This is a NodeJS SDK based on the Devfundme's API. It allows people to easily integrate payment functionnalities in their apps. This SDK support up to 200 currencies and use STRIPE, MONCASH, NATCASH as payment gateway.
Run the command :
$ npm install fundmefy
To use this SDK, please visit to get your token.
const sdk = new FundMeFy("YOUR TOKEN")
sdk.generate({amount, returnUrl, note, payorName, payorEmail})
.then(response => {
const { mainData, all } = response
.catch(error => (error))
Params must be an object; All those keys 👇 are required
- amount (string or number)
- returnUrl (string) : The url to redirect the user after the payment
- note (string) : Payment's description
- payorName (string)
- payorEmail (string)
You can also change the currency, just add the key :
- currency (string) : "USD" by default
Note that if the given currency isn't USD, the amount will be converted to USD using openexchangerates with real time rates.
Two objects (mainData & all) are returned in generate's method. mainData is a concise form of all. You can log them for more details.
.then(response => console.log(response))
.catch(error => console.error(error))
.then(response => console.log(response))
.catch(error => console.error(error))
.then(response => console.log(response))
.catch(error => console.error(error))
The project use a non Open Source package, so we're limited with the amount of request we can do in order to support multiple currencies. Contact me at : [] if you use this in a big project in order to upgrade the SDK plan.
- [Jean David Bruno][]
- [Dieuyel Jean Jeudy][]