensed under the MIT license.




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